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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. oh no. well that's too bad.
  2. Now I really want to get into a hot tub right about now.
  3. ok first off. she's has a bathing suit on. Of course nothings gonna happen with a bathing suit on. You gotta get in the hot tub naked to begin with. Besides the jets feel better when you arent wearing anything.
  4. hahaha. I'm sorry. guess you arent one of the lucky ones then.

  5. it actually was pretty good. Kind of tasted like funky Mountain Dew
  6. ninjachic

    she is home!

    Oh Yeah! I was waiting to see a pic. Nice. Congrats!
  7. She was really enjoying that! Good find!
  8. not to mention those times when some sewage line breaks and that ends up in the river as well.
  9. So whiskey or wine tonight? hmmmm...
  10. At my apartment for the longest time, I had 2 monitors and a TV hooked up to my computer. That was awesome.
  11. OMG. You're poor bike. That really sucks. Really really glad you walked away fine though. Damn lucky!
  12. Haha. That's why I dont put up any at home. Our patients seem to expect it at the office though. It's Dec 3rd and I am just now working on it but they've been asking me for 2 weeks now when I am going to put them up. And as far as my co-worker goes, she sits on her fat ass all day and answers the phone. Not much to complain about. (yeah I cant stand her. My nickname for her is muttacunt).
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