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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Wife and I have this conversation a lot. Not that Ohio hasn't been interesting but honestly neither of us is from here and we have no real family nearby. We may buy a home here and stay longer, we may go further south. Where would we live if I didn't have children: New Orleans. We both loved the city when we lived there but the school system alternates from the worst in the country to the second worst in the country pretty regularly (Mississippi is the state it often swaps with and is a 15 minute drive from uptown). It's outside the rust belt but barely, No Problem Raceway is a close drive, Barber isn't that far for road racing, and it's just a fun weird town. FYI most locals leave for mardi-gras and the really hot summer months. where would I live if money were no object? Southern California. The weather is the draw mostly. But also So-cal is the cradle of car culture. Roth, Von Dutch, Barris, etc...they are all from so-cal. Runner up, New York City because it is home. Wife's top Pick: Dallas. She'd from Texas and lived in Houston, Dallas, Austin, and Amarillo (as well as Edmond, ok). she want's to be closer to her family which are currently in Dallas, but the no state taxes are huge draw. I personally hate Dallas because the overwhelming majority of it are new construction towns with nothing but subdivisions and strip malls and as a north easterner I feel weird if my town doesn't have a "main street". On the plus side Dallas is a car/bike crazy town and has great riding roads. Also their state politics suck, esp their governors. But the weather is So-Cal nice. If I ended up in texas I would almost prefer Houston because it's 3 hours from austin, 5 hours from new orleans, 3 hours from dallas, and has a lot more oil money and culture. Also it's on the gulf so my surfboard wouldn't go to waste like it is right now. I can tell you from working on old junk in New Orleans that a lot more repairs focus on wiring and interior bits than mechanical these days. Sure the old cars still need stuff because they are old, but as long as you keep bushings lubed good, most of the work is on AC and electrical. Hot climates also tend to attract critters that like to live in hot cars at night when things cool off like snakes and cats. My off the wall place our of left field pic is Seattle. I was there last year for my cousins wedding and the city is just unbelievable.
  2. It's always a good idea to approach the motorcycle question from the perspective of how you are going to get the most use out of it. Cars are usually more flexible about this: you can take something like a 4th gen z28 and make a road racer, or a drag racer, or put it on 24" wheels and put a sound system in it and it's all the same basic platform. But with a bike it's hard to make a sport bike a cruiser and vice versa. the two bikes mentioned here are what I call parking lot bikes. They are highly stylized cruisers that you ride to shows, and ride around for errands, but don't generally take long trips on and would require a decent expense to refit for luggage to tour with. curb appeal seems to be the driving factor. to that end I would also add the VT1300cx Honda Fury.
  3. Because this thread needed a little levity. Not much, but a little:
  4. Biden - Powell 2020!!!! Call it the "Horsepower is the same as happiness" ticket. I don't know how it came up but someone I was talking to earlier this week mentioned Colin Powell was a collector of old volvos. this thread reminded me of it so...enjoy: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/04/automobiles/collectibles/04VOLVO.html http://www.autotrader.com/car-news/colin-powell-loves-old-volvos-257818 http://oppositelock.kinja.com/profiling-the-cars-of-general-colin-powell-1445833105 http://highroads.az.aaa.com/sites/default/files/styles/original/public/side_colin-Powell.jpg?itok=1PWsIuH6
  5. currently serving life for murdering his neighbors. Just kidding, I have no idea. By the way, anybody watch "Fear thy Neighbor" on Investigation Discovery? A co-worker was telling me about it, sounds awful and awesome at the same time. http://www.investigationdiscovery.com/tv-shows/fear-thy-neighbor/ The episode she was telling me about was where a woman accidentally blew herself up trying to plant a home made pipe bomb in her former neighbor's house. It took weeks to identify her, but they knew it was a woman because her ovaries were hanging out on top of her rented van. It sounded so compelling and disturbing I had to look it up: http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Bomber-s-Ex-Neighbor-May-Have-Been-Target-2950936.php
  6. It's still $50. If you asked me would I rather have a solid night out drinking or no front plate on my car I would tell you every time drinking (and I don't drink much anymore). Don't give the tax collectors in blue a reason to collect, they may get dependent on it.
  7. On the A3, I went to the hardware store and got two small angle irons and then drilled the bumper in a place where the holes aren't noticeable if the plate were to be removed (ie facing down). Plate looks like it is floating and two screws and the thing comes right off if I need to remove it. holds up to car washes too. the wife drives the car mostly and it's lowered, tinted, and all black (though I did remove the tint from the headlights/taillights this year). She gets stopped at least once every 2 months but always let off with a warning. That car is like a cop magnet until she rolls down the window and they see a 40 year old woman driving and a baby seat in back.
  8. Volvo turned the p1800 from a coupe into a shooting brake (UK english for a 2-door wagon) for 1972 and 1973. There are no coupes past 1971. In the 90's my friends and I used to cut up all the wagons for parts to restore coupe cars (the bodies are monocoque, those front fenders don't come off) because you could buy the wagons for $300 all day long but coupes were $3000. I personally feel guilty about cutting the nose off two glass coffins to help repair my friends collision damaged 1969 and 1967 coupes. Most people felt the wagons were "compromised" cars because most of them were automatics where as all coupes are stick. The volvo C30 was specifically designed to pay homage to the 1972-73 wagon P1800s. Get an old 80's Buick Roadmaster and you could have a freakin' orgy in the back.
  9. That's blue? It looks gray.
  10. Nobody was talking about it, I could have phrased better
  11. Must be a NY state thing because my high school showed me the day after as well. I haven't seen it in a while but anybody remember "By dawn's early light"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By_Dawn%27s_Early_Light It used to freak me out about what a shit show WWIII would be in reality. Interested to see if it still holds up as a movie.
  12. This. So many people don't realize that a lease can accrue equity that you can turn into cash by either having someone else buy the car, or use the equity as a down payment on another lease or a finance for a new car. As much as I am not a fan of edmunds, here is an article to give you a basic idea of how it works: http://www.edmunds.com/car-leasing/3-ways-to-turn-your-lease-into-cash.html I can't believe how many people walk away from leases leaving something on the table.
  13. I used a rubber glove. It works surprisingly well. Originally I bought a speciality one from a pet store but then my wife suggested I use her kitchen gloves and they worked the same.
  14. I was at iron pony today. They had an all black 2014 cb1100 with 450 miles on it for $8999. I would buy that all day long rather than the pig irons you mentioned. It's a real motorcycle that you can use to do anything with. Finance it if you have to. Vrod was novel when it came out but compared to the VR1000 racer that spawned it, the bike was a disappointment. They ride ok, are cramped for taller riders, and are just a disappointment. Honestly I would rather have a sportster than one, because at least they are light and make the right noises. everytime I hear about an M109r the think about helping out a stranger who broke down on the side of the Long Island expressway when the gearbox ate itself. They are massive and torquey but I would rather have a Kawasaki mean streak because lighter and more fun to ride. The real bargain bike if you just want a great sounding, great riding power cruiser? Mid to late 1990's magna. Uses the v-four engine out of the interceptor, sounds great, punchy mid range power for days, cruises nice. Looks...well...aside from the 90's billet salad shooter wheels you get stuck with its a handsome bike, esp in black with yellow hot rod scallops. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcd/5815473641.html http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/5812565354.html If you are looking to stand out at bike night how about a guzzi? I loved my guzzi lemans. The 2007 California models were let last of the big block tonti framed guzzis - the same chassis that was raced at Daytona in the 1980's underpins this cruiser. Plus they were cop bikes which is why they are called California: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/5772892841.html
  15. or you could just wait 7 months, when ats-vs will be 7 months cheaper and you don't have to pay off the remainder of your lease.
  16. are you absolutely not going to move the car once it is stored? if so put it up on 4 jack stands so the tires don't flat spot and then over inflate the tires. also toss a few desiccant packs in the interior so the car doesn't smell like mildew next spring.
  17. Didn't work so well for the Native Americans though. Replace Indians with Isis and set it in Modern Day and the Enoch Brown Massacre could easily be considered an act of terror. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Brown_school_massacre
  18. It only seems that way because we invested in the infrastructure in order to secure trade rights to oil in the region, but prior to that it was the Fight between King Faisal and the Ottoman Empire (where the British funded his Pan-Arabic platform so as to promote colonialism - this is the seeds of isarel). Many Bedouins fought on both sides, but one could easily classify the bedouins that fought against Faisal as equivalent to modern day islamic "terrorists" since they were small factions enacting violent armed opposition to the religious and cultural secular transition of their state by the British (after having been displaced by the ottoman empire into nomads). But you could argue that it is still 20th century because it occurred before, during, and after WWI. Prior to that it was Ottoman-Persian wars that spawned Bedouin of Nadj, and prior to that it was the mongol invasion of Tammerlane and before that Hulagu Kahn, and before that...well the Crusades which were launched to combat the Muslum Conquests that had started in the 7th century. The term "terrorist" as we know it comes from 1860's Russia (prior to that it was a term used to describe acts of government that terrorized the people). In the modern sense, how we know "terrorists" today is a product of the technology of the 20th century. However, the concept of being a fighter for one's ideology is as old as man itself, and at least in the middle east can be traced back centuries. One nation's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Make no mistake, we are the invading forces in this case and we have take the place of the invading forces of England who came before us, or Germany who came before them, or even all the way back to middle age kingdoms during the crusades. the only thing 20th new is we have airplanes and tall buildings that can be blown up and people can travel a long distance in a short amount of time to do it. Technology has allowed a fight that was once swords and arrows in a localized region to be conducted with explosives and guns in our own backyard. but it has always happened.
  19. Betcha it still doesn't stop any of these whack-a-doodles from talking about Clinton emails any more than roughly 30 mostly republican led hearings clearing her of any personal fault will keep people from talking about Benghazi. Never let anything get in the way of a good fiction (or a good CR thread). Also....didn't someone say a page ago that they preferred a president that was completely oblivious to foreign affairs (like Gary Johnson)? I mean do people really forget one of the primary roles of the president (right under commander in chief of the military) is to be chief diplomat and the author of all US Foreign Policy? It's like the second most powerful role the president has. they teach this to kids in elementary school: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/seven-roles-one-president
  20. Trump people, here is your spokes woman: http://screengrabber.deadspin.com/crazy-trump-supporter-pushes-cnns-brooke-baldwin-to-the-1787628071 my favorite lines "he's not running to be the pope" and "god can use the harlots".
  21. They don't want to join together because you don't offer any monetary gain to them. Just wait it out, they will go away eventually once it stops paying off. 5 sponsors (Nationwide, Huntington, Byers Imports, Diamond Cellar, Esoteric Auto Detail) and they can't do any better than what happens at Lenox on a Saturday morning? weak.
  22. To be fair they didn't have to work that hard.
  23. I'm pretty sure the federal government was calling him racist in the 1970's or at least their version of it which is the justice department citing him for fair housing violations against black tenants. But it was the 70's so casual racism wasn't that big a deal....:dumb: They did, They nominated Hillary by allowing the party to become so morally and religious-ly focused that someone with a lot of money could literally fuck it into the ground... which is why so many are crossing the aisle to back her now. I skipped the second debate. the election year is a spectacle but even I am worn out with constant parade character assaults. I say the best statement we can collectively make as a country is low voter turn out. just don't vote - it will send some kind of message.
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