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Posts posted by Connie14

  1. I have always been responsible for my education and development of skills. I am free to take my education, experience, and skills to the employer of my choice. That is the purpose of a free market economy.

    In the master level civil engineering classes, white males were a minority. If you add the Asians and Indians, they were the majority. Many of them went home after graduation, but some of them immigrated and stayed in the U.S. From my experience, these very intelligent individuals should be welcomed in any society. They tend to be an asset, not a liability.

  2. i don't recall my insurance rates going up when I got tagged for 79(?) in a 60.  Now since I totaled the Nissan, yeah, my rates have gone up a tad...


    I never mentioned the ticket to my insurance company though.  I'm not sure how they would have even known about it.

    I got 86 in a 70 in Virginia. It was a reckless operation in the Commonwealth. I got 0 points on my license in Ohio, but it got my insurance company to drop me. My new insurance is more expensive. The kick in the balls is that it would have been speeding in Ohio, and it would have barely been a blip on the insurance radar.

  3. I don't see how any of this is legal when outside companies operate and maintain the cameras  and collect monies from it.  

    that's like me standing on the corner and giving out tickets.   someone has greased some palms to get this shit passed.  I wonder how many police and politicians have gotten out of fines.  if someone could prove they have this will put a nail in the coffin for these things.


  4. There is only so much that can be done with that destination. Chicago traffic sucks, but that route gets better once west of Chicago. The nice thing about traveling west on an Iron Butt (Saddle Sore 1000) ride is that it will extend your time riding in daylight. Going into MN also lets you look forward to the trip to Aerostitch.

    If you ever want to get one of there suits, it would be tough to beat riding in there and picking out your desired product in person.

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