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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Cartridge filter bike FTW. yet someone also had the K&N PRV fail and block oil passage and damage engine. KN did reimburse him but he came out to warn others still a bit of a hassle.
  2. And when you demand closeted sex drives what happens? Catholic priests,duggars, weiners. From what I heard of the recording, Trump sounded shocked at what women would do for his star power/looks I drove down an artery street to avoid gameday freeway traffic. Uppe rclass conservative neighborhood. Trump signs everywhere, 2nd place state rep Hughes, 1 Johnson sign, 1 Klinton caine embarrassingly placed back by the porch, and one car with an obama sticker.
  3. Oh oil filters. Only used their Air.
  4. Repost a honeypot with different contact info and see if he shows up again?
  5. If there's a police report,victim claims the property is at the location and the alternative they want to prevent is " go hunting. Bring friends. Lots of big mean psychotic friends " I think one coming back as stolen would put the event under suspicion, Some city event permits require police presence
  6. No Wu Tang, No Groupies
  7. Bump, this weekend Cbus again.
  8. I get my chairs for free on craigslist after people buy new ones on black friday, then add a custom lumbar bolster. 2 laptops 2nd monitor for one, 36 tv for the other, 3 phones. My cousin was giving me a tour of their new house. I asked where the office/computer room was. He said they do everything off an Ipad
  9. http://thefederalist.com/2016/10/04/college-students-say-masculinity-extremely-toxic-to-our-mental-health/ (women) College Students: Masculinity Is 'Extremely Toxic To Our Mental Health' and with enough equality pushing, femininity can be Extremely Toxic To Your Mental Health too
  10. What video inputs/outputs are we talking? If the monitor auto-detects or is easy to switch(some menu/buttons PITA) you can vga/DVI cable one(no speakers) and hdmi the other for the shared monitor. "One free monitor" down vote for not already having the desktop on dual screens
  11. FREE http://columbus.craigslist.org/zip/5813481001.html I'm not complicit/liable in whatever happens
  12. Halloween Matthew er Hurricane Matthew radar http://www.aol.com/article/news/2016/10/04/sinister-face-appears-in-eerie-satellite-image-of-hurricane-matt/21494975/?cps=gravity_7649_-8145408567415054973
  13. Debate Mod eyelashes screen cap
  14. dang, I thought twice the advisory speed was pushing it.
  15. 10 days no parts in the mail, emailed vendor. "Our notes say we're waiting on an address confirmation" me: from who you didn't ask me.
  16. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. "It weighs slightly more than a normal steel bicycle" at 20kgs (44lbs) for a brakeless fixed gear?
  17. The cheapest the bastard in me can get is to switch from esurance to progressive and back every year. The car is on Geico who annoy me but give the best price even against all vehicle discount quotes all on the same co. No claims to change my priority from price to satisfaction
  18. motocat12

    moving house

    If you are gonna ask, ST Louis, leaves more open in NC for me.
  19. Stroller tire warmers http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hotsale-Baby-Kid-Pram-Stroller-Wheel-Cover-for-Mom-Infant-Stroller-Accessories-S-/331639803048?var=&hash=item4d3745cca8:m:m20f_CZW1r09qlqr8yGpNSA
  20. old dry-rotted truck tires plant some ivy to cover the existing ties plus an additional row.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/worlds-first-baby-born-3-parent-technique-report-175637487.html so wrong
  22. re: uninsured- I'd send something to the city council / police chief, abc on your side, that's not a good rep for a city to have and BS ridiculous we pay uninsured premiums to cover them. Makes me wonder if they just wanted to avoid paperwork. Law and Order 2016
  23. Trump bringing back apples 180 billion offshore profits for taxing is not a bad start and slow the losing of US companies to inversions.
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