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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. I know I failed at this for you last time, but I promise I won't fail this time. I can help you get this footage edited and online. Let me know if you want to try this again.
  2. Excellent riding with you man. You definitely put work on that 650. Apologies if you weren't happy with how we rode on 16 on the way home. Just wanted to have some fun with the guys. When I got to Coshocton, I asked the guys where you went and they said when we took off, you didn't come along. Apologies if you were offended.
  3. Also if it would be possible for a mod to sticky this @Casper @Tonik @Isaac's Papa @Cdubyah
  4. Here is the best location to post any videos/pictures you have from the Epic Ride events. This will be utilized for all ride/events and we can keep an ongoing thread with all the pictures. Think it will be cool in the end after we've had several years of pictures.
  5. I can tell you what happened. We came up to the intersection. They were to our right and going straight, we were turning left. 2 of the 4 guys went before we got there but the other 2 couldn't because we turned left so they got separated between us. We ended up passing the first 2 but I think the first two were trying to push to keep us from getting around. They didn't have near the pace, but they were giving it a solid effort. We eventually passed, but I'm assuming the other 2 tried catching up to the first 2 when this happened. Probably why it happened as you guys came through.
  6. Finally made it home. 460 miles in total. Thank you to everyone who came. Hopefully you all had as much of a blast as I did. As always, thank you to everyone who helped this go as smooth as it does. Nivin, As always, you never disappoint with your assistance with video/pictures. You make the memories for all of us to enjoy. I know I try to get as much video and pictures as I can, but you literally forfeit your chance to ride the route to sit at a corner and twiddle your thumbs for that one instance where you get to shoot video through the corners. Only to have to go home and work 22 days in a row to do it. I literally can't thank you enough for all that you do. Hellmutt/Snot Again, you lead a perfectly paced medium group. From the sounds of it, you didn't make too many wrong turns this time Always encouraging to know that you two are always willing to make your schedule fit to this event so you can help lead that group and organizing the pre-meet to bring all the SW Ohio people in. Sounds like you guys were all stars in handling that downed rider that had nothing to do with OR. I still don't understand why their own guys weren't helping at least guide traffic. You guys were on the binders in that corner trying to avoid them. Kudos to your group for not crashing there as well. Tim Thank you for showing us how to travel in style with your new trailer/truck method. You missed out on some killer action coming home. Med-Fast Group Great job everyone. Felt like we had about 11 bikes going, then the gas stop and we finished with 5. (After picking another rider up from the med group). Had a lot of guys peel off for various reasons. You all made great passes when you could and we didn't have any issues. To me, that's a win in itself. The best part of this ride is the fact that I get meet a lot of new faces and reconnect with a lot of familiar ones. It means a lot to see the same faces return year after year. That must mean it's worth going to. Even the guy who I yelled at for wheelies last time came up to me at the gas stop and was like "I just wanted to tell you that I haven't done any wheelies this time". Unfortunately now we have to wait for the dreaded winter to finalize before we get to do it again, but I know there's still a bit of riding left to do this year. Hopefully I can join you guys again. I will be posting a videos/pictures thread in this sub-forum for you to post pictures/videos in.
  7. Bike is prepped - Camera gear is loaded - Directions are typed up and printed for anyone who wants one for the route. See you guys in the AM. Everyone have safe travels to the Wooster meet spot. For those curious, this is the route we will be taking down to the meet spot - https://goo.gl/maps/YQFKFG22zpv
  8. Okay guys... mother nature is a bear and is forcing my hand. We will have to POSTPONE UNTIL SUNDAY SEPT. 11, 2016. Thunderstorms are up to about 60% from 2-6 and that's just no fun and would be a complete drag. Plus Sunday looks fantastic. All the details remain the same, except the date. I've also worked my schedule around to also still be able to attend when I didn't think I was going to be able too.
  9. Will depend on the rain chances.... if it's questionable I'll likely wait... if its like no rain or rain all day, I'll make that call earlier.
  10. I always wait until late Friday to make the final decision. I always lean towards Saturday since most make plans to accommodate Saturday and I try to avoid the cancellation. Although, if it's going to be wet, for everyone's safety I won't hesitate to move to Sunday. That final call will be made on Friday though. In this situation, if the ride is moved to Sunday, I likely wouldn't be able to make it. That won't stop me from moving the ride though if needed.
  11. I just like to say thank you to all my supporters...All 7 of you... 2nd place is definitely nothing to be ashamed of. I mean it wasn't last like that whitasian. But for real, congratulations Tim. If I lost to someone, it wouldn't have wanted it to be anyone else.
  12. I just like the idea that newer members to the forum have the ability to come to a ride and meet people. I know it can be hard for new members to approach the 'clique' and get engaged and I think food kind of helps with that barrier, which is why I like it.
  13. Calling Millstone today to see about catering. Might be easier. Should I look at delivery or just everyone heading there at the end and sitting down/eating??
  14. Good deal was just about to start this... 7:30 kickstands up is better so we ensure we get down with time to spare...
  15. Yea, that's definitely a guy losing his cool and drawing his gun. I'm not overly upset about him doing it because maybe he was doing it as a precaution because you don't really see him aim it at the rider, but still you can tell this guy is a hot head. I didn't see the long version, but it gives me a weird feeling by the way the guy kept looking backwards.
  16. Just leave it on there... it shows how bad ass you are.
  17. I wouldn't give Suzuki much more credit than Aprilia. And I ride a god damn suzukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  18. I'm cheap. I'll await netflix to pick it up... Or some thief to post it to youtube or some shit.
  19. I use a sit to stand desk (varidesk). I love it. Works great, but like the others say, find yourself a nice mat or you'll get sore quickly and find yourself sitting again. I use it a lot because I'm constantly back and forth and helps with your health rather than sitting all the time.
  20. Yea, we will be doing the food inside the parking lot at the end. I'll just make sure she understands to be off to the side as to not obstruct any actual business that the parking lot is actually intended for. And yes, we are meeting in the Logan Parking lot like previous years.
  21. Back on Topic. Another donation from @ricer1 and my girlfriend being off, means that we should have food provided again at the parking lot at the end of the ride.
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