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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. I can not believe what I just witnessed. My 60yo female co-worker actually just tried to argue with a 90yo man about who was in more pain. seriously?
  2. Now I remember why I never put up that many Christmas decorations in the office. I'm allergic to them.
  3. well guess I should learn to pay more attention when I'm drinking. haha
  4. I can sew. You design it and I'll make it.
  5. Oh and BTW It was really great meeting those of you I hadnt met last night. It's really nice to put some faces to everything.
  6. No you should be proud, I took your advice and went with the Evan Williams.
  7. No i just had a lot of whiskey. haha. But it's all good. glad you guys did. I did have fun though.
  8. sometimes when i drink i dont want to sober up for work in the morning.....oh wait thats everytime
  9. Well wasn't sure since at the end he was talking about meeting me and saying I was nice.
  10. are you talking about me? and if so, what stories are those?
  11. hehe thanks. Hopefully i can get over to hilliard tomorrow morning and get that hooked up before work. Sorry to hear about your wife. Hope she feels better soon.
  12. lets see.... My basic medical kit including... lighters and probably some other kind of cauterizing device matches gauze super glue rubbing alcohol ace wrap a ruler and a magazine then... a change of clothes, especially socks and underwear food and water for several days as much ammo as i can carry C4 and homemade twinkies
  13. ninjachic

    wrecked bike

    My dad hates the fact that I have a bike, so I know he will never touch it. My brothers, on the other hand, well that may be a different story.
  14. that it is!!!! especially when people actually get the hell out of my way Yeah I work 2 jobs, so I dont even have days off. Next one for me is christmas, after that, who knows. (unless I take an unexpected sick day which may have to come soon for my sanity)
  15. Hell yeah for leaving 10 min late to work and still being on time!
  16. actually I have only seen your face once. but seeing as I just closed on my condo which is right down the street from your store, you may be seeing more of my wonderful face
  17. oh so I actually get a chance to put faces to those leg humping comments? oh hell yeah!!!!
  18. thank you that is super helpful. I loved WOW when I had it so that makes me excited.
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