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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I don't know you are 1200 miles away. I also know literally nothing about you. Actually the people on this forum I do know don't seem to argue with me too much. and when they do they keep it civil. Only seems the people who get all tough guy are people who have moved away and I know nothing about. Still comes across clearly as a threat. now knowing you are 1200 miles away makes it an largely empty one. people still send anthrax through the mail don't they? (p.s. that last statement was a joke, just like you giving me a "command" is a joke - also you seem to fail to grasp the implied threat of force that accompanies most commands is is also really funny, to me anyway). Here's my point, do you really want to get wrapped up in Mensan's possible mental illness? he is literally on an internet stalking crusade here and is aggressively confrontational about it. I have no issue with you personally and I am not even aware of why you have taken offense to an expression that has been in use for close to 200 years (and longer if you translate it from greek a certain way) and is known not to have any implicit racial overtones. you haven't explained it and frankly at this point I don't care. All I am saying is - don't jump on his bandwagon, it's not going anywhere good. I do as well. See we agree on something.
  2. that sounds fine. I don't think it is a pump issue but you may have a small weep bleeding the line down in static. The problem is that it is now cool enough that if you were having thermal failure on the electrical components you wouldn't know it - thermal failure in the ignition system is usually responsible for long hot starts or no starts. do you have a spark tester? put it on each of the plugs and see if your misfire is limited to one cylinder or if it is all of them. If one trace it back and see if you have an interruption in the wire or something causing arc-ing. You can test the crank position sensor with a continuity tester. I just realized above where I wrote Throttle position sensor I meant crank position sensor. my mistake. There should be no continuity between the b and C pins. Test hot and cold. http://www.cherokeeforum.com/f51/testing-cps-5563/ The cam sensor inside the distributor is a common fail point. I have put two or three in my jeep over the years to the point where I sometimes forget to check it when diagnosing ignition problems. Check your coil for cracks. Jegs had an accel coil replacement that I just bought and it is awesome. my coil was still functional but cracked to hell.
  3. yes they would magically invent that term that was coined last week 10 years ago just because of this truck. lol. I'm not saying I don't like it, I do. It's just a new name for something that's been around for a while is all, plus I like it better when it actually ties better to racing - because racing makes everything better.
  4. I am not trying to deflect anything. You have a real hard on for me and honestly outside of your casual jabs here I could give a lesser fuck about you. Jeeps Unlimited? you are pissed off about reading about my rear axle troubles in my 1995 YJ from 10 years ago? ya know, internet stalking is considered harassing behavior. So it posting crap about me in other threads where I haven't even commented. I mean do you understand that this is becoming kind of an unhealthy obsession for you? and you an I both know there are actually intelligent and cultured people on this site and in person they are quite lovely and most of them actually don't post that much or at all because the culture here sucks, mostly due to trolls like you. Here is what I suggest. Go take a nap. have a drink. find another outlet for your frustrations. you have derailed this way to far and honestly everybody gets it. you don't like me. I don't think you can impress that anymore on anybody else. But your last several attempts to get me banned haven't worked for you and even if it is successful what have you gained? you worked so hard and spent so many hours toiling over a person you never met. good productive use of your time.
  5. there are intelligent and cultured people on this site? that I would love to see. actually, you were one of the people when I first joined that I liked a lot of what you said and was disappointed at how much shit you got for it. It's a shame that you and I don't seem to see eye to eye but then again I do make sport out of Mensan and his little crusade against me and that tends to draw out some ugly things. Again, you guys are reaching so far you might sprain yourselves. Just to be clear: This is an open threat. This is no other way to take that. Considering you are not a mod I am just wondering wat it is exactly you are threatening me with? mod reporting? I think Mensan has that covered, I could comment on the sky and he would report me for being discriminatory to the ground. Come to my house and Kill me? could be seen that way given it's open nature and the general level of conversation on this board. how about we all just chill the fuck out?
  6. racist? hardly. and I see you are back to internet stalking again. Good for you. Coping with the divorce that well are you?
  7. maybe not identical but it's a lot of the same concepts: 2wd, mud tires, and not lifted to the sky. if that dodge was built 10 or 20 years ago the same way I think they would just call it a mild prerunner.
  8. needs more rally lights. Didn't we used to call this setup "street legal stadium truck"? and before that "prerunner"? http://cdn.speednik.com/files/2014/12/img_9923x.jpg
  9. or what? I think you are trying to find offense for something that is not there.
  10. People should know about your illness so sticker the thing up.
  11. What was the pressure when you turned the key but didn't start the car? Should be between 35-45psi
  12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_pot_calling_the_kettle_black
  13. Movie has been on DVD for almost a year now, yet you expect every one else to be sensitive to your viewing habits and lack of common sense. Since "spoilers" are an equally objective thing how about you just not click on the link discussing the movie you want to see until you have seen it. I mean it's not rocket science here, that way the rest of us can have a good discussion and your precious viewing habits remain intact.
  14. I have a fuel pressure tester if you want to check it. Come by and I will hook it up. Misfires on old jeeps tend to be one of four things: 1) bad cam sensor inside the distributor 2) bad throttle position sensor 3) bad coil 4) clogged injectors.
  15. hello pot? This is kettle...... It's a movie, if you can't appreciate a movie because you know some small detail that happens in the beginning maybe you should go take up another hobby that is less intellectually taxing. It had really good cinematography, heavy handed use of blue filters, excellent performances, half way decent writing, and was light on the genre cliches. The story, including the dog, is actually the weakest part of the movie although it was pretty solid. It feels a lot like payback, the Mel Gibson version, although payback was a more clever and character rich movie. No clay, the dog is a minor character and at most a partial catalyst. It's so thin they kind of have to remind you through out the movie that this is kinda sorta about the dog so as to keep continuity. The dog was a cheap trick to get you to instantly hate the bad guys and root for Keanu without you making cheap bill and Ted/matrix jokes and it had to be graphic because that is kind of a tall order in itself.
  16. It's in the first 15min of the movie and the performances sell it more than the words. I think part of it was in the trailer, He didn't spoil anything of note. The movie was kind of awesome, lots of car eye candy as well but disappointed that there wasn't a muscle car chase scene since a few make some great appearances. There is a car chase scene and it's pretty violent and fantastic but I kinda wish they had put some of the old stuff through its paces.
  17. you mean Hot Shots!? just kidding. The pentagon wars, right? it was an HBO movie. Funny flick.
  18. The military rarely makes wise decisions when it comes to their equipment. Since we are talking about the A-10 let's talk about the competitor CAS aircraft based on an aviation legend that never made superceeded or replaced the A10 even though it had two chances to. the Piper PA-48 Enforcer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piper_PA-48_Enforcer the A1 Skyraider was the Close Air Support predecessor to the A-10 but was really WWII tech aging out of the fray fast. While the A-10 was being considered at the same time David Lindsey of Cavalier aircraft was pitching a repowered Turboprop P51 Mustang II called the Cavalier Turbo Mustang III. The advantage was an operating cost below any jet aircraft being considered. Lacking the political clout to pull of a sale to the gov't, David sold the concept to Piper who in 1970 made a full court press to sell it as a CAS in direct competition to the a10. The A-10 won and began operations in 1972. Piper continued to lobby for re-evaluation all the way until 1984 and in 1984 when production of the A-10 ended they launched another full court press to try and pitch it as a CAS aircraft. The Air Force didn't bite. If you want to see one of these retooled P51's there is one at Dayton, It's pretty neat except by the time Piper was done the plane was only 10% p-51.
  19. There is no value in purchasing a new EV or hybrid. The technology moves too fast and you have to claim the tax incentives on your taxes at the end of the year. There is plenty of incentive to lease one because a) the tech moves too fast, b) you can claim the incentives immediately at signing and it lowers the monthly price, c) the cost savings in operating cost can offset the monthly payment by a significant amount, d) the cost of any out of pocket past warranty repair to the battery or drive system is huge so there is no value to have one out of warranty. The volt battery alone is now at $2300, it used to be $5K. my father was seeing between 40 and 60 miles out of a charge between his two cars. Actually with each software update his range drops a little. Then again he is almost hypermiling now in the way he drives. He isn't over-inflating his tires with nitrogen or anything but it has become a video game of keeping the green efficiency ball in the green at all times. The volt will automatically start the engine occasionally to keep things running even if you are only using battery charge to move the car, it is part of the programming. However, it uses very little fuel to do this. Dad puts fuel stabilizer in his. he fills it anytime it hits half a tank and that's still at least a month or two between fill-ups.
  20. How do you find out if a car can be uber approved? In NY it's easy - they all have to be "livery" cars so 2011 or newer if getting new tags or 2009 and newer if operating on existing livery tags. P2P in ohio doesn't seem to have any vehicle requirements other than a 3rd party safery inspection and I couldn't find anything about UBER's requirements on their site. Do you have a link? Can you talk about what the approval process was like? See that is the rub because I was thinking about using UBER as a lead generator for the ride, not just the payment and processing. If it was setting up before hand I could just get the P2P license and not have to pay uber any money at all but then it becomes a full time job lead generating. Thanks for the info though.
  21. In NY, for OBD2 vehicles that is true. If your vehicle was OBD1 (like an old subaru) it used to be you had to find a shop with an AWD dyno, but eventually they started giving them an "low enhanced emissions inspection" because nobody had one. most of the OBD1 vehicles are aging out of the testing population, 25 years old is the cutoff. What is a Low enhanced emissions inspection? If you vehicle is between 20 and 25 years old and made with the following equipment from the factory each item is visually checked to make sure it is present and working: Functional gas cap. Catalytic converter. Exhaust gas recirculation valve. Positive crankcase ventilation system. Air injection system. Evaporative emissions control. Fuel inlet restrictor. Thermostatic air cleaner . you can stop laughing now.
  22. So I had this thought the other day..... I know there have been some interesting uber rides recently like people giving rides in exotic sports cars and such - is there anyway someone can use uber to do classic car rides or wedding hires? I heard recently about two different weddings where the parties used uber to get their wedding party to and from the event and that got me thinking....say you had something like an old rolls or jaguar, could you use uber as a way of getting bookings for people's events like weddings, etc? I know Uber was supposed to be doing something like Luxe for specialty cars which is how you get around the year and door restrictions but never heard if they rolled it out or not. just thinking out loud here - now que the endless stream of CR wonks who are going to tell me it's a bad idea even though they have never tried it.
  23. If you have the specific set of circumstances that maximizes their usefulness they really are great. My father is on his second one and hasn't had a single issue with each, except for where my mother hit a curb at 50mph recently and they may total his new one for suspension damage. He can plug in at work and home, and his commute never exceeds the battery range. He went almost 6 months without ever having to put actual fuel in the thing which worked great. I borrowed it a couple of times and it didn't work for me when I was living in brooklyn because I had no place to plug in at home or work and when you aren't using the electric charge it's just a very heavy compact car that gets only average gas mileage. I will say that the low centrally mounted battery pack makes the thing really tossable and fun to drive but a wrx or gti it is not. I will say that trunk swallowed my giant scale Ryan STA R/C plane (wings off obviously) with 3 people so it has some cargo loading. I mean I wouldn't put a transmission or engine block into it for fear of ruining the carpet but it could probably hold it.
  24. that will do it. Was it just cheap components? half baked electicals? user error? or all of the above? not calling into question your credibility, just asking for specifics that would make it a big steamy pile. I now know three people who have one, one of them on his second one and none of them have had any problems.....but they are all IT people so...
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