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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. ninjachic


    so i gotta ask why this pic in under the album "Bikes that interest me"
  2. i really need to stop posting pics drunk. i keep clicking the wrong part of the tread and keep seeing the first pic ever posted and i throw up in my mouth every time.
  3. i work at 6am black friday. i'm literally having dinner with my family tomorrow, saying love you gotta go bye right afterwards, driving home and going to bed so i can work the worse shift of my life.
  4. but but but neither of those help me at all since I have to fucking work black friday.
  5. hmmm.... well i know i am supposed to hang out with nightrider when i get off work that day, maybe I can talk him into chillin there instead. Looks like fun and I would LOVE to meet more of you.
  6. ninjachic

    New Bike!!

    very very very nice. she is quite sexy!!!
  7. that's awesome. I wish I had a teacher like that.
  8. You don't have to completely stare at the mirrors at all times to know where everyone is around you but you also shouldnt have to completely turn your entire body just to see if there is a car next to you. That can be very dangerous. I do go to the store in the middle of the night most of the time. But my whole point is not to have the kids running all over the place. Do you're kids listen to you and stay near you? or are they all over the place running into other people?
  9. You both suck. I am at my first job, and have to work my second job tonight, fri, sat and sun. But I will happily welcome anyone who wants to bring me eggnog while at that job.
  10. please no. You know ya'll have too much fun with me on here. You can ban me.
  11. that should be marked every day. I am not someone you piss off and get a way with it. Ask my exes. hahaha
  12. I wish I could. I just made her sit there on her phone for 40 min while I took back everyone who came in before her. She finally got the point and hung up. Funny thing is, she's a lot bigger than me and looked so scared when she apologized.
  13. Another thought, So a couple weeks ago I went to the grocery store. I'm driving around searching for a parking spot and see this very elderly man putting groceries in his car. about 2 min later, I finally found a parking spot. I see this elderly man pushing the cart back towards the store with his trunk still open. This is the part I hate, I also saw about 15 people just walk past him. Of course, I walked up to him and asked him if I could take the cart in for him. I just cant believe how many people will just walk past an elderly man obviously struggling and just let him struggle. I did not go out of my way at all to help him. Shows you how selfish and stuck up people are nowadays.
  14. See my rant from last sat morning. I hate all drivers in columbus.
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