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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. So about a month ago I was having electrical issues (battery wasn't staying charged) - replaced stator, rectifier, & battery. Rode about 1100 miles (including epic ride), no issues til last night. Battery is dead again. I will be running voltage tests (was charging battery last night) to make sure the stator/rectifier are working. If they are, what issues would you suggest me looking into next? I know I am having good connections between the positive and ground to the battery as well. If the stator/rectifier are working I guess the next step would see if I have a short somewhere that's draining the battery. Any other ideas?
  2. Agreed, it appears she's been trying to get him into a nursing home and maybe this was her way of doing it. Doesn't make it right though.
  3. This video is the perfect example of how the law works. And there was someone who called it in as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAlRDGUx-B8
  4. The police have the right to 'attempt' to question the guy. If he refuses to answer questions and they see no illegal activities, he is entitled to be free to leave. I'm not sure if someone already answered this, but as soon as I saw the question, I hit quote.
  5. If he files an insurance claim he'll have to give up the bike to the insurance company and buy the motor back. Odds are it won't be worth it.
  6. You're right. Anytime it's due for work, you just trade it in and get a new one. hah
  7. If I'm leading we're taking 71 lol... I'm terrible with directions.
  8. They have a bike night in Medina Oh on Thursdays at QS&L. Maybe you can make those.
  9. Small world, I used to work at Rizzi's. I sent you a PM Yea, I was there. Met a lot of nice people. Maybe we'll meet some day.
  10. Yes, and the camera will be rolling so dress pretty.
  11. Clearly a woman on that show is DTF, this wasn't much a surprise. And yes I'll probably do some research as well. :leghump:
  12. Yeah, I got some other funny stuff like in the beginning when we got started and saw the guy trying to put his four wheeler on his car at the gas station... Just rendering that 'Nature Calls' video took a while so I didn't get time to edit the next one... I'll try to do more tonight, but was thinking if rain holds off I was going to hit up Bike Night again.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUVelw6ATKs
  14. Likewise, I have some good video of everyone in the group following the exact same line, it was pretty cool looking. Some of the video isn't great when I fell behind a little cause you guys were a little faster then I felt comfortable with but I did get some good footage at other points. I'll do my best to get it up tonight.
  15. Any free program isn't going to be good for editing. I believe they said windows movie maker is the best free one but it's going to limit you on what you can do. I'd recommend spending a little bit of cash or you can do the old fashion way of finding a way to get it a different way
  16. To be honest, I've been real busy after the ride... Apparently things backed up while I took a day for myself hah... I've got some other footage edited already, I'll get it uploaded when I leave work.
  17. Heading down with 330racing (provided there are no unforeseen circumstances come up)
  18. This is from the Medium-Fast group lead by Dave Gasser First clip I put together was a red pick up truck trying to run as all over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L44I9Qp8dCs
  19. Only as good as the leader... besides the one detour well done on leading.. one hell of a rider.. thanks everyone for such a great event... videos and pics to come!! Special thanks to whaler and his friend wolfman for helping me find my way home.
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