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Everything posted by FourString

  1. Not everyone can be like me :gabe: I thought you had a racing seat? Did you sell the damn thing?
  2. Those are fantastic vehicles. I was looking to buy one about a year ago and did quite a lot of research on them. From everything I have read, they are relatively bulletproof. Keeping the timing belts changed seems to be the biggest priority with most owners. Like Rocky said, it is an easy job. I noticed that it is somewhat difficult to find one without rusted bumpers. The only reason I didn't buy one is because I found a deal on a full size Bronco that I couldn't pass up.
  3. I know what you mean. I sold my 1G last year in favor of the FD. Luckily, my best friend owns it and has agreed to sell it back to me when I want it back. I still get to drive it all the time and work on it just as often. It held the record for Most Reliable DSM in Columbus for the longest time. :gabe: Anyway, if I move away this summer I am buying it back and bringing it with me. I just cannot be without that car. I have been into DSMs for 10 years and I'm not about to stop. The FD isn't going anywhere though.
  4. As of right now the only vehicles that aren't going anywhere are the FD and the GL1000. I have too much time and blood in the bike. The FD is just so cool and unique that I could never see it out of my possession. The Si COULD be let go, but I highly doubt it any time soon. It's just a riot to drive on a daily basis. However, if someone gave me enough for it I would likely sell it. As of right now though, the plan is to continue daily driving it until I get a decent job and it will be tin-canned and made into a track car. The Jeep and the Bronco could be sold without a care though. The nice thing is that the Jeep is worth about 8-9k right now. I am seriously considering selling it just to have the extra cash because I NEVER drive it. The Bronco gets driven fairly often, but I have no major attachment to it.
  5. I have that same saw. I have used it for an entire house (major) remodel and it has never once made a hiccup.
  6. Doesn't matter now. It sold last weekend to ICEMAN. Mods can lock it up.
  7. You apparently do not watch the Walking Dead.
  8. No shit. I want in on this too.
  9. FourString

    Kony 2012

    I guess I am a cold hearted asshole too. No fucks given here. I honestly did not watch the video, but I know what is going on just from reading this thread. It seems easily predictable. Good job CR!
  10. How does everyone feel about the Note? I am ready for this one as soon as Sprint gets it or even something comparable.
  11. Yeah a safer version of it would be AWESOME. It still does not stop me from wanting to go to the real ring someday and run on it. Only a few more years to go :gabe:
  12. It would be cool if VW opened it up to them to basically say "we ain't skeered". Though, I do not see that happening.
  13. I was waiting for you or Rich to show up in here and put these guys in their place. That being said, I will be out this season in the Si as always, but I dare not claim to hold a candle to a MS Miata...better driver or not. Get plenty of seat time, Scott. There is plenty to learn.
  14. I like Armor All glass cleaner and that is pretty much it.
  15. While we are on the topic, 1967 GTX :megusta:
  16. You'll be seeing a lot of that this summer so get used to it :gabe: (Waits for typical apex seal jokes...)
  17. That RX7 pulled hard! The Evo would have done FAR better with a bigger turbo though. This gets me excited to finally get to work on my FD this weekend.
  18. Seems a bit overkill, IMO. It's a good way to win someone over though. The pics made me el oh el.
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