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Everything posted by B-Mac

  1. Can't ever miss that. Only one water crossing got me. Thing should be pretty dry down there this time of the year. So we will see next week.
  2. Getting ready to meet friends down in Tellico Plains, TN. for some Adventure riding, Oct 7-11 Should get three, 160mile days of mixed stuff. Was there in March for a event and now for a fall ride. Should have a ride report when I return. Video snips of March ride:
  3. B-Mac

    Got a new toy!

    The Dryspec soft luggage works great. Easy to tie in together as a system for full pack or split it up for lite duty. (Twisted throttle)
  4. Congratulations Rob, Very nice bike, hope it works well for you. B.
  5. Doc, I am heading out early AM to Marietta area for curves and lunch. Return and video 676W to Watertown. 339N to Beverly, 83N to New Concord, Hit my favorite coffee shop next to the Glen Museum parking lot. Fuel at the Gas Mart and return home 83/78 via.Glouster. If I don't see a time frame for your 83S New Concord pass thru I will assume you headed east. Have fun and stay safe. Brian Just read now your post above. Next Time.
  6. Doc, Wil your route come down near Hocking hills, I need to get the Z out for a ride.
  7. THE TRACTION-PIE ANALOGY, Learn it, Love it, Live It. Well done Gent's.
  8. Route is in good shape. I wish the weeds were cut back. ORC:5579.04 Destruction of brush, briers, weeds along highways 130miles, 54.7 mph.Avg. 2:22 hrs. moving. 1min clip:
  9. EPIC Route, Today, 56 just after Coonville has road work short delay one lane controlled by temp light. 668 North of Junction City has ongoing road work with one lane controlled by a flag man. Long wait on hot asphalt.
  10. I have to lead a adventure ride on Saturday with the Wailin Wayne Event so i will miss this great Epic Ride event. Sorry Jschaf would have been nice to ride with you again. I will video recon this Epic route in the morning Tuesday 9/6/16 and check conditions. It's the least I can do for the cause. Have fun and stay safe.
  11. NIGHT RIDE II, Friday 8/26/16 WNF New Straitsville (Begley's Campground) Safe Parking for those who Trailer. 7:15 Show 8PM Start (Sunset 8:12) Should finish before 10pm. Depending on breaks/endo's. Main trail to Monday Creek and return. All Welcome. Trail Permit needed.
  12. Here is some of the Wayne trail at Night Time.
  13. Wayne NF: http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5361258.pdf Park at Monday Creek Trail Head and ride the Long Ridge Trail system for the single track. You will be done with Long Ridge Trail in 2.5-3.0 hrs. Then you can ride the main to Dorr run and hope you don't meet your end on one of the blind turns. . Be advised the rest of Wayne on weekends is a Quad/Side by side fest. Not sure where you got your info on H&M trail system but there is so much two wheel riding and single track to ride for multiple day's of riding. I would never pass up a Hatfield/McCoy trip for Wayne. There is absolute NO comparison. Ride Buffalo Mtn. down at Matewan has the singletrack to meet your needs plus Matewan is a cool town and everyone is friendly and helpful. Here is some Adv Bike stuff from Matewan Stolen Pig Rally:http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/stolen-pig-rally-matewan-wv-apr-27-may-1-2016.1102774/ Good Luck, B.
  14. Wayne trail is getting worn as the end of the season approaches. Monday was a great day to be hustling a 500lb beast thru the woods with 77deg temps and no traffic. Lots of stone and 1" gravel mixed in with deep two track ruts. some areas had water and mud to keep thing interesting. It's all good training and fun.
  15. This a great event with many ride routes to chose from. Wapocoma Campground is conveniently located off Rt. 50 just south of Romney, West Virginia . See ya. Info: http://www.advmotorally.com/
  16. Adventure Riders, Great event. Check the schedule, http://www.wailinwayneweekend.com/
  17. Welcome back, Once you get bike serviced and sorted keep in mind of a upcoming event. http://www.wailinwayneweekend.com/ See Ya, Brian
  18. B-Mac


    Joe, Went to range yesterday, I've decided my well used 512 is still good. Looking for a scope now. Thank You. B.
  19. B-Mac


    I tried to send you a PM but you cannot receive PM??? Do you mind receiving my offer in the clear? Brian
  20. Bummer, http://www.wailinwayneweekend.com/# The Wailin Wayne Weekend event conflicts. I may try to do both.
  21. B-Mac


    Do you ever get down to WNF New Straitsville area to ride the trails on your Raptor. If you do I would be interested in this item. If you dont find a buyer and get down this way let me know. Brian
  22. Kentucky Adventure Trail Ohio Hocking Hills
  23. Jim, I have a 2013 Kaw Z1000 and a 2014 Suzuki DL1000 Adv. You are welcome to ride down here to Hocking Hills on your couch and we can take them both out for a ride and this will give you a little information on your next choice of bikes. You may be surprised how versatile the V-Strom is. Both have been upgraded and breathed on slightly but only for comfort and drive-ability. You will have to bring Donuts. PM me for further information if needed. Brian
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