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Everything posted by FourString

  1. CTS-V with a hitch. Dunno about gas mileage though.
  2. God damn it! My fucking neck just snapped.
  3. FourString


    I didn't figure that would last long.
  4. Just kill her. Fuck it. Bitches like that don't deserve to live. They provide no positive contribution to the world.
  5. I didn't figure you would do it. I called BS on the rumor when I heard it.
  6. Doc must be out with his "other" toys. You know, the ones we all hear rumors about...
  7. Lies. Just buy the damn car.
  8. Fuck it. I wouldn't be afraid of it. If it was well maintained, and it checks out great, then it's better than an F-Body anyway The price is right. Fucking do it! DO IT!
  9. Novelty vehicle, IMO. You could have the same "coolness" and more durability out of an H1. Not only that, but I would actually take an H1 off road. That Lambo will likely always only see pavement.
  10. For what, Nick? I heard you sold the Mustang. Rumors are rumors though.
  11. Hence, the reason I stated above "aside of just flying out to Phoenix to find out for myself". I thought that mensans were on the higher end of reading comprehension?
  12. Okay, I am still unsure if my desire to move to Phoenix is worth pursuing. I have SEVERE allergies here in Ohio. One of the main reasons I want to move is to, hopefully, breathe better. Do you guys want to give some input on this? I saw a website yesterday that said Phoenix was one of the top 30 worst cities for allergies. I take statistics with a grain of salt because I know too much about how it works. I also know that there are many possible contributing variables to allergies (dust, pollution, etc,.). Aside of just flying out to Phoenix to find out for myself, I would like to get more opinions of those who have gone from Ohio to Phoenix. Did you have allergy irritation while in Ohio? Now that you are in Phoenix, is it gone?
  13. Rock River doesn't? I'll be honest, the RRA AR-15 was my top contender at the moment.
  14. I'm curious, what is considered top tier for AR15s? Say, the top 5 brands? I know this is likely heavily opinion based, but we'll go with that. Nice AR! I'm wanting to pick one up in the next year or so myself.
  15. You have me seriously considering moving there instead of Virginia. I just want to be closer to the ocean though. Damn these decisions!
  16. FourString


    Thanks. I'm willing to try anything at this point.
  17. FourString


    Well crap. There goes that idea.
  18. FourString


    Please, elaborate more. I'm curious where the honey plays in.
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