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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. I bet she never does that again...
  2. smccrory

    Riders Down

    That's not a bad idea, but good lord man, it's only been a few days. Skin heals quickly but joints and tendons can take a week to start to respond. Taking any NSAIDs? How about Viagra?
  3. Bump. Willing to trade for the above items particularly a Kymco People 250 or similarly sized Honda. What have you got?
  4. Absolutely, and then you're off to the store to get a Grabbit. Stainless cap screws are better.
  5. smccrory

    Left & Right

    Noooo, this can't possibly be troll bait...
  6. Yay, starts at a bar. I'll get started scheduling the poker run for the fallen Wings poker run rider(s).
  7. It does if you USE it. Pictures or it never happened... ;-)
  8. smccrory

    Riders Down

    I felt similarly after my come-off on a slick, rainy on-ramp last year. I was fine in a straight line but as soon as I started to get into a real curve, especially a right-handed one, I'd start to tighten up. It wasn't until several long rides this spring did I transform it into better curve awareness to overcome my fear.
  9. I turn bowls, plates and pens.
  10. Very cool and great shirt ;-). Man, I really, really, really hope it goes back into service somewhere soon.
  11. OK, I'll be there and I invited my coworker Brian as well. I wasn't able to register as a volunteer because I'm a virtual rider and their site doesn't apparently handle both designation. I'll send my contact details in a moment. Thanks!
  12. smccrory

    Riders Down

    Wow. Sobering and eye-widening. Glad you all made it through reasonably OK and that the gear did its job. Really sucks about the bikes, but you're here to talk about it, thank god/universe/etc. I don't know how old you guys are but if you're over 35, give yourself more time to heal than you used to to avoid reinjury complications.
  13. Hey guys, I don't shoot clays enough to keep this smexy shotty, so I'm putting it out there in case anyone on OR is looking for a solid competition-level gun. It's a 2-year old Italian-made Beretta 391 Urika 2 chambered in 12-gauge. Comes with the original moulded case, five choke tubes, capacity restrictor (necessary if you hunt in Ohio), choke wrench, oil and original shipping box. I think I have the original paperwork too. 391s are considered to be serious for clay competition, and they can be shot pretty much all day due to their inherent gas-operated recoil absorption. The wood and metal on this gun is flawless. I bought it new for $1250 on a seasonal sale (Gander Mountain now wants $1600), shot 5 rounds of trap with it and then got busy with other hobbies (ummm motorcycling maybe!). My daughter already has a nice shotty and isn't interested in this one, hence the sale. I'm asking $900 and may consider a trade for a late 60s Honda or BMW motorcycle or a 250-400cc scoot for my GF. Heck, I'll even throw in a box of clays and a spring-driven thrower. Here are a few pics, but let me know if you'd like to check it out first-hand and I'll make the time. Thanks for looking! - Scott https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zn8vovln1sh22t/2014-07-26%2014.57.04.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/np2k1l3ucburcsh/2014-07-26%2014.59.32.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/zuem7ru8z5q2o8w/2014-07-26%2014.59.55.jpg
  14. I've posted it on eBay but will gladly end the auction and sell the set to a non-asshat OR member for $50 shipped. :-) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=151365732922 Thanks! - Scott
  15. 20 years ago it was. Looks like glam country took it over. Gross.
  16. A bit heavy with conspiracy theory, but ok, you can always fight back by requiring employees to chip in to industry PACs and appear at corporate-sponsored political rallies. It's easy to add to performance goals while still not violating federal law.
  17. +1 - you won't go wrong with any of those. Personally, I picked the latest-gen LCP for its super-light weight, plus I couldn't afford the P380, the CW380 wasn't shipping and my hand didn't like the BG380, but those were personal decisions. Like I said, any of the others would be great picks too.
  18. Bump for a great deal. The BPS is IMHO FAR superior in quality to an 870, which would cost you the same or more than B's offer. I see these go for $450 (his initial price) on other boards and I almost never seem them come up at shows because they're so favored.
  19. No, douchebags who act like THEY'RE the ones who are more victimized so they can feel good about their douchebaggery are douchbags. Why the butthurt Butters? Feeling unloved for your white hetero dudeness? Want us to have a Tyler Parade to celebrate your diversity too?
  20. Exactly - you said it much more succinctly than I could have.
  21. I'm proud to be a high-functioning computer nerd. Does that count? Love bluegrass, and yea, good call!
  22. Or they wanted a public health angle versus... What it ATF's angle again?
  23. Whoops, tapped quote instead of edit. Deleted post.
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