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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Why does google shill for ed sheeran on every non matching image search?
  2. Please don't drip hot sauce in my eye. Remote Piloted or autonomous? Drones will soon be delivering Chipotle burritos to students and employees across Virginia Tech’s campus. https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/08/chipotle-to-test-burrito-delivery-by-drone-with-project-wing-at-virginia-tech/
  3. Commute to work + Work + Commute home is not equal to Working between motorcycle rides
  4. Guess i'm lucky i was only losing tail lights. bad design ignition rubs across fairing stay every turn.
  5. left turn lights off, straight lights on, steer right lights on. So it's big right turn only loops for me now. wonder how long that's been going on.
  6. I noticed my repaired tail light housing was loose again, pulled it apart plastic welded it cleaned connections bolted it all back together and Installed the bitch (loose nuts on the interior of the tail. No Tail lights! pulled it apart checked everything both filaments work (3 wire lights) all seems fine but no power on the loom side. fuse good... blah blah. That ignition spot past the steering lock for parking lights ( i really don;t understand that and it's dangerous to drain the batter under a cover) tail lights come on. I swapped out the digital signal relay for the original no change, disconnected the battery to reset, no change. bad ecu? faulty ignition (headlight works) what's left
  7. I was once on a certain airplane ( as a result of getting connected through every major airport on the east coast of Australia to get home 1 hr earlier than my original ticket) 10 rows from the Dalai Lama. For his in flight movie he was watching, A Good Day to Die Hard
  8. a spring steel mount is the perfect defence for a rusty bolt against a sawzall blade
  9. oh snap http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/09/07/bank-robbery-suspect-incarceration-beats-living-with-wife/
  10. https://www.google.com/patents/US6729445sounds like maybe an insulator to reduce rotor/pad to caliper/fluid heat transfer? how has that turned out for me. actually this patent was after my bike was produced.. (Italy vs US file dates?) Another heat factor would be that my front rotors are semi floating and the rear rotor and caliper are fixed.
  11. Something else, the pistons have plastic "center cups" that stick out past the piston edges(air pressure?), but not overlapped, but do make it harder to press the metal to get them back in. reason for those? Last set of pads with Ti shims was impossible to fit pads over the rotors with the shims in...
  12. It's gone full satire on A<azon reviews https://www.amazon.com/VTSP-Fashion-Bicycle-Mechanical-Brakes/product-reviews/B00RQNRTUS/ref=cm_cr_dp_qt_hist_one?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&showViewpoints=0
  13. http://www.ebay.com/itm/171865625992 7x2, cable discs, stem shifters, 31 lbs... two tone chainrings. Each color's photo has the bar angle all over the place. Don't know what the rear brake bar is all about or maybe it;s a kickstand. I actually had a classier visp, too rigid for bad streets, never had it on a track.
  14. I (in my car) had a driver coming head on in my lane to pass a slow fedex truck on a blind curve last week and when I honked at him, he shrugged like how is this his fault.
  15. 30 miles on new pads. I did give them a spray of stop squeak at install.
  16. Do they not teach arabic lookalike flags or dildo fonts in liberal sex ed these days? http://www.thewrap.com/dildo-flag-creator-rips-cnn-over-isis-gay-pride-gaffe/
  17. http://www.bikesdirect.com/products/mountain_bikes.htm look for something at least 27 speed 3x9 or 2x10 much better quality than x7-8 http://www.performancebike.com/bikes/CategoryDisplay?storeId=10052&catalogId=10551&langId=-1&orderBy=4&searchTerm=&beginIndex=0&pageSize=12&parent_category_rn=400308&top_category=400001&categoryId=400328&metaData=
  18. wheel may spin even better hot. One side of the rotor was 10 deg hotter but it was the bottom so it may have just been conducted from the pads. Hub was hotter near the rotor than bearing so it seems ok The seat was 130f, my hot ass causing the problems again. Would the chain torque cause enough swingarm flex for the rotor to rub on acceleration? The tire was 140f and just felt warm I guess that's part of it, how denser materials feel hotter and you can walk on red hot coal.
  19. Just thinking if Donald pushing for too hard for US leaning deals would lead to countries dropping the US dollar? Of course it doesn't sound like Obama is very smooth with China last week either.
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