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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Why the sudden want for a sports bike? You seemed like you really liked having this bike?
  2. no haha. I'd probably have better luck with that. I was advertising my business.
  3. btw - this is sarcasm. realized I needed to point that out. Just teasing. no. I do skin care - facials, waxing, chemical peels, microdermabrasions, and laser hair removal.
  4. Yeah I used to advertise on FB, soooo not worth it at all.
  5. Hence why I posted my FB page instead of actually saying what I did because I already know what that will turn this thread into. So thank you for doing that anyways.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/aestheticsbyjenna
  7. When my co-worker bitch constantly that I never do any treatments on them and then when I have a day that I can, So I offer and they say no.
  8. I went to IE and then to another computer to make sure it wasnt just me.
  9. Yeah, 90% of people who get in trouble for for torrenting is because of the seeding. Companies con monitor your uploads but not your downloads. I've known several people who got caught (including my mom) for this. So I should her how not to seed and now she's right back at it.
  10. I currently have TWC at my apartment. Still gotta look into what's available at my new condo. They are great but I think they can be really expensive. I've had WOW before and it was pretty much the same as TWC but a lot cheaper (just not available where I currently live). A few years ago, I had insight and had nothing but problems with them. I turned in my equipment and their staff is so unorganized that they claim I never returned the equipment and that I owe them $180 because of it. and I"ve been fighting with them ever since. I dont know much about AT&T but I have heard good things, I'm just not a huge fan of DSL.
  11. Yeah that's what I figured. and If it's like when I had to get the battery for my car, they took the old battery.
  12. Hey thank you. That works perfect because I can print that off, go somewhere hand it to someone and say that is what I need. Makes things easier for everything.
  13. wow now ya'll are making me think I need someone to come with me to buy a battery. haha. Kidding though. I at least know what to look for.
  14. Haha because a lot of people aren't very observant.
  15. haha. oh trust me i love my irish whiskeys as well. I'll have to try the george dickle. I've just always been able to hold my jack the best. oh i wanna try that too.
  16. thank you. I will def look into that. thank you again. that's my whole point right there. I'm all about meeting people. Which is why i have the 2 jobs that I do. I meet a ton of people every day and I love it. The people that I have met on here already are great. And I appreciate the help and am always willing to help others as well. and i'm irish. what irishman doesnt love whiskey?
  17. thank you. that's all it is. A little fun. Yeah I'm not your normal average girl and know how to hold my own when it comes to guys. yeah, my ex is a member of this site. so what? me being on here has nothing to do with him. So find a chill pill, eat a sammich relax and have a little fun.
  18. Thank you sir. That helps a lot. no that is not an accurate statement of me at all. and anyone who knows me could tell you that. which of course wouldnt be anyone on here. That's awesome. Thank you so much. This is exactly when I've needed. this is teach me to do it instead of having someone do it for me which like I said earlier is exactly what I am about. Awwww. That's so sad.
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