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Everything posted by JustinNck1

  1. I know that feeling. It's great to find a bike you truly don't see a viable replacement. I'd like to own more bikes, but I feel the same way about my FJR.
  2. THIS. The sad part is people don't think logically and then get themselves into bad situations.
  3. As far as basic bike handling skills go, I think it's hard to beat starting on a dirt bike offroad. I rode quads and dirt bikes in my early teens which made transition to street bike easier. This doesn't train you for dealing with traffic though.
  4. I always thought it was "Buy More Warranty"
  5. Decided to test fit my dry bag on the FJR. Looks like it will work just fine. Now if I ever decide to get camping gear...
  6. Or you can watch it on VaporVue via Amazon with a $4.99 subscription, which has a 7 day free trial.
  7. It's an ok movie. It wasn't as good a Long Way Round or Race to Dakar, but was alright.
  8. It was a DVD gift that came with my Aerostich.
  9. Anyone ever watch the movie "Mondo Sahara"? Not a bad movie about adventure motorcycling.
  10. I've heard of this happening from several sources but never seen one first hand. It would be nice to know what is causing it to split. I would suspect overtightening. I'll stick with my overpriced Yamaha filter though.
  11. How loud to too loud to be considered a noise ordinance violation?
  12. People can mow their yard properly AND not load it with chemicals. That's most most people do. I'm not sure where that correlation came from anyways. I just simple want my asshole of a neighbor to make one pass with his riding mower the opposite direction, or after he is finished mowing, simply blow it back into his yard. It's just a common courtesy i thought. I doubt it's going to happen though. His hedges at the edge of their driveway start hanging out in the streets so far a pickup truck can't get through without hitting them, so I go up there with the electric hedge trimmers and trim them nice and crooked. Apparently he can't get the hint on that one either.
  13. They were writing fines for leaving the water on while wiping down the car. How do you measure that, how long can you leave it running? Same situation and they made it work. Nevada used to have laws where if the water ran into the street, you were using too much. That's like asking how much is considered littering? You can throw out a cigarette butt, but what about a gum wrapper, or tissue paper? It all goes by judgement.
  14. The same way California writes violations for using too much water during drought periods. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-500-car-wash-new-california-fines-for-wasting-water-take-effect/
  15. There is an Advanced Rider Course in Parkersburg, WV (The city where I work) 9/30/17 and another on 10/21/17. Both still have 12 open spots. I'm not sure how far it is from you. The class is right off Rt 77.
  16. I was very tempted to go out there at 2am with my leaf blower and send it all down in front of their garage door. i'm sure they would love having their kids woke up at 2am.
  17. We have a Village Ordinance against it and if I am not mistaken, there is a County Ordinance as well. It causes issues with the drains and it's dangerous. This neighbor has been trying to move for awhile, they're the type that just wants to keep up with the Joneses and are in debt up to their eyeballs.
  18. I was just scrolling through our Ozark Trip photos. I hope all is going well Jerry...
  19. I know this may sound insensitive, but the statistics don't change my stance on not wanting to change things. Let it be, and natural selection will take it's place. I try to prepare myself with protection gear for the worst. I don't think forcing people to follow guidelines on what bike to start on or if they wear a helmet is gonna fix idiotic nature.
  20. Date codes are only one factor of many when considering a tire's quality/life expectancy. Many other factors such as temperature where stored, how long have they been stored, have they been sitting in sunlight, have they been in a humid shed, have they been off the wheel, on the wheel, sitting with water in them, etc. This is why you check a tires physical condition (hardness, signs of cracking, loss of shape, odd coloring, etc) I just had a bike on the lift this weekend that had tires with a 2009 date code. Guess what, they looked perfectly fine and they guy was railing corners on a Goldwing with them. I understand you're trying to help, but this topic has been beat to death lately. People need to worry less about date codes and more about tire pressure. That is the #1 cause for premature tire wear or poor handling.
  21. You would think so. I have asked repeteadly and nicely to my neighbors to not blow the grass in the yard. Instead of listening, they are doing it more deliberately.
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