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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Okay, I've hopefully fixed the Original Post to actually be readable again and added all those who said they would be able to make it.
  2. The reality of it all is that we all have a tendency to ride like this, especially when we are on spirited rides. It's a reality check to see stuff like that and watching the video you see how quick it can turn deadly. The guys I ride with daily, we have a saying, and it's basically that we all drive unsafe at times, but you need to pick the right roads and situations to act dumb to minimize as much risk as possible. Ultimately the mother understood the risks of her son riding as do most riders. When you swing that leg over and hit that ignition, You know the risks. Be observant, have fun but stay within the limitations of the road and be ready for the unexpected. Ride side everyone!!!
  3. Getting closer to the date. Let's find some leads and sweeps. I'll sweep or lead if needed but on a new bike so is prefer not to. Anyone want to lead or sweep??
  4. Makes more sense to what I was seeing.
  5. Which 600 produces 120 rwhp?? When I looked I usually see around 95-100 on dyno sheets. I'm not saying you are wrong, I just would like to be informed. My z1000 is at like 125 and I'm curious. As for the OP the z1000 is a great bike. Great power, touring comfort with a sport feel. You do lack the wind protection though which seems like something that's important to you. Just remember that a windscreen doesn't necessarily mean protection. Most stock windshields will cause a lot of turbulent air around your head as opposed to the clean air you get without a windscreen. You can adjust the windscreen on the ninja 1000 which can help or buy an aftermarket windscreen that throws the wind over you.
  6. Sounded like a good ride, Nivin. I'll make sure I'm there for the next one. Probably going to do a ride next week to get prepared for the Epic Ride on 9-27.
  7. It's a Ducati. They're always broken
  8. Yes, This was my goal; to have a bike before the epic ride. Now time to detail her, change fluids, title, and insure her. I am thinking of a very mild pace ride next weekend to get used to her, plus the guy put contimotions on it and I've heard very bad things about those tires so I am not sure i want to push them really hard until I know what they can do. Shorty levers are on order already cause I can't stand the oem levers. But those are coming from china or Hong Kong so might take a while.
  9. Unfortunately Sundays are bad for me. I play football on Sundays and my girlfriend is having a surprise birthday party for her father that she would castrate me if I didn't attend.
  10. Well a month and 2 weeks removed from the accident that totaled the Zx10 and it kills me not to ride in the nice time of year in Ohio. After vigorously searching I've decided on an 07 z1000. So, when's the next ride.
  11. You should trailer the bike down and do the ride!! So much fun!
  12. Weird cause hes like a 55 year old insurance adjuster... Wouldn't expect that from him....
  13. Good find! I've found an 03' in Butler PA http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/4566430964.html Probably the best find, but with the price, I wonder. He's gonna send me a video later this week. http://rochester.craigslist.org/mcy/4642094089.html Another find: http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/4640189054.html
  14. Yea, obviously I love the redesign just not in the budget for a 7k budget at the moment... maybe next year.
  15. So after a long hard look at what my next bike should be, I feel the Z1000 is the best option for overall price, comfort, insurance, power. With my budget, I'm looking at 03-08. Anyways, I've already got a couple bikes to go look at. Anything specific to the Z1000 I should be looking for that may be different from other bikes? Any specific Z1000 flaws I should be looking for when I look at the bikes?
  16. Ahh, yes, I did receive it... Weird I never received an email which was how I was tracking, but when logging into paypal it shows as received. My apologies, and I will update the OP.
  17. I know it's a poor day when organizing a simple ride for many to enjoy riding a motorcycle, but it has come to my attention that I would want to put this disclaimer just to avoid any sort of liability. I'm positive everyone understands they are responsible for themselves, but to protect myself here it is. I'm sure everyone will understand. I was told I wasn't liable in case of an accident, but to be safe to add it anyway. Therefore, I've added the following disclaimer to the first post. Disclaimer: The following words "Ohio Epic Ride" refers to this specific ride. By attending the "Ohio Epic Ride", you agree to the following; You acknowledge that you understand that motorcycle riding and touring is hazardous and may result in serious injury or death. You understand that this activity in which you are voluntarily participating has inherent risks (including death, loss of limb and permanent disability, and damage to or loss of property) that you assume. You certify that you are duly licensed and competent to operate a motorcycle in a safe manner, and the vehicle you will be operating during the ride is in safe and legal operating condition. You are solely responsible to determine the speed and operational characteristics of your motorcycle and your ability as a motorcycle operator while participating in the ride. You hereby agree to expressly and voluntarily accept and assume all risks involved in operating a motorcycle or participating as a motorcycle passenger while participating in the ride. You hereby covenant, as a motorcycle operator or motorcycle passenger, not to sue Ohio Epic Ride, their organizers, agents, employees, officers, directors, managers and representatives for any and all loss or damage including property damage or loss, personal injury, permanent disability and/or death, arising out of your participation in this activity (including but not limited to riding, touring, transportation to and from the activity, and at all lodging and stops). "Ohio Epic Ride" makes no warranty regarding conditions, safety of roadways, weather, lodging or stops, and the rider to assume all risk that the conditions, safety of roadways, weather, lodging or stops are other than what is expected. You understand and agree that "Ohio Epic Ride" is acting as my agent only to provide guidance as to routes, and I hereby release and hold harmless "Ohio Epic Ride", its organizers, agents, assigns and heirs against any and all claims, causes of action, or any other liability of any kind arising from my operation of a motorcycle, or as a motorcycle passenger during my activity of motorcycle riding.
  18. So I just got off the phone with my attorney friend in Chicago. I will preface with the fact that he didn't give me any legal information and is not a lawyer in Ohio, nor does he claim to know all Ohio laws... With that said... The website doesn't affect liability in the case of the ride, nor does organizing it. We are merely riding a specific route and asking people to come along with us. We aren't raising any money for anything besides shirts with a non-copyrighted logo and aren't profiting off the shirts from the event. While all this would prevent liability on ourselves/website, he did recommend however, to find like a skydiving website and copy/paste their liability clause just to be 100% transparent about everything and be safe about it. I found a disclaimer that may be useful. It will need to be slightly modified to include that by attending the Epic Ride, you agree to the following terms: You acknowledge that you understand that motorcycle riding and touring is hazardous and may result in serious injury or death. You understand that this activity in which you are voluntarily participating has inherent risks (including death, loss of limb and permanent disability, and damage to or loss of property) that you assume. You certify that you are duly licensed and competent to operate a motorcycle in a safe manner, and the vehicle you will be operating during the ride is in safe and legal operating condition. You are solely responsible to determine the speed and operational characteristics of your motorcycle and your ability as a motorcycle operator while participating in the ride. You hereby agree to expressly and voluntarily accept and assume all risks involved in operating a motorcycle or participating as a motorcycle passenger while participating in the ride.You hereby covenant, as a motorcycle operator or motorcycle passenger, not to sue COMPANY, their owners, agents, employees, officers, directors, managers and representatives for any and all loss or damage including property damage or loss, personal injury, permanent disability and/or death, arising out of my participation in this activity (including but not limited to riding, touring, transportation to and from the activity, and at all lodging and stops).COMPANY makes nowarranty regarding conditions, safety of roadways, weather, lodging or stops, and the rider to assume all risk that the conditions, safety of roadways, weather, lodging or stops are other than what is expected. You understand and agree that COMPANY is acting as my agent only to provide guidance as to routes, and I hereby release and hold harmless COMPANY its owners, agents, assigns and heirs against any and all claims, causes of action, or any other liability of any kind arising from my operation of a motorcycle, or as a motorcycle passenger during my activity of motorcycle riding.
  19. Doc, I'm going to speak with my best friend who is an attorney in Chicago. He may have some more insight on this. I really like the website and for what it's worth, my email is derekclouser@gmail.com if you do decide to keep the site open and want to include my contact info. It's possible that setting up a NPO or LLC might be best to help separate liabilities in case of worst scenario and it's only $125.00. I'll get back to you with more information about what he says.
  20. Updated and damn, it glitched... Here's to fixing all that code lol
  21. Updated - Also need to qualify, I'll have to verify that there may need to be a minimum amount purchased before they can run the prints. If we don't hit the minimum, I'll refund the money.
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