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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. it would be super helpful if hotmail ,lacking adaquate filtering, let you create rules against phishing "if not" IF from name contains "paypal", AND IF email address does not contain @paypal THEN delete
  2. the lightest one.(that fits) for the price I'd go the mongoose, They're all getting to be old rims/spokes, cables,chains,brakepads, gumwall tires. you'll be in for more money to keep them going more than a year. For a beginner the the treks double isn't as good as the other 2 triple chainrings and with the downtube shifters will be harder to resell when you upgrade.
  3. Those lugged composite frames are about 20 years old and have 3 materials you just don't know how they were built back in the beginning or treated since. something like this would be a fair start if it's not too small https://cleveland.craigslist.org/bik/5903454058.html http://www.ebay.com/itm/52-cm-Tommaso-Capri-24-Speed-/172403309820?hash=item282409bcfc:g:vIQAAOSw5cNYIvxF A good way to determine age and quality is the stem is it's an outer clamp aheadset or the old/cheap skinny quill that bends ~90 degrees and clamps inside the fork. (also called threadless/threaded but harder to see) Also go 8 speed or more rear hub Tiagra sora microshift brifters would be on my wishlist for current models ultegra or 105 for older stuff. will be a big difference from downtube/stem shifters. For $300 and willing to drive as far as lancaster I'd hold out or offer less on the ones their owners think are worth that much. look for compact front gearing 46-48 big ring rather than 52. though that will reduce options as it's been popularized since 2010. Otherwise with "race gears there will be several less useful ratios. Get used to clip in pedals. get proper shorts
  4. You're looking at task manager for the 100%? is show processes for all users checked? sometimes you can kill (right click) explorer, then File>run new task>explorer to flush whatever's hanging it. Does it go down when wireless is turned off? Antivirus running? try disabling it while wireless is off
  5. Dan should leave the SV here and rent it out for travel income.
  6. Popular vote wins would rocket campaign spending and ensure (even more)no outsider would ever get in.
  7. I'd move before I'd drive over 30 minutes 5 days a week. 2.5 days a week would depend, can you arrange your schedule so you aren't required to drive during rush hour? That feeling of control and not being thrown in with the rats is worth something. I join clubs/ teams near work to skip the evening jams. Then there's the feeling of waste comparing short distances that take a long time to long distances that take the same time. 12 years is a lot of banked non-commute wake time though.
  8. We'll yeah because that's how they campaign and why republicans in area's like DC don;t bother to vote. She got 2.8 million more votes for $225 million more spending to lose in the end. That's the democrat way.
  9. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/12/11/ransomware_offer_pay_us_a_770_ransom_or_infect_two_friends/ "friends" , ransom affiliate program
  10. Republican Donald Trump’s victory in Wisconsin has been reaffirmed following a presidential recount that showed him defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 22,000 votes. Trump picked up a net 162 votes as a result of the recount that the Wisconsin Elections Commission certified Monday.
  11. Watched a driver on the outerbelt pretty far ahead looking like he was pulling over from the slow lane to the breakdown lane then turn sharply into the guardrail and ricochet back over 1 1/2 lanes without hitting anyone. They kept on driving and went off the next exit. So that's how cops keep getting hit. Car was murdered out, all black big rims covered tail lights, privacy tint
  12. I think he posted he was retiring earlier than planned and taking china bike far south.
  13. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/5894574276.html rebuilt weestrom $1100
  14. \ What will you be thinking about when these songs are played? "It's Good to be King" "No I won't back Down" "Freeeee Falllin" "Running Down a Dream" "You Wreck Me Baby" "Love is a Long Road" "Even the Losers" "Into the Great Wide Open"
  15. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mpo/5910398361.html "lowered... needs oil pan, hit manhole cover."
  16. met halfway and got the pontiac trans instead . . . .
  17. Is this the state park lodge? last time i was there was an Indian run 12 years ago.
  18. 10-6,10-6 ,10-4 Shot p320c,mpx. 12 people in line 45 min wait,thinned down to 6 at times. Threw the mtb in back off to chester ridge trails now.
  19. On the news this morning new car safety by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, cars were docked points for not having bright-ass enough headlights. They actually did lower scores for glare too though... http://www.iihs.org/iihs/ratings/ratings-info/headlight-evaluation New IIHS ratings show most headlights are lacking - Insurance ... “The field of contenders is smaller this year because so few vehicles have headlights that do their job well. Manufacturers are focusing on improving this basic safety equipment, and we’re confident that the winners’ list will grow as the year progresses. "
  20. This thread should be renamed "Random Politics thoughts" How funny is it, during the campaign people claimed Trump was a democrat now the media complain his cabinet is all far right?
  21. You know the google cache trick? http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:v71b7PtqWScJ:www.vanceoutdoors.com/sig-sauer-range-days.cfm+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  22. Their text says 9-11th the graphic says 8th-11. Give them a call and see?
  23. 3rd left front turn signal out on the car in 6 months... Starting to question the wiring. 1st blew, 2nd shorted on, 3rd blown again
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