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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Anyone who is pissed off at you for ditching the crossfire injection has never driven a crossfire injection vette.
  2. I mostly ignore grant, I feel bad picking on a guy who requires such an amazing amount of effort to string words into a sentence and then is so miserable that he uses that skill 90% of the time on this forum just to poke me in the side poorly, but I thought it would be funny to respond this time...nope he's apparently in it to win it...whatever "it" is..... Obviously I don't actually want him to kill himself (not that the world would suffer any great loss if he did), but it would be nice if he...ya know...found something productive to do with his time and talked about that instead. I do really hope he gets over his obsession with me. It must be hard thinking about me all the time (probably while violently masturbating) and then getting on here, posting some lame one liner, and feeling smugly satisfied for a minute before his seething obsession of thinking about me kicks in again. It just seems like a grind. Speaking of which, have your tried grindr Grant? I'm sure there are plenty of bears you can hate fuck in your area, you can even yell my name when you spooge on their hairy crack, I don't mind.
  3. Can you just like go kill yourself? Fight stats are out: https://www.cbssports.com/boxing/news/one-stat-that-proves-mcgregor-fought-mayweather-better-than-pacquiao-did/ Mcgregor had a 26% connect rate, which is above the 16% average for a mayweather opponent. Mayweather had an outstanding 53% connect rate which is outstanding for a fight and really speaks to Mcgregors weakness in playing defense and his inexperience in professional boxing. I still think if mayweather had been more aggressive it could have ended earlier but wow, that's a lot of punching.
  4. I didn't see CM "pulling" any punches. I kinda felt that maywesther was standing him up a little so he would last the rounds. I think CM's stamina ran out a lot sooner than either anticipated and mayweather could have ended it in the 5th or 6th round. If you want to call it fake there are plenty of other reasons without allegations of pulling punches: 1) there was nothing at stake. It wasn't a title fight, or part of a sanctioning body. The belt at stake is a "P.T Barnum" belt, so called because it was all for show. 2) CM was chosen because he was an inferior fighter to FM. If FM thought there was a chance he could ruin his perfect record he wouldn't have done it, but nobody would be interested if it was against some nationally ranked boxing athlete. But a fighter from a different sport? Offers just enough uncertainty to an outsider while giving FM the safety margin he wanted. All the pros called this ahead of time. 3) there is incentive for the fight to last as long as it did. Betting revenue, advertiser guarantees....etc. I don't think CM pulled any punches. After the 3rd I just think his tank was empty and FM was in control of that fight start to finish. Most WW UFC matches last about 10 minutes, your average boxing WW match is almost twice that with FM fights usually going the distance. Nobody thought CM was going to have a shot in the later rounds if he lasted that long, FM made sure he did by being extra conservative in his strategy
  5. this is a class action against one marketing company for the cruise lines, that happened to be in US jurisdiction. It could be they used other marketing companies outside us jurisdiction that couldn't be named in the suit to call you. Or the free cruise calls could have been spoof calls to steal your info.
  6. I don't know why but all 516 cell numbers were listed as originating in Mineola a long time ago. I've had my number pretty near 20 years so... My cell I'm less concerned about, its other information that I might not want circulated
  7. Yes but I also have some co-workers in my cell outside good with notes about them. I also have older contacts from my other businesses. Fir some of my coworkers I have their internal desk phone numbers which are not public info and the company has been very clear about not making public. Take your contact info for example, do you really want me uploading your name, the bank you work for, your wife's name, your home and work phone and your address to this app? And more so do I want to be responsible for having done that even if you are already in their system?
  8. Not to be a wet blanket about this but you should read the privacy concerns about it with respect to your phone book. I would love to use this but how I have my phone book setup it isn't compatible with work's privacy policy concerning fellow employees.
  9. There was an interesting piece on NPR recently about Neighbor Spoofing (making a sales call with caller information that looks local). http://www.npr.org/2017/07/31/540515367/familiar-looking-numbers-are-the-latest-twist-in-robocalls Since what they are doing is already illegal (you can't robocall to sell someone something), they don't really care if the rest of it is illegal too. The do not call registry will not help you here, and to be honest there is no good way to enforce anything - if they stop one robocalling operation it just pops up again somewhere else using a new number. The best thing you can do at the moment is to not answer.
  10. Well then thank you. It's nice to have a civil conversation about this. The overarching problem as I see it is that too many people are nailed to their perception of certain things and dig into that position. And a lot of that is irrational or at least not political based. There are some that are conservative because they have their idea of manly identity tied up with conservatism or because their family has a history of conservatism. This goes the same for liberalism but to a lesser degree because part of the notion of liberalism is to be flexible on position and rely more on data than inflexible integrity. Both sides are equally susceptible to confirmation bias and willful ignorance so that doesn't help. Still if you have an irrational distaste and contempt for the other side then no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to sway a person. It also tends to make people gullible so that they believe the worst extremist versions of the other side speak for everyone on the other side (see the recent fake Antifa manual that circulated recently). Take Brandon's position on AntiFA for example. You can't convince him they aren't a terrorist group. In reality they aren't a group at all, but a loose association who's mission it to show up to white supremacy rallies and give the white supremacists the violence they are looking for. Theirs is a reactionary position, and one that is difficult to justify because it still leads to violence, but if you listen to Brandon's rhetoric they are the aggressors and the biggest threat to us right now. Not the White Supremacists who are actually staging the rallies and who show up loaded for bear but the people who show up and give the NAZI's the violence they want are the threat. No amount of evidence to the contrary is going to sway him otherwise It's an easy and convenient enemy and he's dug in. Grant's correct too in that the "Alt right" are mostly the same structure of loose associations united under an ideology, but where they differ is there is an actual person trying to unite those groups and organize them under a singular structure. It's not really fair to draw an moral equivalence between them...because NAZI's, but in terms of strategy they are different as well. The "alt right" is using an offensive strategy to provide a unified front, it gains power in numbers because their numbers are not overly large, so they plan to have rallies and draw all the hardliners together. Antifa as a reactionary group finds strength in being decentralized because their primary strategy is to respond - having no centralization means it's easier to mobilize with little to no planning. They aren't large either, but their cause is easier to recruit for with on the fence people... because they are fighting NAZIs...so they don't need hardliners to bolster their numbers. We've seen this before - we are in a way reliving to a degree the civil rights movement from 1964-1972, with the current situation putting us somewhere between the Watts Riots and the 1967 National Riots. I know you probably won't like this answer but....we wait. History teaches us that eventually these things will normalize, and that progress will be made in the correct direction regardless as to how much each side hates the other or not. We have been living with the 24 hour internet based news cycle for roughly 20 years and it works really well at working people up into a frenzy - much in the same way newspapers caused the same kind of reactionary frenzy in the 17th century or public news notices did in the 15th century. We need time to adjust and adapt to the cycle and things will settle down, and sometimes that takes generations. This includes evolving access and quality of education in this country to compensate for the larger volume of disinformation that we have traditionally seen. The great part about our government is that it's fluid, which means usually we can undo the stupid . We put prohibition in the constitution and then took it out, we abolished slavery and gave the right to vote to all despite state prohibitions on those things. The thing we can take comfort in is that selfishness rarely wins, bigotry looses in the end, and we all end up better off regardless if we feel that way or not. Sometimes it just takes longer than others.
  11. something actually has to be ironic for this to have meaning. I've been pretty consistent in saying these issues are more complex than most are making them out to be.
  12. Simple minds often require simplification to understand an issue. Unfortunately flattening the issue means you lose detail. Considering how much you simplify - you lose a lot of detail. Narrowing the scope to focus on what you want to focus doesn't mean the stuff isn't there, and ignoring it won't make it go away.
  13. Richard Spencer is the one claiming ownership of "alt right" and trying to unite the various disorganized groups into a united front. Don't like it? take it up with him.
  14. I don't know if it is possible to agree with a post more than I agree with this one. In my opinion what makes FM great is his ability to be versatile in multiple classes. He was great in Featherweight, Welterweight, and middleweight, and all three require some very different skills. The thing that gets talked about the least with his style, but is the most important, is his punch accuracy. he has a 46% connect rate which makes him the top in the world. the next closest range from 29-38% connect rate. To put this in perspective as to how good a fighter he is most of his opponents have a average 16% connect rate against him. He's the best technical boxer in the world, and honestly I am often disappointed at how many boxing fans just want to see a disorganized bash fest rather than see a master strategist, tactician, and technical boxing master do his work. Maybe it seems boring if all you want to see is people connect, but it's fascinating to watch the decisions great technical boxers like FM make in the ring, esp when fatigued. I have low expectations for this fight. MacGregor is a basher and I don't think as disciplined as FM. He's hard as a coffin nail and a pretty decent close inside fighter but good defense fighter like FM won't give him the opportunity and will pick him apart with surgical precision. I am more interested to see how Connor will suppress the ta-kwon-do aspect of his fighting style, esp later in the fight. The way I see it, after the shit talking it will be a delight to see Connor get his ass handed to him, and it would be the surprise upset of the decade if FM gets knocked out. But mostly I see this fight just being FM doing what he does best and treating it like a seminar.
  15. you take complex social issues and "simplify" them to the point where your moral compass can't find true north and then make inconsistent moral judgements based on how little you know of an issue and god knows what macho bullshit self image has been pumped into your head. because that's what you do.
  16. It SHOULDN'T be, but you know it was going to be. Even if there was no mention of it, someone would have seen it on TV and made a meme about it and then it gets circulated by god knows who with god knows what message attached and ESPN suffers reputational damage no matter what. This way they only take the hit from nutjobs like you, so it's kind of a win for them. It's nice to dream Cinderella, but this is the post internet world we live in. In terms of managing their perception I'd say they are doing a heck of a lot better job than you at the moment. Most people are reading this at the moment and saying who gives a shit....except for the people that needed a talking point to say how the world is going to hell in a handbasket so they can continue to spread their shitty polarizing message. completely effing tone def to this issue aren't ya? Every time you make a free speech argument about a certain kind of protester this is the kind of stuff you are talking about - your right to be insensitive without consequences. Except we don't live in that fantasy land. Free speech only extends to interference by the government, it does not mean you can just say anything you want to anybody and they have to accept it. In this case, ESPN weighed their options and made a decision. If you really believe in a white supremacist's right to march without private protests, then you should also believe in ESPN's right to make a decision without having to listen to your dumbass judgement on the matter. Except you don't - you adhere to a double standard for the people you don't agree with. Well I am glad you aren't taking the white supremacy approach to things. yes you have a right to judge them, just as everyone else has a right to judge the marching NAZI'S at Charlottesville or I have a right to judge you here. And honestly you seem to be the only one who really wants to make a big deal or a statement about this. Really do you care that much? Is this the line in the sand too far for you? Or are you just buying into more controversy because you really like it and you want conflict.
  17. That is an unfortunate (and I have to say, slightly hilarious) coincidence for ESPN and Robert Lee, but after reading the above three comments I can kind of see the point: No matter what, you three and people like you three wouldn't be happy. If they went the other way you would call the "left" out as pulling a double standard or ESPN trolling or some other such nonsense or you would have co-opted ESPN as a supporter of your brand of lunacy when all they really want to do is show some college games. It's a Sophie's choice of looking ignorant and insensitive and fanning the flames, or looking somewhat sensitive to the issue and albeit a bit dumb. In the end I think they made the right call because nobody want's to be on the side of ignorant and insensitive right now, and once this shit dies down they will go back to normal and not give a fuck. The whole country is a raw nerve right now, I can't blame them for not wanting to step on the nerve, even by accident. Don't worry, ESPN isn't permanently taking away your white privileged, and look on the bright side: they just gave you a talking point to claim your white privileged sky is falling, so you got that going for you. I have to say, I am kind of surprised there hasn't been any controversy about Robert E. Lee the Playwright who wrote inherit the wind considering how may people tend to confuse him with the General, even though they never lived in the same time period. If you really believed in the things you rail on about with personal liberty, personal responsibility, and accountability for consequences then this wouldn't even be an issue for you - they are a private company and have the right to make their own decisions and show responsibility and thoughtfulness for their actions. But you don't, and thus we are here talking about it.
  18. The only thing I could listen to more than Alain De Cadnet talking about cars, is the whine of that OHC straight 8 supercharged engine.
  19. Geeto67


    Great pics! Looks like s lot of fun.
  20. Ceramic is supposed to be a tan color, but the electrode is either fuzzy because of your focus or shows a little pitting due to recent detonation. I'd have to see it in person to confirm. Either way, I think the issue is less the fuel you use and more the crack just before the O2 sensor in the header. That needs to be sealed up. I know you like to be frugal with this car.....but I've never seen Walmart sell headers before: https://www.walmart.com/ip/BMW-318i-4-1-Design-Stainless-Steel-Exhaust-Header-Kit-E30-E36-M42B18-Engine/217056389?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=5404&adid=22222222227092267638&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=t&wl3=213302863891&wl4=pla-536685449032&wl5=9014871&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=114221067&wl11=online&wl12=217056389&wl13=&veh=sem Amazon has one for $10 cheaper: https://www.amazon.com/Design-Stainless-Exhaust-Header-Ceramic/dp/B00NI73F3Q Considering all the junkyard ones are probably equally as cracked and this is your second cracked manifold on the car, might be your best bet questionable quality and all.
  21. Lulwut? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence All false equivalencies are comparisons. I think what you meant to say is not all comparisons are false equivalencies, which is correct except for the fact that yours actually are both. You can compare apples to motorcycles all you want, but to compare them as equals is false. Same thing as comparing revenue from private capitalist industries (like book deals) to someone getting a check written to them by the government who they happen hold a prominent position in. I mean there's a constitutional clause about this - the emoluments clause - there isn't a constitutional clause about book deals.
  22. You misspelled extremely popular former president.
  23. so rather than continue to listen to Brandon assert he doesn't like white supremacy but the people against it are the "real" danger, can we all just talk about this for a second: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/08/21/secret-service-cant-pay-agents-because-trumps-frequent-travel-large-family/529075001/ He burned through a year's worth of SS budget in 8 months. Wow. Also, we kinda missed this with all the hub-bub about the rights of Nazi's: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/03/us/politics/secret-service-trump-tower.html I just want to point this out - the president, who blew though a year's worth of SS budget in less than a year, gets to pocket some of that spent money for the time that they already spent in Trump Tower, and couldn't close a deal to pocket more of that money. And he gets to pocket that money simply by choosing to work out of his NY office rather than the White House. Depending on what side you are on that is taxpayer money that could have gone into social programs or tax breaks - but either way the tax paying citizens get fucked over for that. Anybody still believe he is not "corrupt"?
  24. my thoughts: 1) your BMW m42 engine is "High compression" and requires premium fuel. it can adjust to "mid-grade" and regular and will pull timing via the knock sensor to avoid detonation. If you are hearing detonation then your knock sensor has failed and you should have a code for it. You'll lose power running mid and regular but if everything is working as it should it shouldn't hurt anything long term. An easy way to spot detonation is look at your plugs. A constantly detonating (also called pre-ignition) plug will look like this: http://zooroomtechnologies.com/zr_Blog/_motorcycles/_articles/_article048images/D8X_0974.jpg 2) if you have an exhaust leak you can sometimes get "popping" in the exhaust in the over run as the hole in the pipe sucks in fresh air and helps ignite raw fuel in the hot exhaust. If you have ever followed my ducati somewhere and heard popping as I decelerated this is what I am talking about. They are tiny backfires inside the pipe. seal up the pipe. I have some high heat aluminum tape if you want a temporary fix until you can get the pipe welded. 3) a crack in the collector BEFORE the o2 sensor could be contributing to this problem as the exhaust might be sucking in fresh air when you come off the throttle and then pushing the extra air past the o2 sensor when you get back on, causing the engine to think it is leaning out and then enriching the mixture. An unnecessary rich condition can lead to some of these issues. Pull the plugs, see how they read. Seal up the hole in the exhaust and see what happens. If you still have problems, run a couple tanks of super through it and see if it improves.
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