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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. ...and....it's gone. but while I am at it...just what the world needed is a plymouth el-camino: http://tuscarawas.craigslist.org/cto/5781754559.html
  2. I'm speechless: http://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/5814764658.html
  3. you were those things way before I ever came along... The thing about old 1970's-80's Japanese bikes is that many were testbeds for really wild technology long before they made it to their cars and some can be fun and quirky and cool and some can be unmitigated disasters. But they all look the same and people generally regard Japanese machinery as being indestructible, which is not true. The one thing that I find that frustrates car people who are looking to get into bikes is that during that era there are very few shared mfg standards. A good examples of this are wheels: with cars it's basically a lug pattern and offset and while there are a few to choose from they are easily identified - and that is how you can mount jeep wheels on a ford, bmw wheels on a honda, or buick wheels on a mopar fairly easily. For bikes, every wheel is proprietary and while you can sometimes get bearings to make it fit an axle everybody used different rotor offsets and thicknesses, different spacers, etc....so a wheel swap usually involves somebody machining something. Internally there are some standards, like honda using the same rear axle diameter on everything from a 1960 cb750 to a 1998 cbr600f3 but it wouldn't be the same for suzuki, kawasaki, or yamaha. Even among same models you run into significant interchange problems - for example a 1976 cb750F and 1977 cb750F use the same engine and chassis, however they use different wheels, brakes, and forks that are not individually interchangeable. The 76 uses a 6 lug stainless rotor that is really thick, the 77 uses a pair of 5 lug thinner steel rotors. The only way to upgrade a 1976 with the better 1977 brakes is to swap the entire front end over from the top clamp to the tire, and even then you change the geometry slightly since the 77 uses a 60mm fork offset and the 76 has a 50mm fork offset. Something like the RE5 has parts bin compatibility with the GT750 and GT550 suzuki two stroke triples, so getting parts like brake pads, fork seals, etc are easy (but may be getting more expensive since those bikes are getting collectible). But that rotary engine? yeah there are no parts for that engine. I suppose you could take the chance that corrosion has not ruined the apex seals, but I wouldn't gamble for $1500. Want a cool bike that needs some TLC?: http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/5794758015.html Same mfg, 2 years newer. roller bearing crank, same money. Parts are widely available including racing parts. This was the bike that convinced pops yoshimura to stay in AMA superbike racing after the butler and smith bmw's stomped a mud hole in everyone's ass and walked it dry in 1976. By 1979 he had Wes Cooly on a gs1000 dominating AMA superbike. If you look hard enough there are turbo kits and you can run up to 12 psi on a stock engine, provided you can keep the turbo oiled (the old turbo suzuki drag racers used to use cessna fuel pumps to pump oil because the big zook has a HVLP oil system that makes 15psi at redline). That's a heck of a lot of value for $1500 compared to the RE5, and let's be honest, the only reason these are not $1000 more expensive is they don't say honda on the tank and nobody makes a bolt on cafe racer seat for them, even though they handle better, are faster than a SOHC honda, and are more comfy. I have owned three of them, and I was stupid for selling any of them.
  4. he was a real interesting character for sure and left a large hole in the automotive journalism world even before he passed. He will be missed. A lot of his work at car and driver is archived on their website so you can read some of his columns: http://www.caranddriver.com/search/all/author/BROCK+YATES if you are looking for a place to start this is a good one: http://www.caranddriver.com/columns/brock-yates-even-the-cops-liked-the-cannonball-column not only does it confirm that some of the cars used in the cannonball run movie (specifically the Dandy Dick Landy prepped 440ci ambulance) but also talks about the one of the best scenes in the movie and the real life event behind it. Since he appeared in the movie as himself/organizer I think this quote is fitting:
  5. While I agree you should bosozoku all the things, I doubt this bike will ever run again. Just to get this thread back on a rotary awesomeness kick: http://www.roadkill.com/10500-rpm-chevy-nova-wagon-is-rotary-powered/
  6. Geeto67


    I wish AT&T would go back to it - wife has a grandfathered plan but I missed the boat and run over data constantly...or I did till I changed my plan.
  7. If it keeps someone from buying that lump, then yes I am. The only way to buy an RE5 is to buy a running one. Which by the way cost about $4K for a really nice one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1975-Suzuki-Other-/291849873438?forcerrptr=true&hash=item43f39ba81e%3Ag%3AtacAAOSwU-pXthE5&item=291849873438&nma=true&si=8%252B%252BhvrvzyqnOJGxgGOaDK469zDU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 the only people I have ever known who have bought RE5 "projects" did so without doing any research about them and just thought a rotary would be cool. If you go Vintage Days at Mid-O the swap meet is littered with them and they never seem to change hands. Now if you do want some good news....The Norton F1 just recently became import legal to the us (1990-91) and that was based off the norton rotary race bikes (RCW588) as well as the interpol police bikes and the commander toruing bike, so if you want a good rotary motorcycle find one of those in England and import it. They are much more simple and much faster.
  8. I had one when I lived in new orleans. If you ever wanted to know how unnecessarily complicated a rotary engine could get - take apart an RE-5. It has 5 throttle cables to actuate a single carb, two complete sets of ignition points to operate a single rotor, and that's just the start of it. Also it is about as fun as riding a 500lb motorcycle that makes all the power of a 500cc single cylinder can offer, so in other-words it may be ugly but at least it is slow. The only redeeming factor of the RE-5 is they were designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro (of VW Rabbit and Alfa Alfasud fame) but unfortunately this particular one doesn't have the tin can gauge cluster or tail light which were hallmarks of the design. Just in case anybody is considering this particular wreck (and generally I don't think anybody is that stupid here) here are a few things to consider: 1) Apex seals for this engine were made out of Ferro Tic and are completely unavailable now and the inside chamber was coated in nikasil. Assuming you can find the six apex seals to repair one, the entire inside of the case needs to be coated. Also, unlike many other suzuki models, there are no other repair or service parts available for them, and the one junkyard that serviced the used parts market closed down a couple years ago. 2) this ad has been on CL for a year now, starting at $500, then $800, then it ballooned up to $2000, and is not at $1500. Honestly you would have to pay me $1500 to take an RE5 in that condition. 3) It is Aircooled, oil cooled, and water cooled. The oil cools the insides of the rotor, the water cools the engine cases, and there is an air cooled system built into the pipes to keep the exhaust gas from burning the rider, passengers, or people who walk too close behind the pipes. with any suzuki that is water cooled, when it sits - everything corrodes and becomes junk since it is all aluminum.
  9. Geeto67

    GT350 LOL

    it happened again: http://jalopnik.com/run-its-a-mustang-1787392934 This kind of nonsense is why I never went back to the other C&C meet-up, too many people wanting to see carnage and too many idiots lining up to oblige them.
  10. I am sure what you don't know or understand about copyright could just about be wedged into the grand canyon. The only way something is in the "public domain" is if the copyright has expired, has been forfeited, or is on a property that would not have been copyrighted. Just because someone posted it in facebook doesn't mean it's in the public domain - in fact that is what Facebook's terms of service are: a licensing agreement for copyrighted material to be shared on that platform only.
  11. Congrats on the score. These are really neat cars, a kid at my local auto parts store in Queens used to have one nobody could touch. Looked completely bone stock from the outside too. Is this one stick or auto? I think there were some that came automatic.
  12. I don't know, have you stolen anyone else's IP and violated any more copyright laws lately? I mean, how butt hurt are you about this really? must be pretty wrecked if you keep wanting to have this conversation.


    Be insulting all you want, if this board isn't going to stop me it certainly isn't going to stop you from doing the same exact type of trolling. I just don't have to let you steal and misuse my intellectual property to do it. The least you could do is be original and use your own art work.

  13. I'm not usually around computers on the weekends and my weekend started a little earlier. Grant you can make all the hate speech you want apparently, but I don't have to let you use my intellectual property to do it. How many butt hurt people does it take to respond to one persons opinion post? Keep watching this thread to find out.
  14. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/4696112/noisy-boy-o.gif Noisy Boy approves
  15. Actually it was Doc and some other guy whose name I forget but who had a SVT focus that suggested I sign up when I first moved here. I'm sure they both regret it now. I met clay through this board. So have fun with your nuts kicking session.
  16. I think the matte black color is really making this thing look extra ugly. Also I am kinda surprised it is a more door. Is Honda homologating it for rally racing? Nobody was expecting this thing to look "adult" right? I mean it's a boy racer dream so it should look a little over the top ricer. I want to see it in white or blue before I say it's ugly.
  17. oh, are we limiting it to this thread? I think my favorite that you have used so far was "douche canoe". Inventive. (actually the only reason I do remember that one was it was really funny).
  18. No. People can call whomever whatever they want. And I can think whatever about their statements. Name calling doesn't foster conversation, it's un-civil, and frankly makes that person saying it look more like a jackass than the person they are speaking about. Ok so you don't like the person, so what? yeah ok, "so and so" is an "X", so what. If I don't agree I say so. But that's just like my opinion, man. what does my opinion matter anyway? Also, all this "pussification" stuff is nonsense. Being a decent human being doesn't make you a pussy, being an insensitive asshole because you can't be bothered to not offend people doesn't mean you are tough. Using the word pussification makes me think you have more wrapped up in how people perceive your manliness than you have actual empathy for people, but what do I know? Not saying you are this way in real life, but your statement doesn't help if you aren't.
  19. I don't fail to understand that, I rely on it. For a few on here it is the only act of tolerance they show toward another human being (<-- yes that's supposed to be a joke). I have contributed in the past, some of your members sent a clear message they just want to argue. So argue it is. It's not the past if it continues to happen and if you continue to still have that reputation. It may be improving from how it used to be but don't kid yourself by thinking it's behind you. You can stop pretending I am the sole problem joe, just because you don't happen to like it. You have other members who are way more a pain in the ass, I just show up when there is something controversial and then keep posting to keep it going, but I am far from being this forums sole problem. No I am just immune to insults and continue to be entertained as long as the conversation keeps going. I am not proud of anything here, but I do find a lot of it hilarious. Are you going to hold ever member to this standard? because I am pretty sure I am not the only one "not contributing" by this measure. I am just trying to hang out and talk too, but unfortunately I am just not going to agree with some of the members when they say racist, sexist, or mildly offensive shit. The only crime you are accusing me of is having a difference of opinion. Why should only one group get to voice their opinion? if you are going to have an open forum for discussion then you have to accept that people are not going to agree. You seem to think that my end goal here is to be liked in some way and it isn't, it literally is as simple as I just want entertainment. (and yes I multi-qoted the shit out of your previous post because for some reason I am delighted that you would be annoyed by it). I am not for calling anybody names. I think that it shows that someone has run out of road on their intellect. If you notice I try (and sometimes fail) not to use them in posts I make here in any serious capacity, most of the time when people say I am insulting them it is by inference or they took something i meant as a joke seriously. Just because you don't like a person's ideas or beliefs doesn't mean that you hate that person, esp if you don't know them.
  20. Most of the time I am usually responding to someone else's views which I Find hilarious. The quoting thing is intentional as is the long posts, I know it drives some of the members here with shorter attention spans crazy. Often having the unpopular opinion means I have 5 or 6 people who don't know how to respond in a decent manner so I have to use whatever advantages I have. I'll even admit I don't read some of the other members longer posts when those happen, but I also don't whine and cry about it either. I am sure you are aware that this forum in real life has a poor reputation. Are you trying to say it's underserved? Because from where I am standing it isn't. It's fun if you are looking for that kind of fun that involves arguing with people on the internet but that's about it. If you don't like what I say joe you can just get the moderators to remove it. What's a little censorship between friends?
  21. RWB is just a body kit and wide tires right? or is there something else I am missing? I could go either way on these, some of the cars are beautiful, some are god awful. I imagine they all handle about the same as a similar car without the wide tires and body kit. The guy's business model of traveling around the world and working in the customer's shop is more fascinating than the car itself.
  22. Never said I was smarter. The fact that I am continuing to "argue" with people here is probably proof that I am not. This place has a shitty dynamic where if you have a differing opinion from the core herd you basically get bullied into being silent or leaving. I don't really want to leave, and I have never been one to be silent. so....what other option is there? Besides, didn't you get the memo? arguing with people is what the internet is for (besides porn and shaming people anonymously on social media).
  23. Didn't say it wasn't possible, but it is disproportionate if you are just basing it on what's in the media. Trump infidelity just isn't a big issue in this election because generally in America infidelity penalizes women more than it penalizes men. If it isn't significant to be noticed and is already benefiting from the advantage of the double standard in which the genders are generally treated then you can't really make the argument that it's having the same effect in this election. Also I think clay was just making a joke that I should get on cafe press and exploit and untapped market. And you can't see past your own dislike of me to do anything other than make pedantic but meaningless arguments just for the sake of insult. I don't make any statements about your personality, I am not out to be petty, just trying to have a discussion.
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