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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. That's extremely well written and totally valid. I'll also add that anyone with Irish or Polish or German descent probably has a similar story to tell.So go for it if you feel strongly. Organize that parade.
  2. No big loss there. You don't get it, so, do your thing man.
  3. True. Though I'd trust the CDC much, much, much more than the ATF with a study like that.
  4. Maybe but I doubt it, and that's only one minority and only one expression of balance/imbalance. I'm getting bored of the topic though. It's nice out. I need to ride.
  5. True dat. Maybe we should get a bunch of JIS drivers and hand them out as stocking stuffers.
  6. A have a coworker who's interested in participating, and he has a bone-stock HD V-Rod. Think it would be quiet enough? He'd really like to help.
  7. No, not apologize for our position in life, nor dethrone ourselves, but to acknowledge that at least a component is/was won by taking advantage of a stacked desk, that the deck hasn't been fully unstacked yet, and that we have an ethical obligation to fairness and equality. If we ourselves don't want our minority-children-to-become to suffer the same unfair fate in 20-40 years, we should be especially interested in this concept.
  8. I'd join that! It would demonstrate a sense of humor at least.
  9. Oh really? Let's test that theory. If you're male, white and hetero, can you legally marry in Ohio? Are you constantly worried about being "outted" at work and fired because of your sexual orientation, and worried about someone ridiculing, beating or killing you because of it? Do you have to fight for equal pay and access to health care? Are you looked at with suspicious eyes whenever you enter a fancy store? Puleeeez. We white hetero men have it easy compared to the deck stacked against others because we're already established. And yet some of us still whine whenever someone else wants a piece of the same "equality" we enjoy, by raising awareness through parades, festivals and so on.
  10. Yea! Really enjoyed that movie. Don't watch it right before touring the Stan Hywet house in Akron though - it's too easy to blend images of DDL's bowling alley with their private, underground pool ;-).
  11. I don't know! I can't figure out one myself. But with all the other festivals already out there, is one even necessary? I mean, what part of being white, straight and male isn't already addressed by music and special interest cons, fairs and parades? I mean, other than the part where it's overtly or covertly a jab at the others.
  12. Sorry, it's from a line in the movie "There Will Be Blood." The protagonist tells a preacher that he no longer needs surface drilling rights. He laterally drilled under his land from the side to get to the oil. The protagonist makes the point with a soda analogy, where he uses a big straw to drink the preacher's soda from afar. The image is from a lego enthusiasts describing the same.
  13. Probably not. Some are worse than others, but probably not.
  14. You're not suggesting that Herman Cain's news site is biased...
  15. Not at all. I'm white, male, hetero and rather enjoy lounge jazz, xylophone included. Most parades suck, yes. Being in one is a lot better, unless you're 6 and pedal a decorated tractor-style tricycle the entire parade distance, then it's much less so.
  16. I saw this repost today and thought I'd share for comments: "Earlier this year, President Obama signed a set of executive orders targeting gun violence in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. Among them was an edict commanding the CDC to do a comprehensive survey of studies regarding guns and gun violence in the United States. Clearly, once the CDC produced the hard evidence that the US was a violent nation of wild-west shootouts, the American people would be eager to approve and fund future research while embracing strict gun control legislation. At least that was the plan. The study, which was compiled by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council under the CDC's direction, was recently completed and released. The anti-gun crowd has been awfully quiet about it. Could it be that it didn't support their bogus hypothesis? In a word, Yes. The CDC's numbers basically back every pro-gun rights argument made over the course of the last year." And the last paragraph: "We all know the United States has too much crime, and yes, too much gun violence. No one is arguing that we don't need to work to bring those numbers down. However, expanded gun control has never been the answer. The report recommends further research on a variety of topics, among them the effects of gun safety tech, videogame violence, and alcohol availability on gun crime. Still, with all of the above data in mind, we wouldn't expect to see Obama and Biden waving their study around. It simply does too much damage to many of their specious claims." Read the full article here: http://www.caintv.com/obama-orders-cdc-gun-violence
  17. Honestly I'd probably attend a Straight White Guy Festival just for the free Donnie and Marie Osmond CD handouts. I joke of course, and honestly if organizers could pull it off without hate being a part of it, i.e. having to allow KKK participation or some group using it as a way to ridicule or belittle or mock the other parades, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Except for the xylophone jazz.
  18. So, I agree with all of that, and if someone can come up with a parade name that doesn't sound like it's making insensitive mockery of minority celebrations, then count me fully in. I just can't imagine that name at this time in history, not while people still "dog-whistle" (or outright shout) racial epitaphs, actively work to disenfranchise minority voters, legislate against same-sex marriage, and use Immigration issues as code for keeping the mexican populous on the down-low (i.e. fine for lawnscaping, construction and fast food service as long as they speak our fooking language).
  19. That's wisely true. Like the loss of dominance over another class or race of people.
  20. Maybe, but they are hated even more so if the winning was/is done with underhanded, prejudicial arrogance. Tell me with a straight face that old white dudes in power don't ever play dirty.
  21. Isn't there already WET in the form of G4, Spike, FOX News...
  22. That's just not fair. Accurate maybe, but totally racist, you insensitive clod. Now where's that Kenny G album I had on...
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