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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. I'm interested but I'm 6'1" 200... think jacket would fit Me? NM I see you are far smaller then me... damn jacket was perfect look I wanted.
  2. Make sure we zip up the pockets this time Have fun guys, be safe.
  3. amazon prime ftw. Free 2 day delivery (*not sure how it will apply to the fresh scene though)
  4. So apparently Amazon is heading into the directions of delivering groceries to your house. I tried to order a Digorno pizza (for obvious ironic reasons) but they wouldn't deliver to my abode. fresh.amazon.com --- I know that other grocery stores are starting to do this already. And we wonder why Americans are obese hah
  5. Sickening. That would be an absolute real life nightmare. Trying to rush in to save your kid and cops holding you back... It makes me sick just thinking about how mad and desperate I would have been in that situation. The thing that confuses me is that the grandparents got the one kid out then realized the other kid was in there? The kid is 8months old, how did you expect the baby to get out if you didn't help him. I just don't get how you realize after you get out of the house.
  6. That is one bike that needs a fender eliminator. I just think the triumph oem fender looks so ugly, but other than that, nice bike and welcome!
  7. I have a trailer that you can use , but no straps so you'd need to provide those.. I can also help with the truck (suv). It have to be saturday or sunday though... i work M-F 9-6
  8. Greetings. Also from Akron (Copley specifically), I'd be more than happy to go riding with ya sometime.
  9. There was quite a few times I couldn't understand a word he said and no they didn't subtitle him.... made it difficult.
  10. 650 for that pool table seems awfully steep. I understand the added quality but it's still 8 feet nevertheless and used. Probably why no one has hit on it.
  11. "What does that have anything to do with me making you a sandwich?"
  12. Ladies & Gents, So I have a youtube channel where I motovlog and post other motorcycle content. I have a prop I want to incorporate into a video, but have stalled on the idea. So someone was pitching some items out of a storage unit and came across a back pack looking item. Before it hit the trash I picked it up and realized it was a batman prop. It had two parachute type strings. When you pull the one string, a set of batman wings extend out. When you pull the second string, the wings contract. The whole contraption is worn like a backpack. I figured I could do some sort of funny parody video on the bike with this contraption. Any clever ideas?
  13. Yes, exactly. First person to cross the finish line or put their feet down loses. A lot of time they hold slow drags at bike nights and give prizes to the winners. Pretty clever idea imho.
  14. TOOOOOOO many times people resort to this sort of thinking when something tragic happens. I don't think increasing penalties is a great idea either. Increasing penalties should only be considered when people are acting with intent of being malicious. I'm assuming the teenager didn't intend to run over a police officer on a motorbike and use texting as a cover. It was an accident preceeded by a poor decision, but still an accident nevertheless. Hopefully the police officer fully recovers, not only for him, but for the sanity of the teenager. Creating a device that requires a cell phone to be plugged in for the car to work wouldn't work because that would force everyone to require a cell phone. Does this mean if you didn't have a cell phone you couldn't use a car? What if you're financially struggling and you're unable to afford a cellphone, does this mean you can't drive your car?
  15. I've got about 3 hours of clips - I'll get some clips edited tonight for you. If I uploaded to youtube unlisted, would you be able to yank them off or you prefer dropbox?
  16. I'd be down (assuming I'm available and weather) and might be able to get 2-3 more bikes. What charity is the money going to ??
  17. It's only busted cause you're a busted installer hah
  18. in b4 you buy another set of gloves, hah
  19. I'm in Copley as well..... not usually off Mondays, but I'd be down to ride whenever... I'll pm you with my #
  20. 330racing and myself also went May 1... and we witnessed probably the funniest thing I've seen on a motorbike to date. 3 kids were slow dragging in the back parking lot, one kid falls and face plants head first into his buddies bike... was absolutely hilarious and my explanation doesn't even give it half the hilarity factor that it actually had.
  21. Freedom of Speech. If you find a news station unreliable, don't go to them for breaking news. The problem is that people are so unreliable when it comes to recounting acts that happened in front of their eyes. It's the telephone principle. What the first person says and as it gets passed from person to person, by the end it's some perverted joke rather than the original message.
  22. I use a Drift HD Ghost with 3M curved sticky mount on right side of my helmet. Allows the camera to see what you see.
  23. Or a coverup for witness protection, he might be giving valuable information on terrorist organizations and they want you to believe he's dead for his protection. in b4 conspiracy theory.
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