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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. I was moving my bike to my garage last Fri. Priorities.
  2. haha I appreciate that. It's all in good fun. haha. this is true!!!
  3. Now why is that? I think it's quite awesome but I guess can be a little lonely from time to time.
  4. what can I say, I'm a pro at stroking a lot of things.
  5. seriously, Watch the movie idiocracy
  6. Really frustrates me when people go all super religious on me. Dont get me wrong, I'm not against religions and all that. I just don't like to constantly have it shoved in my face. I went to Catholic Schools for 13 years. I think I get it by now. Dont need to listen to it anymore.
  7. OH wow. He looks and sounds like the best dog ever. Congrats!
  8. oh now that just gets me even more excited!!
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