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Everything posted by B-Mac

  1. B-Mac

    Central Ohio Rides

    I was leading this exercise and I can say that we had just slowed our pace down to 60 and below about 8 miles before. I was nursing the Z to the gas station with a flickering warning light. The problem was that the gravel was sooooo fine and the sun was behind us. This condition visually washed out any color contrast between gravel and asphalt. I was in 6th gear just off idle slight lean angle and I hit it. My back started to slide and I throttled out "a-lay" dirt bike power slide. Keep in mind 6th gear 3K rpm not too much torque with the inline 4. but enough to keep from hi-siding. I braked and watched in my mirror as Jacob slid out. We had been conservative all day with corner speeds, Adjusting lines early, mid and late corner for leaves, road kill, gravel. Typical autumn riding conditions. Can't react to what you can't see. Shit happens. If I had more fuel on board we would both be in a bad place right now. Clean corner, engine wound-up, and power on thru the corner. "Bad things man..." Jacob can now get a Hypermotard for 2016. See thing happen for a reason. Besides he is to young for a FJR. B.
  2. B-Mac

    Central Ohio Rides

    No problem, it was just bug juice. Garmin said we traveled 180 miles and somewhere hit 107 ts. Dont know how that could have happened. Good luck on your project. I went back to our last stop and got my bag this am. All is well.
  3. B-Mac

    Central Ohio Rides

    Jacob I had a great time riding today. Thank you and your friend for making the journey south. A large bug hit my camera lens early in the ride and all photos and video are no-go. Home safe. B.
  4. B-Mac

    Central Ohio Rides

    I was on 33 today and they have the lanes open now so no problem if you want to meet at the sunoco gas station & Clear Creek. then jump back on 33S for 1 mile to 374. Now if you want a back way into 374 I can meet you at the 33/22 exit. Delmont fleet service, 2965 Delmont Rd SW, Lancaster, OH 43130. Also even farther north at the John Deere Equipment. 1200 Delmont Rd SW, Lancaster, OH 43130 Just give me a time and place to meet up. PM Sent
  5. B-Mac

    Central Ohio Rides

    If you want a wing man tomorrow I would be happy to meet you at 374 or the sunoco gas station just north at 33 and clear creek rd./116. There are some fun skinny, high center, off camber, twisted shit township roads that you can catch air on before and around 374 that are fun. but in most cases they are not the wide sweeper stuff that most O.R. enjoy. let me know and we can make a plan. B.
  6. B-Mac

    Central Ohio Rides

    J. FYI Avoid 33S. it's a parking lot at this time, Construction/Commuters Deer and school buses are on the move. Gets Dark at 5:30pm. Suggestion: Call in sick, Have the wife work a double shift and come down around 9:30 ride till 2pm go home and make dinner. You should have my numbers if you need any help/recovery down here riding in the hock. B.
  7. I might be able to tag along on this. I am in the Logan area. I will watch this for up dates.
  8. I wonder if the relationship of the couple on the accident bike will endure the long legal process once her medical bills start stacking up and her parents, family members get involved. Her father must be proud of her early life choices.
  9. Ron, Nice Jeep. The river bottom is slick on a bike and will slam you down with little warning. I was doing the Baby Burr ADV ride today and this was Pleasant ridge road just off 327 outside of Laurelville.
  10. Checking out some trails on my VS1000. Had a great time. Nice roads around the area also. Crap Vid&Music:
  11. Nice bike Doc, Open invitation to ride down here to the H.hills and I will show you some nice adventure style routes.
  12. B-Mac

    ADVMoto Rally

    This was a great event. Everyone was open and friendly. The roads, as everyone knows are fast and flowing. Even off-road had some challenging areas with water crossing and dropout's. I blew by this group of backmarkers on Squirrel gap road I think but they did post a video of the event so that's a good thing. Great Time. Not my Video
  13. B-Mac

    ADVMoto Rally

    Heading out to this at 8am Friday. 15K$ of prizes. I hope I win something:)
  14. Rumor is that Pokey is leading the fast group next Saturday?
  15. Jim, are you going to deviate a group again like the last ride? Any case if I dont bust my ass at Wailing Wayne I will show.
  16. Remember when they were called Peace Officers. This is a good read. Understanding “Peace Officer” vs. “Law Enforcement Officer” http://markmccoy.com/police.htm
  17. Jim, you can try out my VS anytime.
  18. This event is right in my local area and will require my attendance. I think the main theme of the WW and I am just speculating is to ride the Wayne trail system on a 500 lb ADV bike with fellow enthusiast. It's nice to have help picking these beast up when they take naps on the downhill side of a trail. Plus there are so many gravel, chip&seal shit bumpy roads and 3digit curvy, fun roads in the area that are a hooligan fest on a ADV bike. with 100hp, 7-10 inches of properly set up suspension travel, skid plate, wide set of bars for leverage and a shit load of v twin torque it's all disciplines of motorcycle riding rolled into one intense time. I think the 555 thing is a advert thing of what we have here in Ohio. We all know the road and it is what it is. If I had someone from out of state visit for 4 days parts of 555 would be on our list of roads just so they can they have done it. Here is a video of Chad's event last year:
  19. I have a time piece now and the Z has a clock so I should be in good with time. I just need to remember the meeting time. In any case, Don't wait on me. :-)
  20. I may be able to meet at McConnelsville on SR78 11:00-11:15 No wait.
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