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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Anyone want to do a pool on how many protesters are arrested at/prior to the inauguration? Rockettes/celebrities/professors for bonus points? Majority Whites, Blacks, or Illegals?
  2. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/260mio/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-the-stupid-vote johns stewart & oliver in 2008 on the election stupid swing voters and *** 1:52 how the Cubs will never ever win the world series! :slowclap:
  3. Do you stop in the middle or on the edge of the usually car sized square detector cuts? They claim there's enough ferric metal on a carbon framed bicycle to trigger them. Not always my experience however.
  4. Lights around here detect you, they just don't care. There was an "upgrade" contract to replace them all with the auto countdown pedestrian lights(even places with no sidewalks) so all day and night, only one there you have to wait 30 seconds for every light to switch. I miss the old flashing yellow after 10pm way.
  5. Not sure, mine's the overtake brights flasher (which also is the advance when setting the clock since the 5 buttons ON the dash aren't enough).
  6. You can create an MSN account with a non microsoft email address...
  7. Crater lake is on my list
  8. go to a gold/coin shop instead
  9. re-taped half a handlebar. Have never been impressed with basic cork tape especially at it's price . I got some stupid cheap rubber coated white grippy tape off ebay last year. On one side the rubber out stretched the silicone foam underneath and delaminated. At the same time I got that I got some backup rolls of equally cheap red suede feeling tape.It's only half as grippy as the old white I'll miss that but still a little more grippy than cork.
  10. I got regifted some Por15(by the person I gifted it to) to seal a gas tank.
  11. When i went on the mobile-opera version it tries to sell me on installing the "free,faster tapatalk.app"
  12. Food establishments homeless are leaning toward homeless.
  13. Serviced the fork for the first time in 2 years I've owned the 09 model bike. Had considered seeing if I could jam a 27.5 wheel in front but found a deal on $10 2.25 folding schwalbe nobby nics with better nobs and 1/2 in bigger diameter than my old tires and similar weight!
  14. Didn't see that coming ( media affect?)- "more electors tried to defect from Hillary Clinton Monday than from Trump, by a count of eight to two "
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/german-police-in-search-for-new-suspect-in-deadly-christmas-market-attack/2016/12/21/066055d8-c6fd-11e6-acda-59924caa2450_story.html A bit of a logic fail when you can't deport people who don't pass vetting or asylum verification because their home countries don't want them, but it's unconstitutional to keep them detained.
  16. http://www.pravdareport.com/news/business/companies/12-12-2016/136389-russia_fonts-0/ Russia loses Times New Roman and Arial because of sanctions
  17. , Dry Ice/crc freeze off spray, vinegar,coke, diesel, heat the head from the outside. What if you heated a bunch of oil and filled the whole thing up to coat below the pistons? or turned the bike upside down?
  18. It's a good thing Obama and hillary never interfered with other countries' leadership.
  19. http://dayton.craigslist.org/bik/5893679832.html
  20. Tonight's forecast "Ice pellets" never heard that before, thought they were making fake weather forecast news now. Ice Pellets (abbrev. IP) Same as Sleet; is sleet un-PC now? ice pellets climate change on attack? sleet google results 7 million ice pellets 300k
  21. I have another whole top half of my motorcycle inside the house in spares, tail fairing, seat cowl, rear seat, front seat, gas tank, and the front fairing is in while in mod a bulb. up.
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