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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/519/673/michigan_script_09_display_image.jpg?1290464812 Michigan doing it up old school 1932
  2. The University of Michigan! That's right we did it as a gift to you 4 years before you ever did it!
  3. I believe it. The biggest hassle I have had was before I had my CCW. My girlfriend, her friend and myself were returning from the grocery store and we were detained while they ran a drug dog around the car because it was the type of car that drug runners use (2000 Integra?!?!). He then proceeded to lecture me on how he could write me up for the illegally tinted front window (which does not even have a factory tint bar let alone tint).
  4. Should have been an immediate suspension not postponed.
  5. The only time I had an issue, I was not even carrying. I was pulled over in a DWI checkpoint. Cop said he could smell alcohol on my breath. Get out do my field sobriety test...pass. Blow in the breathalyzer..... .03 good to go. Then he asks for ID and does a warrant check. Comes back with my CCW. So he asks if I am carrying. I tell him no that I had planned to drink so I left it at home. Tells me that was a smart idea but that anytime I interact with a cop I should let him know if I am carrying or not. This is the only time I have heard this and that was the end of the conversation. I was always told let them know when I AM carrying but never told to say I am NOT carrying. Not really hassled just questioned.
  6. Does anyone know which company Sony uses for their factory drives?
  7. I do usually like NewEgg, TigerDirect or MicroCenter. I have been finding better deals elsewhere lately though. http://www.costcentral.com/proddetail/Samsung_SpinPoint_MP4_HM640JJ/HM640JJ/11235974/froogle/ Same drive $69.62 shipped. I have a couple more tools I will use when I get home and see if I can find it cheaper.
  8. Not to mention it is illegal in the state of Ohio. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/955.50 955.50 Sale and transportation of dogs. (A) No person shall sell, offer to sell, or expose for sale, for the purpose of resale or receive for delivery within this state, or ship from any point within this state to any point outside this state, for sale to the general public at retail, any dog under the age of eight weeks. (B) No person shall receive from outside this state, or ship from any point within this state to any point outside this state, for sale to the general public at retail, any dog that is not accompanied by a certificate, issued by a licensed veterinarian who is accredited by the United States department of agriculture and authorized to issue health certificates for animals in interstate commerce, certifying that the dog is sufficiently sound and healthy to be reasonably expected to withstand the intended transportation without adverse effect. © This section does not apply to the transportation of dogs in interstate commerce by common carrier, provided that neither the point of shipment nor the point of receiving is within this state. (D) No person responsible for the transportation of a pregnant dog to any point within this state or from any point within this state to any point outside this state shall be liable in damages for any injury to or illness of, or the death of, the dog or any puppies, whenever the injury, illness, or death results from the birth of such puppies during the time the dog is being transported. Effective Date: 06-04-1976
  9. I have an old 80 GB system. It is starting to fill up. I started looking for a new hard drive but, this will be the first thing I have swapped parts in (computer, video game system, etc.). From what I have read, I need a 2.5" notebook hard drive that is 9.5mm tall and is SATA. What do you think of this drive? http://www.pcconnectionexpress.com/IPA/Shop/Product/Detail.htm?sku=11621056&cm_mmc=Pricegrabber-_-11621056-_-New-_-GY18&ci_src=5784816&ci_sku=11621056
  10. They do it here on a small dent over a crease.... http://www.wimp.com/repairdent/ I can't see the other videos at work so it may be the same video....
  11. Did it break off on the top elbow into the large log part of the manifold or the lower part of the pcv into the lower part of the manifold? If it is the upper part I would let it go or try to fish it out maybe LONG pliers thru the throttle body? If it is the lower, it went into the valley on top of the block into the oil system...time to pull the manifold.
  12. 99FLHRCI

    Favorite rootbeer?

    Try Tony's Coneys on West Broad. They have it on tap. They also have amazing corn nuggets. Creamed corn deep fried mmmmmmm. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=broad+st+columbus+ohio&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  13. That is how my parents TWC DVR box works. When they had 2 boxes I know they could record 2 and watch a third. I do not know if they could record a third and watch a fourth or not.
  14. That is a pretty old picture. GameInformer had a newer image with dual joysticks. They are right where the 2 dots are in that big open spot.
  15. lmfao!!!!! I was waiting for kung fu kid to get his ass beat.........
  16. I 100% back this. 18 months ago I was drinking more Coca-Cola then you could fathom. (On trips from Chicago to Ann Arbor I would kill a case...yes 24 12 oz cans) If I didn't have it I was miserable. I would take 2 carts when I went shopping, a pop cart and a food cart. I would get migraines and other withdrawal symptoms without it. I had tried many times to stop and couldn't. Then in October I caught H1N1. I suffered through for over a week of barely keeping anything down sick as a dog and not going to the doctor. I had already made it through withdrawals. I swore off all caffeine. About a week later I had a heart attack. After talking with the Cardiac Doctor he said he truly believed that if I had as much caffeine in my system as I normally had, I would not have made it to the hospital. The alcohol that I had may have actually helped slow the heart attack that I had been experiencing for hours before finally collapsing. Since then I have only had 2 shots (jager bombs). Other then that I have been caffeine free for over a year and an extreme decrease in pop. I still have a fair amount of pop but, I am slowly increasing water and replacing the pop. It has done a lot for weight and for my sleep/energy levels. I have also found that water depends on taste for a lot of people. Personally, I LOVE smartwater and Fugi. It just tastes better to me. I don't mind paying for it because I would alternately pay for a pop. Also, smartwater is good when exercising as it has electrolytes added to it.
  17. Until everyone around you steals the food from your plants or destroys it because they have nothing better to do.
  18. Better then no guns for the good guys and all the guns for the bad guys. He obviously didn't care about gun laws. Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars. Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have them. More pro self defense quotes...blah....blah...blah
  19. I read another article where people on the third floor were watching the whole thing on a live feed and didn't do anything because they thought"it was some type of drill or something".
  20. Combined with the fact that it was most likely a .22. It says it was a small caliber and he has a criminal history that involved shooting at his ex girlfriend and threatening to kill her, people around her and himself while armed with 2 .22 pistols.
  21. All the more reason to allow licensed people to carry in more places. I bet being shot would have stopped him.
  22. I was sent a link that had a LOT of old car brochures. Thought some other people might find it interesting. http://www.lov2xlr8.no/broch1.html I was able to find a lot of the cars that I have owned through the years. It was kind of cool to see what they looked like from the factory.
  23. I can't find the cars that I have won and then took delivery of. Eracer00TypeR on PSN
  24. quoted because all it takes to make an exhaust is cats and mufflers
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