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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. I wasnt lying. I dont lie. Not capable of it. I have a lack of a filter between my brain and my mouth.
  2. I'm sure there are some quite revealing pics on my facebook!!!
  3. Haha that really makes me want to ask past guys what color eyes I have cuz trust me when I say mine are not small!!!!
  4. Holy Shit. I know the girl on the left
  5. How am I gonna get through my work day without Brown's pics?
  6. Ya really think I'd be able to find me a real man on here anyways....
  7. well douche is what I meant. Not easy trying to type on my iphone drunk. and I've had enough douches in my life. I need me a real man. haha
  8. haha YES that is so very very true.
  9. That is true. Which cracks me up because I've made it very clear that I'm not on here looking for a new guy. I'm here to learn more about the motorcycle that I am riding. Meet some new FRIENDS. and have a little fun along the way. I have a different personality than most girls. Dont like it....Get over it. I dont care. I just know how to laugh and have fun and that is all that matters. Yeah I was hammered when I posted that last night. But I could def try that.
  10. That would be after someone else breaks my heart. Or he just didnt push the right buttons that night.
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