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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. motocat12

    Katana Hate?

    He can strapon a spare like adventure riders, It can't look any worse.
  2. Shhh, careful ,trump will do it. and Mel Gibson will pay to build it. But the pipleline will keep the rest of is from fighting over fuel.
  3. The real harm is to liberal ideology. Do any companies have patents on carbon monoxide? Wait that would be bad for the environment
  4. motocat12

    Katana Hate?

    Not very liquid for resale. Not sexy ,but hey if your eyes don't see it. It's 15 years old and will need things replaced unless it's maintenance has been kept up.
  5. Speedo healer/speedo drd
  6. http://www.salon.com/2017/01/26/trump-plans-to-shame-sanctuary-cities-by-publishing-a-weekly-list-of-crimes-committed-by-undocumented-immigrants/ "Each year, the USCIS receives and processes about 6 million immigration applications from individuals and employers" Too much demand some are not going to make it There's residency then there's citizenship.
  7. Is the threat of a wall dumb? I support anything that increases self deportations. The threat of a wall could be the most cost effective strategy ever.
  8. trigger warning medical http://mashable.com/2017/01/18/3d-skin-printer-for-severe-burns/#kM_N9lq7mPqE Maybe a gear printer for them too?
  9. few- what's that in the analogy? They all broke the deportable law. Next you'll be saying we have to let every previously "unjustly" deported person back in. Was deporting those few wrong?
  10. exactly we have enough of our own why do we need more.
  11. It's also about letting politicians know we'll vote the ones willing to make the tough decisions and not keep skating by passing the problems on.
  12. Once you announce an amnesty there will be flocks coming claiming they were here all along, They're undocumented what is there to deny. If deporting them is too big of a task, So is them gifting them amnesty it will be an utter mess. And we did that already. It was the right thing to do last time. They knew the risk. "Allowed them to stay", now we need a statute of limitations on how long their feet are on the soil until we can't go after them. It's their fault And the government, but it ain't my fault. If you change the laws to fit criminals you change the criminals into law makers. The law was the law regardless of whether they were caught and kicked out. Some were, that didn't seem to deter the rest .It was more of an overpowering bum rush "they can't catch all of us". Our disproportionate resources don't need to change to accommodate them. Not to mention them holding a grudge politically against one side's fair opinions, do they get banned from voting for life?( I guess we'd need voter ID's then) PS not to mention as your ancestors ,the legal option was there for them to apply for all along.
  13. Or you lost confidence in the people at the top disconnected from the host communities and also the low level employees doing the supposed vetting.
  14. damn zombies A Pittsburgh man has had his ear bitten off by a roommate who feared that he would be sent back to Mexico by President Trump. Marco Ortiz describes how his roommate bit off part of his ear and twisted his fingers after the roommate became allegedly agitated following an argument over Donald Trump’s immigrant policies. http://www.inquisitr.com/videos/3917357/mans-ear-bitten-off-by-roommate-over-donald-trump-concern/
  15. American farmers secretly feed cows defective Skittles because they are cheaper than corn, truck crash reveals http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/skittles-cows-corn-truck-crash-american-farmers-wisconsin-dodge-county-a7536731.html Thanks Trump! Thanks Trump?
  16. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/24/california-ski-resorts-blanketed-in-record-snowfal/ #TT
  17. What besides bigger/outmanned guns do you propose chicago gangs fear?
  18. What if he's attaching from his floppy drive? Then you get those URLS c:\\ToniksPornFolder\WuTang\Mercedes.jpg
  19. For some cheap jamming have you looked at diddley bows? ( or hours of youtube time wasting)
  20. My yard was created by glaciers. Thanks trump.
  21. The plural non possessive friends makes that Your gay wedding. There are quizzes for that, could be interesting. I think every voter shoots them selves in the foot on certain issues.
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