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Posts posted by MaTS1200

  1. The first few photos were from a camera with a clear lens cap on it. The sky crane caused much dust to accumulate as it hovered from the rockets before the rover was gently placed on the surface. I seriously hope you read more before you post again.


    Missed that. I'll be sure to "read more" before I post again. Thanks captain Kirk.

  2. I really hope that after spending $2.5B on this mission that someone thought to mount a high definition color camera on that thing. It looks like the first few photos on the ground are black and white. I would have personally pitched in the extra $250 for a decent high def color camera.
  3. Lots of the car guys on here also ride motorcycles and probably value their lives more than a material possession.


    I've ridden bikes my whole life. Currently own a Triumph Sprint ST. I've dealt with tons of assholes but never felt the need to kick their car. I just flip them the bird and move on.

  4. I think she went way too far. That being said, I'm kinda surprised by some of the responses that is was acceptable for him to kick the car. This is a car enthusiast website. Most on here would agree that fucking with someone's car is completely unacceptable. If you do... expect the worst.
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