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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. I tried that but it just takes me to my profile page. I think the rider types are mutually exclusive - you can't be named a virtual rider and a volunteer both. That makes sense as a real rider and anything else, but not with a money-raising VR.
  2. I'm confused (or confusing myself). I'm already a virtual rider for work's peloton (pelotonia.org/smccrory), so how do I indicate my motorcycle escort volunteer-hood?
  3. Same is true for drug-related tattoos. But how is the military supposed to sort one-time fans from long-term abusers?
  4. It's no weirder than Nicki Ménage. Watch the video more than once and you'll start to hear the lyrics through the blended South African English. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yolandi_Visser. It's about as hard to decipher as Cockney, but no worse.
  5. Are GWAR fans called anything? I imagine all that painted latex would be expensive..
  6. FWIW, this is what I'm strongly considering - http://www.compacc.com/p/olympia-odyssey-one-piece-suit-2013
  7. That's funny - your work attire is far more casual than your riding get-up!
  8. No, I'm just business casual and only ride 7 miles to work, so I have it easy. I could easily do the full clothes change, but don't need to. That said, I shouldn't wear only khakis on my legs, but I do. I'm thinking about getting a full-body zip-on riding onesey like the one my MSF ARC instructor had. It featured a full-leg zipper on one side and a full-body zipper on the other to make it super easy to get in and out of.
  9. Good on you for wearing gear every time. You CAN reduce the chore of it though. I wear a helmet, riding jacket and gloves whenever I ride to work, just like today. I keep those items on or very near the bike and my top case unlocked so that all I have to do is go to the garage, pop my computer into the top case, lock it, slip on the helmet, jacket and gloves, push into the driveway and start the bike, shut the garage and go. Then at work, I remove my laptop, put the helmet and gloves in the top box, lock it up and walk into work. Takes maybe 2 more minutes each direction than my car, at most.
  10. I find this to be exactly true, and every pilot-rider I've talked to feels the same way. I find first-hand that the first 10 minutes of every riding day (just like a flying day) is my rustiest. If I haven't ridden or flown in a while, that extends to the first 30-60 minutes. With more recent experience, those numbers decrease.
  11. Tweak, I discovered a while back that OR isn't a place to come for harmony and understanding. Just let it go.
  12. There ya go! In the meanwhile, it's best to be as supportive of management's direction as possible. The more you're valued by the check writers, the more inclined they'll be to keep you as on as an agent instead of a reason to shed the dead weight and antagonists early. You'll also maintain an excellent chapter to your career story, making you more valuable to future employers, and your professional network will recognize it.
  13. Ditto, sympathies and good luck - I forgot to say that. And mojocho reminds me that it's even OK to interview for positions you may not actually want, just for the experience. If it's been a while since you hunted for a job, you will NOT find the first round easy, and that's OK - perfectly expected. Interviewing for the first time after years of steady employment is spooky and not completely unlike dating again after a divorce - both of which I am qualified to compare ;-). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that all that detailed techie shit you have to stay current with takes practice and dedication, and so do the skills of evaluating next career steps, so do NOT get hard on yourself if you find any of this rocky at first. It very well could end up being one of the best changes in your life, and if you give tat a possibility, hell, even create that inevitability, this could end up a pretty rock'n development for you. I've had several moments in my career where that exact thing happened, so again, I'm not really talking out my rear here... ;-)
  14. Ditto what they said. I've been in I.T. for 30 years and 20 of those in large financial and manufacturing companies on both sides of several very large mergers and divestitures. I've always felt much better about myself and my career when I was in control instead of hoping they will employ me another week or month if I just keep my head down... It doesn't work. They either will value you enough to secure a termination timeframe and completion bonus (which you'll then have to determine its value) or they'll risk losing you to a better position, which is always easier to secure while you're employed.
  15. Now THAT my dear, is how you enunciate your vowels!
  16. (For the record, I think the traffic would be much worse, at least from the rolling presidential TFRs.)
  17. Total softball for GOP fans. C'mon OR, make me proud! :-D
  18. Remember when a certain jerkbag said Dubya hated black people? Well, look no further than wastecase Nagin. There should be a special place in hell for people who cheat their own the way he did.
  19. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/former-new-orleans-mayor-ray-nagin-sentenced-10-years-n151616 I'm delighted. Dirty bastard defrauded his own people before, during and after acute suffering. Too bad it took so long and taxpayer money to prosecute the SOB.
  20. Good on ya for looking at the ADV bikes - they do offer the least leg angle of any bike I've sat on. My 'Strom 650 with lowered pegs, Rox pullback risers and ATV handlebars is nearly perfect for my prematurely-aging neck, back and knees. The Tenere would probably be even better but I'm too short for it.
  21. I'm just highly impressed with your knowledge of carbs, is all. How'd you pick that knowledge and experience up?
  22. Based on land area that's very true, but city populations make our state sometimes swing blue in national elections. That's not uncommon across the U.S. BTW. Republicans typically have the rural advantage; Dems have the urban one. If you're a Dem, that's because redneck hicks don't know any better and vote stupidly. If you're a Repub, it's because disconnected egghead system-suckers have lost touch with family, god and country. Both are right, and wrong.
  23. smccrory


    Der terkn ur jerbs!
  24. What's your inseam? Mine is 29" and the bike felt insanely tall to me at first, but I removed the rubbers under the seat and got used to being able to put the balls of my feet down or using one flat foot when stopped. It feels unstable at first but once you get to know the bike, it only feels tall and heavy when pushing it around the garage. Once I'm on my Strom 650, it feels completely natural and under control. I'm in Westerville just 2-3 miles north of Iron Pony. PM me if you want to arrange a visit and we'll go riding, and you could combine that with sit-downs on IP's various bikes for fit and feel. Oh, and I have a set of 3/4" lowering links I ended up not using - you can have them for free if you get a DL650 and it's a tad high.
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