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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. what do you mean "stuck for a while"? In any house you buy you are usually in for a minimum of 5 years with the average being 8 years. Were you thinking sooner than 8 years? Most people have to keep their house for a minimum of 2 years to avoid capital gains tax and to accrue enough equity to pay the realtor from the proceeds when they sell. As far as what percent? who knows. If you are moving to Columbus from a more expensive city like Chicago, New York, Seattle, etc. houses here are downright cheap by comparison and most (from what I hear in my industry) are retaining the salary from the city they are coming from. Does it make it harder on the locals? yeah it does, but it is the price of growth. I bought a house in this market (June 2020).When I bought the inventory was starting to dwindle and honestly I got priced out of my preferred neighborhood of dublin, but was still able to find what I wanted with comparable amenities in Hilliard (Columbus taxes). Now the inventory is even lower and I hear from my REA friends and Wife's appraiser colleagues that people are buying without inspections and or even walkthroughs which to me is just straight nuttiness. Absent a citywide catastrophic event (or a national financial catastrophic event), prices won't go down, they may slow their rise or level off once supply catches up with demand. Usually grows slows and wages and income catches up with home prices, but covid has affected the job market in different ways, and some industries are shrinking while others grow.
  2. Why? What do you think term limits will do to change the congress person's incentives? yes and that is why we have a house of representatives with 435 representatives and 100 senators. They are supposed to be working to find the common ground and the common issues from their districts and their states and work on federal solutions. But with Gerrymandering they work more from a party platform that they force on their constituents instead of advocating for them and working to find common areas of improvement. The point of a representative government is to have representation - not force a buy in to a two party system. If you believe in small government this is the path - Local district issues get handled by local government, while issues that commonly affect a majority of the population get worked on the federal level. But to get there - we need to put the fear of not being re-elected back into our politicians. If there is one scary part it is that it represents a more radical change in direction for the GOP than it does for democrats since a lot more of GOP policy tends to be from a special interest or minority view. While both sides gerrymander, the GOP has mounted the largest effort to do so to date in order to push more unpopular policy positions and we are poised to see a retaliation and escalating arms race in this area. The upside is that the GOP would no longer be a party that just exists to troll the democrats and actually return to one that makes valuable policy decisions. There is a value to experience, and both of those are masters of a two party political system that benefits from a party strategy than a strategy that benefits the constituents they represent. Mitch McConnell is one of the (if not the most) hated representatives by his own constituents, and Nancy Pelosi isn't well liked in either her party or her own state. Neither would survive under an election that was devoid of gerrymandering.
  3. I have had good luck with used sports equipment stores like Play it again sports. You have to know what you are looking at though because used $100 walmart specials will be parked next to higher end bikes and the sales people aren't super knowledgeable about bikes. I scored a fully suspended, disc brake equipped, hybrid specialized last year from the cemetery rd location in Hilliard for $260. It was a brand new unit from a closing bike shop's inventory they had bought out (MSRP was around $400). I had originally gone in there to look at a Jamis road bike they were asking $300 on but liked the specialized better because it was a new unit. If you have to have new: There is a Trek Store in Sawmill plaza (next to hobby lobby) that has been super helpful to me for small service items. Something like an 820 is a nice do it all hybrid and it's abut $450. If you want a fancy road bike to do 30+ plus miles a day on that's going to be a $800-$1K start these days from a legacy brand, although I think Diamondback and Schwinn have $500 entry level road bikes. Bikesource in Dublin (carrage place shopping center) is also a good shop, I think they do specalized, jamis, and schwinn.
  4. 1994 built house, approx 3100 sq ft. Saw a spike in December up to $160 but it was about $90 before that during the fall. Our house was the original model home for the neighborhood that the previous owner made substantial insulation improvements on. All the windows are double pane and heavily insulated and the "attic" crawl space and basement ceilings are heavily insulated.
  5. no I don't agree. Statistically and historically speaking, veteran congress people actually become more bi-partisan over time, at least they did before the 2008 GOP strategy to just obstruct anything and everything. Honestly, being a legislator is a difficult job, and one that requires a period of time to figure out. Term limits won't iron out the wrinkles of complication, and it won't improve the quality of legislation passed - if anything we will end up with a bunch of non-saavy individuals passing substandard laws. Gerrymandering I think is the bigger issue, having a political party hold sway over the election process is very problematic on all fronts. It messes with the platforms of candidates who can tailor their goals to special or polarizing interests in their state rather than work the common ground, it gives the veteran congress person confidence to not represent their state's constituents but rather party interests, heck the GOP wouldn't even have tried the obstruction route as a plan if they didn't know they had the next 10 years stacked in their favor. The way the system used to work, and should work is that if the congress person wasn't doing a good job by his constituents they voted him/her out and got someone new, if the person continued to represent the majority of their constituents then they stayed. It creates an incentive for the politician to know and care about what his voters want, instead of what a few special interests with money want. All the ills people think will be cured by term limits: power of special interests, Partisan corruption, etc...may actually get worse if you put a time limit on it as lobbyists will ramp up their efforts and spending, while idealism will bring any bi-partisan cooperation to a halt. Furthermore it may create a revolving door situation where instead of seeing the same people in the same roles, you will see the same people in different roles in government so you won't exactly get the fresh blood that is wanted as house reps become senators and senators become house reps and both seek executive positions. I'm not saying term limits have no value, just that while gerrymandering is still happening things won't improve.
  6. man this project and your work on it is awesome.
  7. Gen 1 (03-07) and gen 2 (08-13) had manuals. It's only the most recent generation (15-19) that dropped the manual gearbox. The CTS-V coupe was only available 08-13.
  8. The ATS-V is one of those cars where I am dying to know if there are any reliability issues or expensive fixes inherent in the model. One thing I have learned not to trust is a complicated Cadillac engine because of their horrific track record, but it looks like there aren't a lot of issues out there? Maybe this is the one they got right?
  9. Sounds like that truck was under water.
  10. History and context. For a long time in this country white folks mimic'ed other races in mocking and dehumanizing ways as part and parcel of the oppression of those races. For members of that group it was so severe and pervasive It is something that is culturally ingrained as on it's face offensive. Still, even in the modern age there are times where it can kinda sorta be seen as acceptable (usually parody - seethe film tropic thunder for an instance where it is kinda, sorta tolerated). Let's stop right there - Genetic Sequence isn't as binary as people think, there are Quite a few genetic chromosome anomalies that create conditions like hermaphroditism or turner syndrome. Why this is important is that in America, because of both sexism and treating gender as binary, there are certain rights that are conferred to some and not others and very few clarification on how to deal with those in-between. Additionally there are no standard rules for private organizations on how to treat these situations (for example the Olympic committee excludes athletes that are generically male, even if the individual has only female sex organs and identifies as female) pussification of america is just a bullshit marketing term. It doesn't really exist as anything other than justification for one group to complain about progress. If anything my experience is that the violent cartoons are just as violent as they have been in the past if not more so (see teen titans for an example), there are just fewer violent cartoons over all as the medium has grown to embrace different storytelling techniques and become more specalized to age groups. You used to only have like a handful of cartoon shows in the 50's-70's, and then in the 80's there was an explosion of cartoon shows. Now you have 3 channels on cable that run cartoons 24 hours a day without a repeat. With volume came variety. Social Media did not create all the ills that face Society. It did turn up the volume on a lot of them which has made some things better and some things worse. The Cleveland Indians or Washington Redskins name was always offensive, don't think that these names weren't racist when they were first chosen, it's that the people that chose them didn't give a fuck then. One person complaining didn't change the name of the redskins, it took a concerted effort by a lot of people to affect the club's decision, mostly by costing the team money. Social Media allowed those people to better organize, communicate, and force the hand of the team. The down side is it's also helped a lot of marginalized local hate groups to also become more organized, find each other, and increase their effectiveness.
  11. Well I guess there goes that uneasy truce. Yes I am a troll. I own that. I've made it clear several times that my point has not been to change anybody's mind but literally to feed the opposing viewpoint back to a lot of the regular trolls with the same rhetoric and communication technique they push forward and in an equally as obnoxious and offensive way as possible. The point was to cause disruption and noise. It isn't empty noise however, I wanted to make sure there was an actual point and plausible argument behind the trollish behavior to give it credibility and on the off chance someone would look past it. What I had hoped was that the extra noise would cause the moderators to actually start to enforce some of their own rules and push the tone of the board back toward being a community about cars and racing, what I didn't expect is that the moderators would basically just fuck with my profile, post text, and tell me the rules to protect members didn't apply to me. Your statement to me is funny because you specifically were one of the people that pushed me toward this style of interaction here. You were such a gigantic troll to me when I was a newbie here that In my mind you are literally a Bully (confirmed to me by the few real life interactions we have had). Honestly I don't think I will see you any other way, and I don't really feel like trying to change that. Just the way it is, no matter what we agree on we just will never see eye to eye.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/12/media/tj-ducklo-white-house-suspended/index.html Hey remember when Trump suspended Sean Spicer/Sarah Huckabee-Sanders/Kayleigh McEanany for threatening reporters from the POTUS press podium? Yeah, neither do I because it didn't fucking happen. If anything he encouraged them to "fight back". I do remember when they Pulled Jim Acosta's press pass though in retaliation for his following up on a story. #notthesame
  13. I will agree that nobody knows the answer, but this idea that it is never enough is a pretty fantastic leap. Evel Kinevel wouldn't take that kind of jump. Volume is the wrong focus, it's not about how many laws, it's about writing effective laws. Some laws have been really effective (automatic weapons restrictions) and others have been less so (Assault weapons Ban). This is a pretty wild leap of logic, and one not based in reality. Lets start with the 1st point: The constitution and 200+ years of jurisprudence have said you can't ban guns. It's not going to happen, it's never going to happen, and even if tomorrow 90% of the population wanted it you'd have to amend the constitution which is extremely difficult. Talking about a ban isn't a serious part of the conversation (and frankly a little paranoid). I would like some reasonable gun control and I don't want a ban. Most of the people I know would like something more than what's out there now and don't want a ban either. Most of the measures that make it into Gun control measures are about things like shoring up things like background checks and standardizing and regulating manufacturing. Most of it is directed at the industry and not the personal owner. If you think everybody on the other side is lying and only wants to ban you gun, not only are you choosing fiction over reality but you aren't even open to considering the problem in earnest. See my above point about effective laws vs volume of laws We are always going to have a problem, the point is to make it less of a problem. If the laws on the books now aren't working then let's improve them or repeal them and get something in there that works. Would you care to elaborate as to which "community" you are talking about?
  14. wait till you discover the tons of 1/24 and 1/25 model detailing stuff you can print as well - wheels, whole interiors, fender flares, emblems, setups to add LED lights, engines, bodies, tires, lifts, etc....it's going to kick your model building up a notch too.
  15. The way I see it, the problem isn't localized to one area, there are going to need to be changes across the board to address things. Yes to education, yes to criminal justice reform, and yes to some gun control measures. This isn't a problem pouring out of one faucet, it's a river fed by many streams. If you are unwilling to at least recognize that gun laws are a part of this conversation then you aren't interested in real problem solving.
  16. If they are both bad does it matter which is worse? And what does Swalwell have to do with gun control? Also its a little more than just pictures. Don't do this cheap whataboutism trick where you distract from an issue by pointing out some other unrelated issue. Forget the parties, talk about the issue itself. Whether you like it or not, gun control is a form of progress and you can't stop progress. You can either look at the issue and say "hey maybe there is something that can be done effectively if we have knowledgeable people in the room" or you can scream "Shall not be infringed" at the top of your lungs while progress slowly steamrolls you a mm at a time.
  17. In your wildest dreams, could you imagine that putting glue anywhere on your body would cost $12,000 in medical bills? I can't and I have a pretty vivid imagination. $12,000 is the kind of expense that could bankrupt most folks. Is it your honest assertion that the only way she is accountable is if this mistake ruins her financially and drives her into poverty? She isn't costing you anything so where is the line? If we were talking maybe $1200 or heck even $2400, maybe I could see a go fund me being an overkill. But still nobody is forcing anybody to donate. What's wrong with people wanting to help other people? As far as the lawsuit is concerned, she hasn't filed suit yet, all they are reporting is that she talked to a lawyer. I don't see her as having a case, but I'm not a products liability lawyer, so who knows. At this stage, a physician donated the $12,000 procedure so the go fund me has become moot. Let's see what she does with it before we condemn her.
  18. Right now, if we lived in a sane world, the NRA would step up and say "he lets leverage our vast knowledge of fire arms, the marketplace, and the culture, to help you draft legislation that is fair for everyone", just like they did in the past before 1977. Instead we live in this insane universe where the NRA (an organization that post 1977 once advocated shooting law enforcement if they entered your home) committed to this fantasy that constitutional amendments are without restriction (spoiler: they aren't), and is now lying bankrupt and broken after colluding with a Russian spy, leaving the only voice of reason in the room gun control advocates. Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
  19. So there are times people should be accountable for their actions. You commit a crime, there should be a trial and if convicted a sentencing and imprisonment. If I back over my neighbor's lawn, I am accountable for the damage my tire marks I left and should pay for the damage. What does this woman owe me that I have to hold her "accountable" for? She hasn't harmed me or cost me money or really affected my life in any way, so what am I holding her accountable for? I am not responsible for her in any way, so what does it matter if I say "it was a mistake", my "excuse" doesn't excuse her from any consequences. I guess I just don't see it as my role to condemn a person I don't interact with and owes me nothing and only really harmed themselves. ok so she didn't read the label. It was a bad judgement call, she's in pain for it. She hasn't dodged any consequences. I can sort of, kind of see maybe a point to be made about accountability in the sense that she is appealing for help with the the situation and to some that can feel like an emotional manipulation to donate money, but I don't believe she did this on purpose or that she will intentionally profit from it.
  20. I print, and I have a Creality CR10S and an Anet A8. I bought the Anet A8 because gearbest ran an xmas sale on it and I picked it up for $129 as a build it yourself kit. I wanted to get into this for a while but at the time there weren't a lot of printers at the lower end of the spectrum and at that price point I figured I didn't have anything to lose. I also wanted to learn how the thing worked and putting together a kit is usually a good way to start. In the end, while it is an excellent little printer with a robust community, I ended up printing two things with it: upgrades to the printer and keychains I got the CR10s for my birthday last year and it has been an awesome printer. I bought it because the Anet was too finicky and I wanted a bigger print bed to more RC stuff. Also printing in ABS was a bit much for the Anet to handle. I use Cura for a slicer, and buy my filament from Micro center because I want to actually see the color before I buy it rather than mail order. I use Tinker cad to design stuff. The best advice I can give you is to watch a bunch of youtube videos on calibrating your Esteps, and print a bunch of Benchys, XYZ cubes, and other calibration prints off thingiverse to get it setup right. Once you get it dialed in, you pretty much don't have to touch it. My CR10S was great right out of the box so I didn't, and when I wanted to print a retractable sword it wouldn't extend because the steps were a hair off halfway up the print. Also print a bunch of fun stuff of thingiverse like articulating octopuses, retractible swords, stuff with gears or joints so you can get a feel for the range of 3d printing. Also, once in a while take your prints to microcenter and talk to the guys there, most are really knowledgeable and can help you troubleshoot. So far I have printed a few motorcycle parts, mostly air cleaner related things, brackets for cameras, turn signal mounts, etc, stuff I designed myself. It's been fun. As far as making money with it, that's probably a year out for you at least, and you have to find your niche, there are thousands of people with these printers in this city alone, renting time, designing stuff, making their own parts and toys and other things
  21. You literally said she's not being held accountable and I asked you what that meant in this context. Answer the question. if you need your exact words here they are:
  22. As discussed earlier in this post, its not uncommon for people use glue in their hair, it's been a home technique for people for a long time. Elmer's glue which is usually what is used also says don't put on skin, but people still use it. What do you mean by not holding her accountable? How is she not accountable? and what does accountable mean to you anyway? She seemed like she was in a good deal of pain, so she certainly isn't avoiding consequences. So to be accountable she should continue to be in pain until when? It's already cost her money too, so how is she not feeling the consequences? should she go broke from this? So what does it mean that she's not "accountable"? Oh I get it, holding someone accountable means you get to call them dumb, laugh at their misery, and generally be an asshole to them. Unless you somehow have another definition here, then by all means, tell me what you think it means to be accountable? If you response is to see someone in pain is to say "Ha ha, she dumb, fuck her" then you probably aren't a good person.
  23. This. anyway: https://nypost.com/2021/02/11/tessica-brown-undergoes-surgery-to-remove-adhesive/ she free.
  24. My Father's side is Italian, I hear it is where I get my stubbornness from. That said, every group has experienced hardship at some point, one groups' hardship doesn't invalidate another's or make it seem less worse. That's what's so insidious about those "irish slavery" memes that go around - their sole purpose is to make black slavery in America seem like it was less worse than it is. Was he given a "Fair Chance" to come back? Did he have the same chance as any other? They took Michael Vick back and even mentored his return before he came back, spent a ton of money on him just to put him in fighting shape and the dude murdered dogs. History is filled with instances where employers fucked over employees of color in a similar manner. It's hard not to see it in that context, esp when it looks like a racial firing. These conversations are rarely personal, but I kinda felt that one a little. I'm over it, though so lets move forward. 30 years ago I would have been 13 so... 20's me probably would have done the same. The point is to evolve. to become more knowledgeable, more empathetic, be slower to anger and to see all sides. With age comes hopefully the wisdom to see and appreciate all sides and be open to disagreement. Otherwise you just end up another old man screaming "get off my lawn"
  25. The thing you are missing here is context. Dude basically lays out in detail how his life has been affected and how he has suffered a loss due to the increase in anti-Semitic activity that was fueled by the rhetoric of the president, and you come along and tell him he's full of shit and a puppet of main stream media. seriously man, read the room. You basically told a member of a ethnic/religious group that his feelings about his experiences related to his ethnicity/religion were invalid because you, a non member of that group didn't have the same experience. That at it's core insensitive and borderline anti-Semitic. This is before we add in the context that this is the exact techniques oppressors use on oppressed people. Just because you don't overtly say "fuck your aunt", didn't mean you didn't say something shitty. Maybe you didn't intend it, but again, it's probably because you lacked the context. And by the way, I said Fuck you in the moment. As a member of that same ethnic group I called you out
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