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Everything posted by Calinazaret

  1. I can honestly say I've never had a boner while driving my car.
  2. Kinda wondering the same thing but didn't want to think about it...
  3. What causes a person to even think to do something like this...
  4. What was it like to swim with a helmet on??
  5. I ride up to Dublin all the time. Welcome!
  6. I got my BA is psych in 2009 just as the economy tanked and the only job I could get was housekeeping. After a while though I found a great job doing behavioral therapy with Autistic kids. Sometimes it just takes a while. Oh, and welcome!
  7. My ex had a cr1125. Wicked cool bike. We called it the kracken
  8. Calinazaret

    NEO 5/31

    I'm in Newark blazing my own trail at the moment. I'll end up in cbus later. I'll solo if I have to but the more the merrier
  9. On my way. Be there around 11:40. Hope to see you guys if not then next time!
  10. That's crazy this is a great bike!
  11. Oh wait yeah I've seen that before. Yeah this guy is totally retarded and he's lucky to be alive.
  12. Woahoho! I have never lane split that fast in my life. That's just asking for trouble. When I took the MSF course I asked the CHP (Cali highway patrol) how fast to lane split and they said a good rule of thumb is not more that 20-25mph faster than traffic. But then again, I've never seen a dedicated lane for splitting like this. Where is this video?
  13. I am totally down. Gives me a chance to practice the beer balancing trick. The things I need done are not too intensive, just fork seals and rear brake. I could probably do the rear brake by myself but I've been putting it off. I might need (or want) to do the front brake though now that my forks been dripping all over it.
  14. That reminds me of the first time I went grocery shopping with a bike. I had just started riding obviously and hadn't yet cemented the mindset. Walking out of Costco with a gigantic 36 pack of toilet paper I see my little honda rebel and I'm just like awe shit.
  15. No such luck on the garage. I'd be willing to travel though. It'll be a neat challenge figuring out how to carry a cake on the cbr
  16. Oh, I live cooking. I'm also huge into baking fancy cakes and stuff. But it's more caloric than riding that's for sure. Some examples:
  17. Where is this held? Seems interesting.
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