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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. I'm willing to help all I can if needed. My old CBR had done the same thing when the rectifier went out. Couldn't recharge the battery enough and would cause the surging and gauges going haywire.
  2. Looking good Jim. Glad you're having fun! @Tonik
  3. We met him on Saturday... he came over to say hi and mentioned he lives literally next door to the gas station. Nice bike also. Welcome
  4. Oh Kyle... glad you finally joined.
  5. There's a time and place for everything. Are wheelies safe?? No. Are they a danger to others? Yes. Does that mean you shouldn't do them? Refer to my first statement. I'd be a hypocrite to say that you shouldn't do wheelies because they are dangerous to others when I've posted videos of me doing 185mph down the turnpike. Which is more dangerous? Certainly, the 180+. BUT, with that said, I can admit that when I do it, I am a douchebag. Should I do it? Probably not, but I make bad decisions all the time... I certainly wouldn't advocate that it's okay to do it. Just my .02
  6. I always shop around from year to year to find the best deals. One specific issue I had was when IP had this Ducati fuel pump take a shit on him and we were in Caldwell. He called his insurance (Rider's) for roadside assistance. They only offered like 7 miles free towing. Fortunately, someone had premium AAA and we were able to scandal our way to free towing all the way home. I believe IP switched insurance companies after that.
  7. I am a bit confused on my own stance on this. I don't know if I'm advocating for legalizing lane splitting or just an advocate for not prosecuting those who do it. The more I see beginner riders riding over their head the more I think that encouraging lane splitting would hurt our cause, but rather not prosecuting those who do it. Maybe these are one in the same. I don't do it regularly, mainly because I'm afraid of getting popped. I've never had an issue while doing it, but I also can't recall a time where I've done it in the witness of a police officer either. As a side note, lane splitting is safer when done correctly and at safe speeds. I believe the law states that you couldn't exceed 5-10mph beyond the speed of traffic. If you are lane splitting at 110mph while everyone else is stopped, you are an idiot and deserve everything you have coming. Common sense should prevail in this situation.
  8. Some of you may know that I run a motorcycle vlogging youtube channel. ( http://www.youtube.com/throttlelocktv ) I've put a lot of effort/money into growing it this past year and it's been slowly growing. I've had this idea of two riders, one in a banana costume, the other in a gorilla costume riding around town as a comedy type of video series. Finally, I've pushed forward and found someone who was willing to help do this. I've got some ideas on the first few videos, but I was looking for some feedback/help on more creative ideas. With youtube's new guidelines, the videos need to maintain 'advertiser friendly' status and can be done with a few gopros/dslr and slightly above average editing skills. Also would mainly need to happen while on motorcycles. A lot of the videos is going to be centered around the interaction we have with the public. We've already tested the waters last night on how people would react and it's mainly positive. Lots of cheering, thumbs up, smiling and laughing and a few evil looks as well. To give you an idea (timeline) of how the first video is going to go: Gorilla goes into grocery store and loads grocery cart full of bananas. Gorilla walks to cashier to purchase bananas. Gorilla sitting on bike eating bananas Full size banana rides by... (slow motion as Gorilla does love at first sight) Gorilla throws small banana on ground and begins chasing Big Banana Couple action scenes of banana/gorilla riding through corners chasing. End in heavily populated parking lot (mall/walmart/etc.) and film reactions of public. Another video I had in mind was riding around finding homeless people and giving them bananas/bottles of water and interacting with them. Maybe trying to get their story as to how they ended up there. Another video: Possible Harambe parody. (not sure how this will work on bikes) Just looking for some help with some ideas to lead me in some directions for other videos. Also anyone willing to help film would greatly be appreciated. No such thing as a stupid idea... so post away..
  9. Brandon, We've all made mistakes while riding. You've only recently started riding country, twisty roads. You've made far more progress than most would have in the short time you've been doing this. You are going to make mistakes. Learn from it, but like @whaler said, don't be scared of it. The most dangerous situation when passing cars is the cars in front of you turning left. As long as you are clear they aren't turning left in front of you, most anything else is manageable. The center line is usually always going to be a good bailout point in a situation like this. I watched @jschaf ride the shoulder one time we came up on a 1 lane road (due to construction) being managed by lights. He was going too fast to stop so he just kept going even when oncoming traffic was occupying the lane. He just moved over to the side of the road and kept going. Was it sketchy? Yes, but he knew where his bailout spot was going to be. That's why we ride on the street at no more than 7(8)/10 of our riding ability. If you are riding above your head or at max ability, you don't leave yourself the ability to escape when situations out of the normal arise. Glad you and your friend made it out unscathed. Look forward to riding with you at the chili ride (if you are able)
  10. Welcome to the chaos. Shows us some pictures of your bike!!
  11. An external mic placed inside my helmet. I dremel'ed out the case and use a gopro usb to 3.5mm adapter to the drift microphone placed inside the helmet. Allows me to capture voice as well.
  12. I want a red or orange one AND a white one. Don't worry about shipping. I'll get them from you personally. If you remember to set those aside for me, that'd be great.
  13. The guy was charged with RSP for riding the motorcycle that was stolen. He was also charged with criminal tools for the pickaxe (apparently that's commonly used to steal motorcycles) Karma is a bitch
  14. I've also spoke with them and they do seem like good people. I like the fact they are creating a product that is universal to any helmet so you can transfer the product if you switch helmets, etc, rather than what Skully was doing where you were required to purchase a new Skully helmet.
  15. You guys should check out Fusar. They are an up and coming company that has recently released a free app on your phone that allows you pair to your SENA or their product called the Mohawk. They claim you can have limitless communication distance. One could be in Florida and one could be in Ohio and still talking over your SENA. The app, also, allows you to start rides and it will track your route, avg speed, top speed, distance traveled, time etc. If you are using their mohawk, they have safety features implemented where it can tell if you've crashed and automatically alert a preset set of people with your location and time of crash and the Mohawk will blackbox all the information prior to the crash. All the mohawk stuff is irrelevant to this conversation, but their APP is free and does quite a bit without purchasing any of their stuff. On top of it, they went out and said anyone who pre-ordered a Skull helmet and lost out on their $1500, they would issue them a $1500 coupon for any of the FUSAR products and would even let you split it up and give coupons to other people. That's a huge investment for a company that has nothing to do with what happened at Skully. They seem like the genuinely care about the motorcycling community. I've personally downloaded the app and played with it very briefly. I'd like to do a full test with the SENA. I'm not sure if it uses the cell phone data, cell signal, or something else to communicate. If it uses data or cell signal, I'm not sure how well that would work in the country roads, etc. Just an idea. After further review it appears you may have to purchase their handlebar remote to get the unlimited distance comm. FUSAR's Unlimited-Range Bluetooth Communications System includes the FUSAR F7 Universal Bluetooth Headset and Handlebar Remote Control. This system is compatible with nearly any helmet and any handlebar, and it allows you to have unlimited-range Push-To-Talk capabilities with any other Bluetooth headset, no matter the brand (requires other users to have Handlebar Remote Control).
  16. Pretty nice view there bro! I like it! Might have to put my second camera there as well and test it both ways forwards and backwards.
  17. I just press the button on the SENA to initiate voice commands and then speak the command and it works everytime, the first time.
  18. You should look into seeing if anyone else was looking for a unit. The dual packs are a much better deal than buying them out as a single if you can get someone to split it with you. The Sena 20S also pairs with the Sena App so you can pre-configure all your FM presets, setup group communications, etc through the app. Also has a user manual within the app so you can use to figure shit out on the go. Only recommendation I can say is that I had to use the spacers for the ear piece to push the speakers a bit closer to my ears on the Shoei GT Air so I could hear better with ear plugs in. The Sena 20S is phenomenal unit.
  19. Do what you think is best. I know people love the raw sounds and people love music, so I've seen a lot of people recently putting in music but lowering the music to just a nice soft background noise and letting the raw sounds supersede everything. Best of both worlds.
  20. Well not all of us are mustangdame. I'm sure you've met him before, right Rob? He's a friend of Ib's.
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