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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Lol. So true. And thanks!!!
  2. Damn Josh, I new you were into some sick shit but this is a whole new level!!
  3. Yeah not sure if I should be flattered or creeped out....
  4. I get stepped on once with a guy wearing steel- toed boots. It got all bloody and black and I had to pull the nail the rest if the way off so it would grow back. That wasnt fun. It still grows in funny.
  5. But instead Scuit had decided to
  6. and THIS is why I live by myself!!
  7. I'm signed up for the class on May 11th with my mom. BTW, MT, Please be nice to her!
  8. OH come on just admit it, you've heard what a great ass I have and you just want to stare at it!!!
  9. haha thanks. I'm hoping to get out a little this week after work just around my neighborhood to get used to the actual road a little first.
  10. haha thats fine. Just be prepared to not go very fast at first. lol. I'm not sure of a time or anything for riding. The boy toy mentioned going riding sat with him and Tyler (Steve Butters) to get me on the actual road a bit.
  11. haha. I am planning on riding around my neighborhood a little bit after work a little this week. Sat I'm actually planning on venturing outside of my neighborhood on some back roads and not by myself.
  12. haha idk about that quite yet. We will see how I handle riding on Sat., and how the bike runs as well.
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