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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. My order 5259 - Just two OR stickers... Will this be handled? I'm not pressed for time and I know Alan is working hard to get all the mess cleared through, just verifying what is going on.
  2. Were you at Sheffield QSL on Thursday? I swear I saw your blue sv650 with LEDs.
  3. That made my day. Well done to the rider.
  4. I'll start with replacing plugs and air filter, if not then I'll run it over to Brian's shop.
  5. nice boots - but what is up with OR members and their small feet lol
  6. If the glove doesn't fit you must acquit!
  7. Excellent. Thanks for the input! I'll give it a shot.
  8. If there are guys who aren't able to attend but want to donate, do you have anything setup to do that?
  9. I don't think this is true. You can't set up a check point to search for drugs.You can only set up check points for the 2 following situations: To stop people from driving under the influence of alcohol or to prevent illegal immigrants from entering at the border.
  10. Bike: 98 CBR 900rr - Fireblade Mileage - 19k miles In 5th/6th gear - At about 4.8k RPM (redlines at 12k, power band at about 5.5k) I feel like I'm getting stuttering in the engine. When I twist the throttle I get lackluster response. Once the bike hits the power band its fine and doesn't make any funny sounds if I pull in the clutch and rev the engine. I am in no ways a mechanic, but I was curious what the problem most likely is? 1-4 gears have no issues at any RPMs. Would a crappy air filter do this? Would old spark plugs do this? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Edit: It's not a terrible stutter or anything just a minor one. I do notice a lackluster in response from the engine at that RPM though.
  11. That's interesting to know, but it does say secondary traffic violation. So if they find/smell drugs or something along those lines, they could arrest you, but if you didn't have a front license plate they couldn't ticket you unless they cited you for something non-traffic related.
  12. I heard about this on Rover's Morning Glory. I like the idea behind it, but I don't think it is going to work the way they think it will. The money and man power to keep this viable, seems to extremely outweigh the benefit that could be gained. But in my opinion, getting drugs off the street is okay in my book.
  13. Video has gone viral - Over 2 million views in less than 3 days. Thought provoking questions: Should he (the driver) have just cooperated? Boundaries of a DUI checkpoint? Did the police overstep their boundaries? What should happen to the police officers involved? Discuss.
  14. I had a 2006 SV650s. I never even came close to out growing the bike, but I did always want an inline 4. I just loved the sound of it over the vtwin sound of the sv650. So I understand where he's coming from with wanting the R1. I also don't think he's all to committed to the litre over like an R6, he's just going for the R1 cause he feels he's getting a deal on that bike. Most importantly, you are the one riding and paying for it, no one else. You make the decisions as to what bike you want to buy/ride and how hard you want to twist the throttle. When I was 19, I wanted a new SUV. I way overpaid because I was so set on getting one, even against the words of family most importantly my father. Nothing anyone could have told me then would have swayed me otherwise. When I get my mind set on something, I don't care what anyone else would have said. If you TL/DR this post here's the summary: Get the bike & Enjoy.
  15. Other companies have thought of it. They just use the far cheaper solution. Hence the clear lens with the flip down tint.
  16. Normally I'd try and go but with the search tag lines you put in there make me nervous so I'll pass.
  17. I'm in the same boat, but I bought $2.00 worth! That's a mcdouble and a mcchicken! Alan you got a website setup for this yet?
  18. I've taken my 13 and 11 year old nieces for rides before. Obviously nothing crazy. I made sure they understood the rules of riding before I took them, lean with me, hold on, keep feet on pegs, enjoy the ride.
  19. I'm in (weather providing). Subscribed. I'd prefer a little later so I'm not leaving at 7am to get to Millersberg but I'll roll with whatever.
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