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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. haha Thanks. Gotta amuse myself some how. :D

  2. So when ya gonna bring me some?
  3. Whiskey + small.amount.of.black.tea > Bailey's + small.amount.of.coffee
  4. yea dont know much about bikes yet. But I do know that bolts usually go all the way in the hole and not partly.
  5. hey see yall who were begging for pics, you finally got one!
  6. ninjachic

    Beer Pics

    hey the thread is called beer PICS so therefor you need to post the pic of it.
  7. so everyone keeps telling me. thought I fixed that. guess not.
  8. haha lucky you. how do I get free TV? and that sounds about right. some website servers suck!
  9. haha I just saw that one. It would be better if pics were posted on some of those too.
  10. that sounds like one of my dreams but now as quite as fucked up.
  11. oh no. did I fix it?

  12. wait craigslist has a hookup section. so need to check this out. you've got me curious.
  13. nah. eharmony costs a lot of money. So that just makes OR better than eharmony!
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