So this year, we celebrated Christmas on New Year's Eve. My brother is a rookie cop and he wasn't able to get back to the area until then. My Dad has been having lots of stomach issues recently. So on Thursday the 30th he goes in for a colonoscopy. Results are due back Monday. Friday the hospital calls and he missed it as he was making everyone breakfast. They call again and it is only 10 am. He answers and they want him in on Monday for a CAT scan. He goes in and they say there is a cyst on his liver and they want to do a biopsy. He goes in Monday and they try to do a biopsy. Turns out it is a solid mass and not a cyst and it is not actually on his liver. So they go back in today. Doctor says they are certain it is cancer. We get final results and a sample back on Monday and he heads to Cleveland clinic on Tuesday. Mom hasn't told me what kind of cancer it is but, supposedly it is all over the diaphragm and the lining that holds all your guts. There are lumps all over the place. Mom and Dad were up all last night researching and the prognosis that most people get is 6 months. Apparently, it is very aggressive. We will find out more next week.