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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Hp is meaningless in the context of aircraft, it's thrust that's important. It's not that far from being a motor glider. The engine configuration is interesting. Wonder how it affects engine on vs engine off flying characteristics.
  2. From personal expirence crown molding for homes is usually (but not always) too thin to use for traditional picture framing. It's good for mixed media framing where the work is on something stiff like a metal plate or a wood board, but there is not enough "meat" to rout out a channel deep enough to handle a pane of glass, a matte, the image, and a backing. I think hobby lobby can sell you framing supplies cut to length but that's expensive. I thought I saw some at wood crafters and they have kits so maybe if you can find a kit larger than what you want to do and cut it down?
  3. I can pretty much gaurantee you that a lot of the people battling this said the same thing. One of the things that makes this extra sad is a lot of people who need real treatment for pain have gone down this path not knowing that it would go from Drs office to an OD in a car. If you think this is a small percentage it's actually the lions share since grown in heroin sales corresponds to growth in opiate sales from previous years. Then you are talking about a very small part of the overall population. Prior to the rise of opiates heroin was not very popular and steady in its population. This is where joe that has knee surgery will likely end up if he can't resolve his pain and get off meds quickly
  4. For a speciality car, enthusiast forum will probably maximize your value if you have the right kind of car. It will usually take longer though.
  5. Geeto67

    Flag Desecration

    Or....and I know this is a hard thing to imagine.....art like movies, music, and video games have little effect and the problem is related to something else like poverty.
  6. Geeto67

    Flag Desecration

    Sure why not, as long as the NRA can keep blaming real life gun violence on TV and movies while it celebrates gun violence in tv and movies by publishing top ten lists of coolest gun movies. This is America after all. I mean, if we are going to blame BET and rap for black violence can we start blaming country music and action movies for poor white domestic abuse and violence? I mean, just so we can get rid of the double standard.
  7. Geeto67

    Flag Desecration

    Just so I'm clear its still ok to make tv shows where white people glorify murder, drug dealing, etc....right?
  8. Your surging is likely a vacuum leak then. Need to sort out the emissions connections and figure out what needs to be capped.
  9. yeah I know, because of that it doesn't penetrate that much and can make wet sanding dicey (removing material is also removing color). Anything under 3 coats I wouldn't touch it, but thee coat should be enough to do one round of wetsanding and then polishing if doing it by hand. If you have a buffer, just do what josh says.
  10. treat it like a car finish (polyurethane is a plastic after-all), wet sand with really fine grit sand paper (1000 grit) and hit it with automotive polishing compound. If you have doubts, try skipping the sanding and just use polishing compound in an inconspicuous area to test. How many coats you put on?
  11. IIRC these old hondas use a Kehin 2bbl downdraft carb. Its pretty junky. I think the hot swap for these was a weber DGEV series carb (unless you can find some side draft webers DOCE or Dellortos). I saw online a while back where someone had put a rack of CBR carbs on it, which is a neat idea. Good luck with it. Neat car.
  12. Geeto67

    Flag Desecration

    They keep trying to amend the constitution to put in a flag desecration amendment and it keeps failing. Last attempt was in 2006. But let's think about what something like this means in the context of America. To many a restriction on speech that criticizes the government, such as political statements that use the American flag, isn't in line with the ideals that an American Citizen is free from government intervention about speaking out about the government. There was a time, when the flag of any country was merely a military or maritime standard, a means of identifying ships at sea and armies on the march. It has been corrupted by our political process as a symbol of patriotism as a means of manipulating the population. At the end of the day, America is the hearts and minds of it's citizens not a piece of fabric. If you want to use it as a proxy for expressing how you feel about the country, by all means you should, just keep in mind it isn't the same for everyone.
  13. I know, but my heart is extra bleed-y today. Must be that time of the month.
  14. Geeto67

    Flag Desecration

    The code you are citing was invalidated by judicial opinion years ago via two cases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._Johnson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Eichman You can do anything you want to a flag as a method of statement or exercising the right to speech. But let's be clear about something here - are a pair of shoes with stars on them really "the flag"? Certainly it is in homage to the flag and it is meant to invoke images of it, but not every combination of red white and blue used in clothing in the world can be considered "the US flag" even when paying tribute to it. Also, if it is meant to be a symbol of solidarity then it's protected speech so.... it's probably fine. no they aren't.
  15. No I agree with you, the only people that make money of cars regularly are the people who work in the industry and really not even them all the time (look at how many used car lots fail, and how many make their money off shady financial arrangements rather than the cars themselves). But fuck you anyway, just because.
  16. I want to bitch about something for a second. On Sunday I went to a car show at Karric Place. Small local show, a few interesting cars, not much else. There was this guy at the show with a purple challenger SRT8, "grape SRT" I think on the license plate. Dude had a whole "display" set up under the hood with pictures of planes flying into the towers, and news articles, etc.... The whole thing felt exploitative. That he was doing this to somehow help him win a car show trophy because he was in a show on 9/11. It felt tacky. I don't think I will ever be able to forget. And not 1 day out of a year, but I think about it almost every damn day. I think about all my friends, neighbors, family members, that I have lost, and the many that I continue to lose because the scars from this never heal. This is not some detached event for me, There are people I loved that I will never be able to speak to again because of this, the course of my life that had been altered by this significantly, it's a very raw open wound that seeps every day. At the time I really wanted to punch that old dude in the face, but really I should thank him. I need to be reminded that for the majority of America this will never be a personal event, it will be a political statement, or a punchline, or a way to score points in a car show, because for many it's a symbol as much as it is a tragedy.
  17. My father had two of them. He got one of the first ones when they came out (his wait list position was 7), and was a big advocate for them for a long time. There is a thread where I went into some detail about his thoughts and my own when BigOxley was looking at them, but I will summarize my thoughts here: - Lifestyle: You need to have a certain set of use parameters for the car. You need to be able to charge it nightly and it's probably best if most of your driving is within the battery range to get the full use. It is preferable to be able to charge it at work as well. He had a 13 mile commute every day from his home to work, and could charge at either end. As a result he rarely if ever put gasoline in the thing (I think it 2 years of lease he filled the car less than 10 times). When his lease expired he tried to get me to buy his car and I couldn't do it at the time because I lived in an apartment which made nightly charging sporadic and kind of a hassle. his second volt he took on a few trips so he put gas in it more frequently, but not so much more as to affect it. - leasing vs buying: since you get the incentives either way, my father was a big fan of leasing it. his previous car had been a 1999 chevy surburban and the discount in fuel costs and insurance discount alone completely offset the lease payment (so it was like having a free use of a car). The technology moves so fast in the EV space that by the time the lease is up the next major improvements have been made and you just get the next car. You need to look at the whole of your transportation costs and see what makes sense for you, but most of the people I know with volts or leafs lease. - Quality: the first car he had was fully loaded and even had special order cyber gray paint (which really was a great looking paint). The second he had was a black on black volt with cloth and the comfort group you mentioned. I drove both many times and I can tell you - Chevy engineered a lot of stuff on that car to save weight, and as a result the interior can be cheap feeling sometimes. The fully loaded car felt like a more quality car than the cloth interior car. It was just a nicer feeling place to be. sit in both and see how it feels to you since this is all subjective. - Reliability: My father had 0 issues with either car he owned. While not high mileage he lives on Long Island and worked in NYC so it wasn't like these cars were babied. The second one he got rid of early because my mother had an accident with the car where she hit a curb at 45 mph and the ins company totaled the car out. The only thing I can say about this is pretty much every accident with the car is a total. If you bend the frame there is no guarantee of further accident protection of the battery so they tend to total them out if it happens. He has three friends that he convinced to buy them and all of them are now nearing 100K on their cars. As far as he knows only one of them had an issue with the car that required a tow and it turned out to be minor. Chevy really put it's best foot forward to build a car that competes with the prius and in my opinion is a better car in every way, including looks. Good luck finding one.
  18. This stuff affects people neurologically. Did you think it just made you sleepy and mess with your fine motor skills? it affects the sum total of their thinking including self awareness and decision making. Maybe they can tell somethings "not right" but maybe the chemicals are also making them feel like it is more comforting than real life or maybe it shuts off the alarm for you to act when something isn't right. The point of these drugs is so that you are not in total control of your body - that's how it treats pain. Not acting like that at all, but people really underestimate the physical and psychological effect these things have on people, including physicians. You rely on your Dr. for his opinion (not fact, but experienced based opinion) and many of them are playing fast and loose with pain meds that foster this situation. People substituting heroin for other opioids aren't looking to make it stop - they have a chemical dependency and this is the cheapest option to keep the pain at bay. http://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUHresults2012/NSDUHresults2012.pdf Are there plenty who are hooked on getting high? sure. But there are others who are seeking relief from pain, and sometimes it is a more long term pain. Plus like any chemical it affects people in different measures. You were able to beat the withdrawal symptoms, but others might not, esp if they have been on it for longer treating chronic pain. Point is, it's a loosing proposition because you have a medicine to treat pain that inflicts more pain (withdrawal symptoms) when you stop taking it. Heroin is just a cheaper substitute to keep the pain at bay and the cycle continuing. There is a whole other side of this which we are not discussing and that is the adequacy of treatment facilities, most of which are underfunded, understaffed, and suffering low rehabilitation rates because of it. Not every facility is Betty Ford, and honestly in these cases it isn't like money makes that much of a difference because if we learn anything from Heath Ledger and Philip Seymore Hoffman it's that the rich suffer from these problems same as the poor, they just have better access to quality drugs when they relapse. This is a pretty sad situation in America with a lot of contributing factors from something as large as our entire criminal justice system to something as small as support structures in our own families. But if we expect change, having a lack of compassion about these people is not the answer. We don't improve as a society if we just make it every man for themselves. Volunteer where you can, donate where you can. Stop looking at these people as degenerate lowlifes and start seeing that they could easily be you if circumstances were different. This couple that passed out in their car with the 4 year old? They don't look any different than the people I see at CC&C on a good day. It's counterproductive to sit and pass judgement, it's much more meaningful to be sympathetic. Change begins with how we look at the problem.
  19. This is a real tragedy. Joe was a nice guy from the very few times I met him. Clay, did he have anyone that depended on him? maybe put together some fundraiser at CC&C to help them out? Despite this tragedy, can we not turn this thread into a "bikes are bad" bitch fest? This was a motorcycle accident, nothing more. It's unfortunate and tragic but it could have easily been a car accident with the same result. Sure bikes are more dangerous than cars but not as dangerous as being a pedestrian or on a bicycle. Just because someone dies on a bike doesn't mean you are guaranteed to, so focus on the loss of the person to his friends/family and not the method by which this world was deprived of his presence.
  20. As much as a serious addiction where the side effects from withdrawal are serious illness and death can be considered "voluntary". Yes you can actually die from opioid withdrawal. It is estimated that as of 2012 2.1 million people are suffering substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers. Think about it, 2.1 million people went to the Dr with an injury, usually physical, were prescribed an opioid, and became addicted. A good number of them transition to Heroin and are susceptible to OD from this new more potent drug. You still want to call that "voluntary"? This isn't like Pot, or coke, or other recreational drugs, Heroin isn't popular as a recreational drug anymore - it's more about being a cheap substitute for something else. It puts two tenants of our society right at odds. On the one hand you have a known and long history with this country and opium being dangerous - and most people if they are healthy know to stay away from this stuff. But you are also supposed to trust what you Dr prescribes for you when you become ill. Well what do you do when what your Dr is prescribing for you is this horrible thing you aren't supposed to take and you are in a lot of physical pain and need some pain management medication? Do you not take it and suffer? or do you roll the dice and hope you manage it to not get addicted?
  21. Let's be fair here...the reason the government is pulling funding from a lot of these places is that they operate in a fairly unregulated environment and a lot of them were not preparing their students for the technical jobs they were seeking. They were also incurring a very onerous amount of debt on their students, and in some cases the tax payers were footing the bill. I'm not saying ITT is a scam per se, but I'm also not saying all their practices were in their students best interests and ethical. If the blue collar worker is becoming extinct, it isn't because of lack of interest. Sometimes it is because the way to get training is a minefield of traps seeking to take advantage of the poor and undereducated. Geeesammy mentioned two other places that were probably more forthright and worth investigating. Look into those.
  22. They are the nicest people that's for sure. I stopped in last week to get a quote on taking out a bend in a rare motorcycle rim. They took a lot of time, more than necessary, to walk me through all the problems I could have and even still offered to take a look. I'm supposed to bring it in this week but I probably won't get back there till next week. TL;DR: Wheel medic is pretty awesome.
  23. I dunno, If you think about it 6 events is probably what someone does in a season in their own car if they are not in a racing series. and $2400 is probably pretty close to what I imagine it costs to insure a GT3 as a DD in any major city. So if you think of it like you are asking your car to do the job of two separate cars, be a street car and a race car, it sort of makes sense. what's the old saw? speed costs money so how fast you want to go? for some it makes sense to buy a $500 E30 and toss it out like the crumpled beer can it is when things go sideways...but the faster you want to go the better a car you will need and the more money you will spend. This is not a hobby for the poor. I watched my father race cars in SCCA and then airplanes for years - you want to talk about setting fire to money....there were years the xmas presents were handmade. yes, and we call them either professionals or very lucky.
  24. Welcome. Didn't ITT tech just close down? Good luck finding a real vocational or technical school. A lot of these vocational schools are closing down because the federal government is looking at them as scams and not allowing federal aid to pay for these schools. If I were you I would look at a college with a real vocational training program instead of one of these operations that may not be here next year.
  25. I dunno, considering the car rolled a few time I'm guessing their heads had to have touched the ground.
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