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Everything posted by Strawboss
Had A Chat With A "military Collector" Wearing Uniform In Public
Strawboss replied to chevysoldier's topic in Dumpster
My, so educated, well good for you, me, I'm just a dumb firefighter that also wears a uniform and knows what it takes to wear one and is grateful for people like chevy that know what values are and willingly put their life in danger so that people like us can sit and chat like this. Since you are angry, I'll leave and let you have the last word. We'll agree to disagree, but if I ever see you, I'm buying the beer. -
Had A Chat With A "military Collector" Wearing Uniform In Public
Strawboss replied to chevysoldier's topic in Dumpster
I like those colors. -
Had A Chat With A "military Collector" Wearing Uniform In Public
Strawboss replied to chevysoldier's topic in Dumpster
Well, he did follow him into the men's room. -
Had A Chat With A "military Collector" Wearing Uniform In Public
Strawboss replied to chevysoldier's topic in Dumpster
Its not, but it was disrespectful in the way he did it and he was advised. -
You Meet The Nicest People On A Goldwing Well Almost
Strawboss replied to HeavyDuty's topic in Daily Ride
I won't argue that a car is deadly. I won't argue that what the guy did was really stupid. I won't argue that he almost caused great harm to a few people. I won't argue that what the woman did was deserving. I'm playing devil's advocate and the reality is that even though he may have almost caused an accident, she most certainly sprayed him. Whether or not we think it was right or wrong or deserving or not or even if he called her names and threatened her. witnesses may have seen what he did, but most likely did not hear what he may have said, they also may have seen what she did, and in the end, whether you like it or not, she could be charged. I'm just glad it went no further and everyone went home fairly intact. -
You Meet The Nicest People On A Goldwing Well Almost
Strawboss replied to HeavyDuty's topic in Daily Ride
Conversely, he could say she threatened him with bodily harm somehow, so that argument doesn't work. Police don't have to see a crime for a person to be charge or convicted, its why we have witnesses. So it comes down to he said, she said, and in the end a judge and jury has heard that a woman sprayed a driver with pepper spray, whatever happened just prior makes no difference even if the guy was an asshat who ALMOST hit them. -
You Meet The Nicest People On A Goldwing Well Almost
Strawboss replied to HeavyDuty's topic in Daily Ride
Would I do it? No. I see both sides to this though. If the man would have pulled his legally owned firearm and shot the woman on the back of the bike would he have been charged using the firehouse lawyer logic used to defend the woman? Then what? He was a moron who almost caused serious harm. the key word here is ALMOST. Not did. You are either pregnant or not. You are either dead or not. Never ALMOST. He almost hit them. He didn't though. Give him an earful and move on hoping he learned something. To attack him, and she did, may temporarily feel good but really is against the law as he didn't cause you harm and if he did you might get charged anyhow. All involved are very lucky. -
I've got a Soviet 1953 SKS, its been arsenal rebuilt but still has all matching numbers, even the stock. Its in great original condition. Ever see any of the Russian or former Soviet Union states color or honor guards? The SKS over there is the equivalent of our 1903 Springfields. All of them use SKS's. To not think of them as historic is misguided as it was an interim rifle used in the last days of WWII before the AK was adopted, many found their way to Vietnam before we got there and may have wounded and killed far more people than the AK did as the SKS was usually not used by regular NVA troops. This is only speculation on my part as the VC seemed to have more SKS's than AK's. Later in the war I'm sure this number changed though. Norinco's are fine to shoot and blast and modify in my opinion. I don't think I've ever seen a stamped receiver on an SKS, the bolt cover maybe but never the receiver, who made them?
Modern journalism isn't journalism at all. Its not about checking your sources or facts because its not about the truth, its about ratings which equals money. It does bring up the fact that any normal person who would read those names under those circumstances would realized after about 2 seconds that its a joke. Refer to my comments above. The fact that an on camera anchor said these names and the reason the plane crashed are two separate stories and one shouldn't confuse the one with the other by asking why a funny name to some should take priority over why the plane crashed.
I bought my #4 in 1992 for $60, its in great shape with practically a new barrel, of course it was rebuilt but still. anyhow, its a 1942 manufacture stamped "U.S. Property" made by Savage Arms for the British Gov't. before we got into the war, it was never delivered to England. I would say also around $2-300 as many don't know what they are and ammo can be dodgy. Strangely, India I know used them as their front line weapon until recently, they may well still use it, and as far as I know, made them in Ishapore for quite awhile, at least into the 70's if I remember correctly. Yes, avoid the Paki crap. Good luck, I would keep it if I were you.
Had A Chat With A "military Collector" Wearing Uniform In Public
Strawboss replied to chevysoldier's topic in Dumpster
You did well Chevy, more people need to do that, its something I would have done. I'm current active career firefighter and don't like when I see folks wearing fire dept. apparel. I know its in support, family, friends, maybe like FDNY and such, Cleveland Fire actually sells their T-shirts at fund raisers, but sometimes they like to act like you said as if they were actually a firefighter. It, to me, would be like wearing an FBI or a police T-shirt. Number one, you make yourself a target, either from someone with an axe to grind or a nutjob robbing a place. And, number two, people think you are representing that particular dept., and if you are a moron, then you make that dept. look bad. If I'm wearing anything with my dept. writing on it, I consider myself "on duty", as everyone is looking at me and will remember if I do something they may not agree with. So I take off anything with my depts. name on it if I'm off duty. Slightly different than your story but in the same vein I think. -
They have one in Wooster at the BMW dealer there, that is such a cool little bike! Pipe is goofy, but so are all the new factory ones. The Ninja 300 it competes against is nice but just too angular and new Japanese think. The Suzuki 250 looks like an 80's Honda and is also very retro cool, but don't think its selling as good as the Honda and Kawasaki's.
I always like when somebody is shot and killed who plainly and without a doubt put a cops life and the life of others in danger ask why a different method wasn't used to subdue or diffuse the situation when clearly that person has forsaken all his rights and needs to be stopped when they attack a cop. The same goes for when the police shoot someone when his family cries that he was only carrying a toy pistol. You have a split second to react to a threat, and if an animal or a person is going to attack me, I want the most appropriate weapon to stop that attack forever, not slow it, not wound it, not put it off to the side. You have a man that is being subdued and restrained and his dog lunges and jumps and attacks you. Was he just being playful, is this what this particular dog does when comfronted with strangers? Who knows, I don't want to find out. Want to know how many supposedly "nice" dogs who "never bite" have bitten people. Does the cop wait till he on the ground being mauled thereby causing his partner to stop with the human and help his partner before realizing that using his pistol was maybe a better idea. What are the dept's SOP's concerning attacking dogs? So a cop is going to put his life and the life of his partners in danger simply because people are watching and shooting an attacking dog might appear politically incorrect by using what to subdue this dog? A taser? A night stick?
Yes to all 3 questions, my opinion only. Do you wait until the dog bites you to think its reasonable that he's going to bike you? Do you wait until you are dead to think that its reasonable to think that a gun is the proper thing to use against that threat? An injured dog is a very dangerous animal, there are only warning shots in the movies, you don't shoot a threat to your life in the shoulder, you put it down for good, if that means 3 more shots, then I'm ok with that. Ultimately, it was the human owner that put the dog in that situation and that's where the responsibility lies.
I'm glad to hear you are responsible enough to NOT go to the ED of the local hospital for your primary care as many folks do. Right now though, you CANNOT afford to NOT go to a Dr. Can you say for absolute certainty that you know what your problem is? You said you have not been to a Dr. in 12 years? But, you are bleeding from the rectum with pain? Go to a doc, get established, transfer your records and get treated for whatever problem you may have. I would also go so far as to tell you to get a complete physical when you establish a relationship with a doc so they have a baseline as to your history so they can tell if its getting worse or not. Pain, discomfort and bleeding from the rectum is pretty serious business and should never be discounted. You need to be seen like RIGHT NOW. Not sure of your age but I'd also schedule a scope, your doc will most likely do that just to get a fix as to whats up and confirm a DX. Make the call today, get going and keep us posted.
That right now is actually a very good price all things considered. You'll find a buyer, go to a gun show if you can, you won't make into the place, watch though, many venues really frown on parking lot sales at shows.
Well, people riot and loot after winning a ball game, so, yeah, you are free to riot and loot. Look out for the Korean shop owners though, they do not mess around.
Many folks will tell you to replace the tire no matter what, and its a good idea, probably the best, however, many will tell you about plugged tires they have ridden thousands of miles, I'm one who after getting a nail in the middle of the treads on a virtually new rear tire with around 100 miles on it, plugged it to get home, took the tire off, patched it from the inside keeping the plug in and rode it another 20,000 miles including a trip to CO. All situations are different and don't take my word as gospel, I'm just a frugal type of guy, but, what's a tire cost? $150? I give ambulance rides at work that cost $500. $150 isn't so much when looking at costs of other things. Two sides of a story.
What does shrubbery have to do with any of this?
The insurance coverage is nice, and I'm glad you weren't out of state when it happened and it all worked out in the end. Its an eye opener though. I'm of the opinion that you try to help yourself before asking for help as theres nothing worse for me than to have to sit on the side of the road waiting for help from someone when I could have had the tools needed to try to fix it myself. The BMW plug kit I have cost less than $20 and will fit in your coat pocket. now, granted, its not the best as I've since bought a small compressor instead of using the CO2 cartridges that come with the kit, but, hey, its better than nothing and if it works, and they almost always do, then you are ahead of the game and know what you need for next time.
To answer the original question literally, 50cc. I regularly ride my Honda 50cc scooter to work and around town all summer long. 100mpg. 40mph. I also rode my 550cc Kawasaki as my primary bike for 23 years before getting my Concours. I'd like a Honda CBR250 now, nice bike.
A lot of riders zip tie tire plug kits to the frame of the bike in a spot you can't see or store it with the tool kit under the seat. They aren't that large.
OK. Someplace to go when its cold out but jeez if you just go twice a month in the winter months for two hours that's more than belonging to a club where you can shoot anything except 50BMG. I know its convenient but I guess I haven't check out prices lately. Do you have to join and then pay when you go?
Yeah, heard about that, just never stopped in, let me know the particulars.