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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. i do give awesome bjs but only the lucky ones can enjoy that. and to enjoy that you have to work a lot harder than just looking at my bike.
  2. well then anyone wanna be my new friend? I make awesome chili.
  3. but i still need it looked over
  4. So it turns out I need a new battery. Also need it just looked over in general. Considering I have very little money at the moment. I need help finding the best price. so Who's got the best price?
  5. Ok that's good to know. Ill have to keep that in mind. Thanks.
  6. Well damn. That is good to know. And badtraindriver, I close in my condo on thurs. so I am sure for those people who want to help me move, I will have a party after and make chili for everyone.
  7. awwww....im tying for reason i cant post from certain sites.
  8. I actually would be very interested in knowing if this is true.
  9. I did but i didnt have the clip in it. dude still didnt realize it wasnt loaded. dumnass. no did not stab him just scared the shit out of him.
  10. so the roommate that live below me actually just knocked on my door and asked if I could keep the banging down. FUCKING SERIOUSLY? His fucking roommate tried to strangle his girlfriend and he's having a fit because he can hear me cutting carrots and celery for my chili. jackass just got a serious piece of my mind. I should come with a disclaimer...1. dont fuck with me. 2. dont fuck with me when i'm drinking. 3. dont fuck with me when i'm cooking. 4. REALLY DONT FUCK WITH ME WHEN I AM COOKING AND DRINKING dude who lives me below me just learned the hard way
  11. oh oh oh that looks fun. I wanna get dirty!!!!
  12. awww thanks. I appreciate that. but I really hope I don't get banned. i really think it was just the site I was using. I've seemed to notice that I can post pics from some sites but not others. which really is too bad because those pics were funny.
  13. please tell me you can at least see this one or i fucking give up.
  14. Fuck then it must me the site I was using.
  15. damnitt. I dont get it. for some reason some of my pictures post fine and others dont work. Can anyone else see them?
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