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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. haha. dont worry I will be getting in contact with you when I can move my bike but you dont have a truck. I just need to get my bike to my garage this weekend and after that, I can start getting help working on it.
  2. nope but I'm a pretty smart cookie. I can usually figure stuff like that out.
  3. I know. I'm not worried about getting my other stuff moved. I have 2 months to move before my lease is up on my apt. I just want to get my bike out of the cold right now.
  4. Well I was planning on it. but I cant even get someone to help me with my bike for food. So how are people gonna help me move?
  5. I've helped put it in the back of a truck before. So really I just need one strong guy with a truck. Maybe I'll have to bribe with my chicken enchiladas instead of my chili.
  6. Wasnt there a funny pic posted not that long ago where someone had the front wheel of their bike in the trunk of their car? I could just move it that way. haha just kidding.
  7. ok well I can def run to walmart today and get that. I havent even figured out how I am moving yet or even when I am going to move.
  8. It kind of looks like the bastard child of a motorcycle and a 4 wheeler mixed with some crack.
  9. No I dont. Yes I know I need to get one. Only problem it's at my apartment complex and there's no where to plug it in. Hence why it would be easier to do that when I can get it to my garage.
  10. Well I've tried to start it like 3 times within the past 3 weeks. The last time I got it to start was about 4 weeks ago.
  11. Just let me know when and where and I will bring chili.
  12. well yeah I figured. That's why I am hoping to find someone to help me look over it. I am all about the dont do it for me, show me how to do it so I can do it in the future. It's how I learned to build computers, build other shit, cook, etc. It would also help if I can just get my bike to my garage since right now it's chillin outside. I'm trying to do all of this the cheapest way possible, since starting next week, I will be paying to 2 places for a couple of months and really wont have any money at all.
  13. Well when I break it hard core dives and no that is not me using the front break to hard. does it even if i just use the back break. My ex told me what it was but I dont remember. other than that, I want peice of mind on the rest of it. I mean, I did buy it off of some random guy on craigslist. No real way for me to tell how good he took care of it.
  14. Thank you. Not to mention as stated earlier, I will make some chili. and as nightrider told you, it is some pretty awesome chili. and it should taste awesome because it does take 12 hours to prep and make.
  15. Guess you'll just have to learn to trust me.
  16. well that depends on the person.
  17. Well right now it just doesnt start because the battery is dead. But it also has never had anyone really looked over it since I bought it. Probably wouldnt be a bad idea to have someone who knows what they are doing to do a once over. I do know that I will need to replace more than just the battery. I've rode it around neighbrhoods and stuff but havent been out on main roads yet. Not really sure I want to go out on main roads just yet with it not running the way it should be.
  18. I suppose if I could get it to my new place this weekend and in my garage, I could just recharge the battery and see if that works. But yet again, I have no idea how I am going to get it to my new place. Really starting to think I need to trade my car in for a truck!!!!
  19. Yeah. We tried that last night. Did work so well.
  20. yeah I've heard that a lot. and originally he told my ex he'd look over it for $40 but that was when I was still with my ex. So I wasnt sure if he'd still do it for that price. Also my exes bike is having problems and he's been having a hard time getting a hold of hoblick. I am moving like right down the street from him soon but I have no way of getting my bike to him.
  21. oh i figured. Nashville just gets me all excited. Plus I was also extremely drunk last night.
  22. omg i was in nashville about a month and a half ago. i seriously would kill to go again. that is seriously my current dream home. can we go to the distilleries cuz those are awesome. fyi so in love with JD. sweet so when can you help me/ meet your wife!!!
  23. well then tell her if you look at my bike, i'll teach her how to make some awesome chili.
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