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Posts posted by 3.504

  1. Well I've went 30,000 + miles on the street with no accidents whatsoever. The only other piece of safety gear I dont have is the pants. The rest I wear everytime no matter how short the trip. My point being I don't go ham on the street. But on the track im going to give it my all because I would be there ( for me ) to test my full ability and my bikes full ability. That's why you on a race track. To progress

    Sent from my HTC6990LVW using Tapatalk

    It's just the go kart track.


    It will be OMRL's only weekend at G&J, but I and a few other locals ride there often, usually weekends for me.

    This weekend will be the best for practice because no karts to share track time with (not allowed on track w/karts, so have to switch on and off sessions).

  2. I'm just a regular old non college educated idiot.

    I spin wrenches on cars for money. Sometimes it makes me feel like a prostitute, but that's neither here nor there.

    I had 30k in trade school debt.

    I started my first job with some hand tools in a plastic tote, now I own 60k in tools, not including the price of my tool box that I just bought (financed).

    I graduated mechanic school at the age of 21, now I'm 30 years old and all of that is 100% paid off by my $40-45k/year income.

    Just pay a lot more than required a month. It sucks while you're in it, but pretty awesome once it's over.

  3. do you register as a novice, or an expert?

    I am pretty sure the only other supermoto guys are experts, but there might be some AFJ guys showing up to their local track to throw down. I hope they do anyway.


    I'm 1 of the AFJ guys. I got another one coming to sign up novice supermoto. Im trying to get more, but most of them are street only riders. Obviously if there's not enough turn out we'll figure something out.

  4. I've had bad luck with both dealer and independent mechanics. Once, I had a dealer mechanic strip threads on a engine cover and try to hide it with copius amounts of loctite. After I noticed it and went bat shit crazy & they eventually replaced it, but they were more then happy to half ass it and send me on my way.

    Factory trained means much less to me then finding a mechanic that gives a damn. When I find a mechanic I can trust I stick with them.

    I agree with that. I wouldn't trust most other mechanics to mow my lawn, let alone crack into my personal equipment.

  5. 504, I am a professional mechanic. More than that, I've been working on bikes for over 20 years. I've spent a lot of money on specialized tools just to work on bikes. I've built motors from baskets of parts. I've diagnosed and fixed issues that factory techs CAUSED. (Ask Mike ali). Don't pretend to know me dude, whatever you think I am, you're wrong.

    I'm sorry, should have left my comment a little more friendly. I'm a professionally trained and certified technician and get offended when people say I rip people off, considering my investment.

    But I do disagree that Ducati techs, or any factory trained techs, are preying on customers for charging $90/hour. There is a reason for that cost.

  6. and make no mistake, at $90 an hour for labor it's the duc techs that prey on people.

    That kind of pisses me off.

    You didn't spend the money on the training (to be a specialized motorcycle technician such as a Ducati certified technician). You also didn't spring for the special tools required to do every job on the bike. You don't pay for the monthly subscription to the information database. You also don't pay for the monthly fee for technical assistance. You have no insurance, and no real customer satisfaction to worry about.

    That's where $90+/hour comes from.

    Just because you have a 200 piece mechanics tool set and a floor jack, doesn't mean you're a professional technician.

    • Upvote 1
  7. No other threads yet?


    Anyone going?

    I found out at PIRC that my F2 bike isnt really up to par, so I'm probably only running supermoto. I may bring the little bike still.

    If anyone is unfamiliar with G&J, it's an excellent big bike track.

    And I live 20 minutes away, woot!

  8. I'll plug tires on my own bikes, to make it home... Then get a new tire.

    I've ridden on plugs plenty of times, but don't prefer it.

    A patch/plug is the most ideal way to plug a tire. The cord plugs or "worm" plugs are meant for lawn care equipment and are prone to fail in a motorcycle application. That doesn't mean that I havnt used one, lol!

    Would I use a plug on a customer bike? No. I would recommend a new tire.

  9. It's way more expensive than $123.

    Whenever you lower a bike it's required that you buy a flat bill hat to wear backwards, a designer tank top, white flip flops, white oakleys, a white watch and white book bag to ride with. All that stuff is expensive! LED light kits are optional, but strongly encouraged.

    • Upvote 4
  10. Few different extractor styles, usually require drilling bolt. Can also get reverse drill bits.

    If there is some of the bolt hanging out, then you can grab with grips and try. Bolt may be seized in frame though, which means its going to fight you. Get some pb blaster and soak it. Sometimes I soak a rag with blaster, then set the soaked rag on the bolt for a few hours.

    Last resort: drill it all the way out, thread chase or if you have to drill that big: helicoil

  11. lol I get 2200 or less out of mine, you're being too easy on them. Great tires, keep the Q3s


    On a trip to the mountains, I got 700 out of a set of q2's, before 3's were out.

    Welcome to sport bikes.

    If you do a lot of commuting and are wearing out the middle only, definitely switch to a pr3 or similar. Pr3's are definitely capable of knee down.

  12. I have yet to lose interest in the last 10 years.... OH MAN my Bengals tattoo must be a poor choice too :facepalm: I bet if I had a motorcycle tattoo I would still be making poor life choices too huh??? I bet you live a perfect life and make nothing but good choices don't ya?

    A gang member, no...

    A douche bag, maybe.

    You're paying money to someone, to place an entirely different persons artwork on your body permanently, to express your individualism?

    I know I'm no model for wise decisions... I dropped out of college to go to mechanic school... But atleast I can say I don't look silly with some stupid tattoos. (I'd venture to say all tattoos are stupid).

    On topic: juggalos and other well known and established gangs do have similarities. Not saying it's right, just what it is.

  13. Welcome, I'm just south of you in Hamilton. If you're interested in track riding, but not interested in running your bike for the risk, check into the kart track and OMRL. There's a track just west of Dayton in Camden. It only costs $10 to practice. It's a great/inexpensive track alternative.

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