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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Because you are an infectous disease expert? or even listening to the experts? no you are not and you aren't listening. You are just repearing a bullshit political talking point that people from "your team" in OTHER states are saying (and are getting called out for there as well). Over the course of our connection on facebook I've literally watched your "friends" call obama "the magic N-word" in response to your posts. Should we judge you by the company you keep? Your selective lack of empathy for humanity is depressingly sad. Even now you seem to say "fuck the people whom racial slurs are about because they care and you don't". I didn't imply it - you literally said "Locking everyone inside saved lives but wasn't necessary". I quoted this above as well. You said it on April 14th on facebook would you like me to screen shot it for you? Either way you slice it it's a lie, and any way you look at it you are diminishing the efforts so far to promote a course of action that will hurt people and that literally everyone who knows more than you about it (again the ohio medical, science, and political communities) disagrees with. This is a dangerous game you are playing.
  2. You literallty said "locking everyone inside saved lives but it wasn't necessary and it's the at the cost of the economy". Promoting the fallicy (and it literally is a bullshit fallicy) that the course of action taken by the ohio government wasn't necessary and therefore we should reopen is literally doing just that. or in other words some loss of life is acceptable. In this case it was mitigated, by actions which YOU REFUSE TO BELIEVE did that and are calling for the government to be open. I also believe that you said earlier in this thread that the people dying are "just the cards they have been dealt" like there is nothing we can do. So let's put this together: (paraphrasing) - We closed ohio unnecessarily and it did nothing so let's open the economy - people are going to die from this and it's just the cards they have been dealt, so lets open the economy - There is going to be a death toll we have to accept no matter what we do. Put that in the context of the measures taken did save lives and it 100% looks like you are saying money and the economy are more important than lives or..."fuck the extra people who will die from this by opening the economy" or in other words... "fuck the poor." Not sit down and shut the fuck up "group", Just you. You Tim Lauro need to sit down and shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talking about and you are promoting a lie to advance your opinion. Meeting resistance doesn't mean you are right, sometimes you meet resistance because what you are doing is wrong, the things you are saying are batshit insane, and you really should stop re-evaluate what you are saying. Promoting the lie that the shelter in place orders didn't do anything you prevent this compromises your character. That's objective, not "my morals". Using a lie to advance opening the economy is an immoral act, and one you rail you politicans constantly for making. It is by your own measure immoral. Doesn't matter if you believe in your heart of hearts that it's true (in the face of overwhemlimg evidence that it is not), these situations care more about data and cause and effects than your beliefs. So for the benefit of the people that know you (and are frankly embarrased by the batshit things you say), Tim, Sit down and shut the fuck up.
  3. The poor are at risk no matter what. If they work, they are the highest risk for contracting this disease because the lowest paying jobs are also the jobs that at the least able to work from home and have the least access to affordable healthcare. If they don't work they are the most vulnerable to economic harm as most live paycheck to paycheck. If you open the economy too early they will be the group that is likely to have the largest increase in covid deaths by both physical numbers and percentage of population. Furthermore they will increase the risk for the rest of us, because as they get sick we get sick. https://theconversation.com/covid-19-is-hitting-black-and-poor-communities-the-hardest-underscoring-fault-lines-in-access-and-care-for-those-on-margins-135615 Is it a catch 22? you bet, and it sucks for everyone but esp those at the lower end of the economic spectrum. Right now, the current measures are saving lives, and while not as great as they could be there are measures being enacted to provide economic assistance beyond the federal stimilus (such as foreclosure protections, rent differals, and debt collection protections). The current course of action right now is what is best for literally everyone, stop trying to speed the plow when the entire medical, scientific, government, and political parties of ohio are in agreement that we are where we need to be.
  4. It's ok to be PO'ed about the economy and it's affect on the job market, careers, small businesses, etc.... The problem with YOUR rhetoric is that you have literally said multiple times both here and on facebook that you think increasng the death toll is acceptable to stabilize the economy. I don't care how you justify it in your head but there is no way to make this argument that doesn't sound like "fuck the poor and the old they should die so I can go back to making money". This is a dangerous rhetoric (and not to be political but I'm gunna - somehow a republican talking point as well) not only because it puts people's lives at risk, but it sows division where it need not exist. This current situation has made us all vulnerable, and the last thing we need is for one class of vulnerable people attacking another class of vulnerable people for monetary gain. furthermore history and current economic projections show that strong resposne to this pandemic and measured rollout at the right time will cause the economy to rebound stronger and quicker, and coming out too early will actually weaken that position. TL;DR version just for Tim: Sit down and shut the fuck up. The Dewine administration is doing a great job handling this, has looked at your concerns and made the decision not to open up the ecomony yet for a good reason. Saying MORE people should die from this than necessary so the economy can get back on track doesn't help and it makes people that know you really question your values and morals.
  5. I know you bought one already, but knowing this hobby you'll probably buy another pretty soon and that being the case....take a look at the axial scx10 II Really decent scale crawler and not as costly as a traxxis. The scale guys love them because steel frame rails, adjustable wheel base (to fit different scale bodies), and they behave like their full size counterparts on terrain. They aren't speed buggies, but if you are into the other side of R/c - building and detailing scale stuff, they are fun. RTR brand new they are $370, but you can get a builder's kit for $200 new. Used they are a little tougher because people detail them out with working lights, horns, racks, trailers, etc...and usually want close to the price of a new one for all their added sparkle.
  6. So I have questions for the "states rights" folks that seem to live in this thread..... What we are seeing right now, this is how a national emergency would be handled under a more absentee, libertarian, or "pro-states rights federal government. This isn't a one off situation, this is exactly what it would look like over and over again with the federal government taking an absentee approach and deferring power to the states. Questions: - Do you think everything is being handled adequately? - Has this changed your opinion on the role of federal government, and if so how? If not, why not? - Has this changed your opinion on national healthcare? if so, how? if not why not? - Has this changed your opinion on social programs like unemployment?
  7. When you changed the plugs, did you check for spark? or just throw the new plugs in it? Most small engines still use a points and condenser attached to a governor (like a distributor but meant to run at a specific RPM - no advance). you check the spark by pulling the plug out of the cylinder, ground it to the engine, and hit the starter and see if the plug sparks. If it isn't getting spark, find the points and see if they are corroded, if so lightly rub them thinly with very fine sand paper (or a brown paper bag if you don't have fine sandpaper) for a few passes and see if that helps. Also inspect the coil and see if it has any cracks in it. When you pull the plug is the plug wet? if it is then your issue isn't fuel. If its bone dry then it isn't getting fuel. On the carb, take the float bowl off and see if it is getting fuel into the bowl. If it isn't then the clog is in the float needle. If it is, then the next step is to check the jets for clogs. you can use a small piece of rigid wire (like safety wire) to clear clogs in the jets, just becareful as you could hog out the jet with excessive rubbing.
  8. 5 below has a modular set. It's $5 for each piece so 1 25lb bell will cost you $15, but for less than $100 you can get enough pieces to go from 5-35 lbs for 2 bells.
  9. This is the other one I have been looking at for when I get around to redoing my GTO https://www.speedtechperformance.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=398/category_id=76/mode=prod/prd398.htm still the HPI one is stocked by summit. Either way, post pics of boxing the frame. It looks like it will be a fun project.
  10. Why the HPI kit over some of the other ones out there? There was a kit that hot rod garage used on their 1965 lemans (season 5 ep 51). I can't remember the name of it right now but it looked robust, maybe someone with an MOTD account will chime in with the brand.
  11. I think it mistranslated when I was typing it out. I was just trying to say by your own standard you would have "deserved" to have your property damaged and I think that's ridiculous since nobody deserves property damage. I am not saying it's ok for people to have the reaction to damage property in response, I am just saying don't be surprised that it is the reaction. The government has run audio based psy-ops for decades (remember Noriega?) with the express purpose of getting a reaction: either surrender or violent attack. They prepare for both, but the point of those audio assaults is to break up any stale mate or status quo.
  12. Don't lie about it. I will fully own that when we spoke I was in a screaming rage, but I had every right to be. I was in a meeting when you first started calling and I couldn't answer (also I don't answer blocked numbers). You kept calling back so often that management asked me to leave the room and take the call so it would stop. You want to lie and pretend like you didn't call an obscene amount of times to my cell from a blocked number? It's bullshit, you did that shit and own it. Yeah I was livid about it and in no mood to be patient and reasonable with you, I was furious. I still am pretty pissed off just thinking about it now. I am not diminishing how you felt and your feeling of urgency, I just think your method was beyond shitty and also badly timed, and a part of me thinks you enjoy knowing that.
  13. you called back to back like 10 times from a blocked number at an inopportune time during the work day, and refused to leave a message. The polite thing to do would have been to leave a message when I didn't answer and wait for a call back. and I would have called you back. Instead you choose to be petulant child until you got what you wanted, anybody would have been pissed off at your behavior, and I still took 30 minutes to talk to you when I did answer the phone. you literally have 0 high road to stand on that ground. You were a bully on this board and a bully in real life. Do you really want to kick over this hornets nest? or do you want to let sleeping dogs lie?
  14. Wife and I looked at the Mini 6mt several times as a car for her and could never pull the trigger. from what research we have done, the only Mini's to have are the MK1 2001-2006 cars (esp the 06 cars), and most of those are old with high miles. that said, might I suggest an alternative: the MK5-MK6 Audi A3 (2006-2013) 6mt. https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/d/indianapolis-2007-audi-a3-line-6-spd/7090017878.html not easy to find in a manual, but basically they are a re-badged VW GTI. We have had an 06 since 2011 and put 130K miles on ours and the car has been relatively low cost to maintain. Timing belt is the big one - costs about $1000 to have a shop do it and is a punch in the dick to do yourself, and has to be done every 70k miles. Other trouble points are the thermostat which is also a pain to get to, and that the engine uses a thousand little plastic hose connectors that break. Seriously I break one like every time I open the hood, but they are often $6. 2006 models have an FSI engine with a fuel pump that eats cam followers, but this was fixed on 2007 and later models. It's a $30 and half hour fix every 30k miles. for some reason ours eats wheel bearings every 40k miles but it's literally an hour job to do in your driveway (if you have the special 23mm triple square bit). This may be because the car sits on H&R superlow coil overs, even though the alignment is spot on. car gets high 20's gas mileage in mixed mostly city driving around cbus. It's quick, nimble, comfy, accommodates tall people well, and is in your price range. Best of all it doesn't carry the GTI premium, even though its mostly the same car (the a3 is slightly longer). I have yet to find a mechanical part that didn't have a VW GTI equivalent. Insurance is cheaper than the GTI too.
  15. In a vaccum without consideration for societal interaction, sure it's effective and it allows you to be lazy, but is it the right thing to do? The whole situation reads to me as massively passive aggressive, which is not a positive character trait, and can inspire retaliation. If you mean this:"I have always operated with the understanding that whatever repercussions there were as a result were deserved and on me" then you absolutely deserved to have your property damaged (even if it was worthless) because that is a direct response to your actions. For the record I don't advocate anyone's property being damaged but that isn't an unreasonable response to passive aggressive behavior, in fact it's pretty standard escalation. you keep justifying your behavior as "playing their game", but eye for an eye rarely ends up any other way than with a whole bunch of blind people. With your other neighbors, IIRC there was a history of you doing the right thing and them ignoring you which is a little more palatable because at least you tried to face it head on and prevent retaliation. In this instance you just went to the passive aggressive route as a default. It is certainly an inventive solution, and it is entertaining, just don't complain when your neighbors retaliate against you, because as you said yourself....repercussions for your actions. I dunno, because we want the concept of "facing things head on like a responsible person" to mean something.
  16. I'm kinda surprised at 5 she's outgrown a power wheels since the big 12V ones go up to 7-10 and 130lbs weight capacity. What PW does she have now? Unfortunately there aren't a lot of choices for 5 year olds that seat two past the 12v power wheels. You can look at single seat electric go karts that are 81lbs capacity (per person) and speed limited to 10mph. You can also start to look at electric motorcycles and electric stand up scooters. my daughter outgrew her power wheel at 6 (she's tall for her age) and she transitioned into an electric scooter. We were going to buy her an electric mini dirt bike but the inlaws beat me to the punch without asking this last xmas so.... after that it's go-kart kits or build your own mini hot rod. plenty of places sell fiberglass bodies and assemble your own chassis, but it costs and I don't know if you want to go down that road.
  17. what terrifies me is that you think this is a better solution than just knocking on the door and saying "hey, can you keep it down? we are trying to sleep". ok, it doesn't really terrify me, but still it's the obvious solution to the problem - you confront the issue face to face and give them the opportunity to resolve it above board. You can't run Psy-ops and expect a rational response.
  18. You would think these would be torch and pitchfork moments for the american public, but... ....a statistically significant amount think you contract this from beer so....
  19. It's interesting.... For years people have been pushing for more flexible work arrangements, like work from home and flex hours to help with accommodations and companies have been resisting for a long time. Just heard from my cousin in Seattle and his company and many others just implemented WFH and Flex hours in the wake of corona virus warnings in that city. Corona Virus is not the employee rights advocate we wanted, but it is the employee rights advocate we deserve, lol. All we need is for the pandemic to convince people the government should provide healthcare and it will be a better healthcare advocate than Mitt Romney and Obama combined.
  20. most of the big trucks get shipped either with the smallest base wheel that will clear the brakes or something called "transit" wheels, to help them fit better on car carriers. Transit wheels (black steelies) were not meant for road use, but they became really popular for lowered truck guys who wanted a narrow steelie to clear body work but a larger diameter (22") flat face. I have heard that GM is phasing out the transit wheel because they can't keep them from being stolen/sold from dealers and they are worried about liability, but don't know how true that is. It could be that this truck was shipped with the base wheels to fit the car carrier and the optional off road wheels were shipped separate.
  21. My god, it's full of stars. beautiful color.
  22. so...yes and no. from my very limited knowledge of dealer/mfg relations, and my slightly less limited knowledge of reps and warranties law here is my take: If the truck was sold and titled to an individual then I agree, it is highly unlikely 2 doors would meet the total threshold. However, if a car is damaged in transport or a dealer receives a new unit from the mfg and it was damaged in transit there are 3 options: - the shipping company or mfg can repair the damage before delivering it to the dealer. - The dealer can repair the vehicle, usually either filing a claim with the mfg or their business insurance to cover the costs - the dealer can claim the unit is not sale-able, return it to the mfg, and request a replacement unit. The non-sale-able unit may either be branded a total and sent to auction or repaired and resold in the inventory. I am guessing this is what may have happened here - dealer got a unit they couldn't sell, returned it to the mfg, and the mfg rather than deal with it dumped at auction with a branded title. Either way it's a nice truck, and the seller seems to be upfront about discussing the title so, always be diligent and buyer be ware but this may not be super scary.
  23. So This isn't mine, but I can tell you a little more about these prints. David Kimble is one of the best cutaway illustrators working today. If you want to know more about him his book is fantastic: https://www.abebooks.com/David-Kimbles-Cutaways-Techniques-Stories-Behind/30571262530/bd?cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade-_-used-_-naa&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImouP34785wIVk6_sCh11fQ7HEAQYASABEgLaYvD_BwE Kimble was brought in by GM in 1988 as a subcontractor to illustrate cutaways for the upcoming c4 Zr-1. He did numerous technical drawings for GM, the most famous of them are the blue 1989 model above, a full cutaway of just the LT5 engine, and an updated version of the above with a 1990 model. The car was originally slated for a 1989 MY release but was delayed till the 1990 MY. As such the Kimbel drawing represents one of the 84 preproduction 1989 ZR-1s built and used for press but never released. The above print was also published in Car and Driver in 1989 as well. 3 ways you can identify the 1989 vs a production 1990 zr1 are the 1989 and earlier digital dash, the solid wheel covers, and the "LT-5" badge on the tail vs the "zr-1" badge that appeared on the 1990+ cars. These hand signed posters are a wonderful piece of corvette memorbilia. however they are not super "Rare". They were offered by Chevy dealers in the parts department and also available for sale at auto shows, and most ZR-1 new buyers either got this one or the later red one when they bought the car. What makes this one extra nice and worth the money is that the poster was a really odd size and had to be custom framed if you wanted a nice one. My father used to have the 3 hand signed Kimble zr-1 cutaways hanging on the garage wall until a tub leak above the garage took out that wall and all three posters.
  24. Geeto67


    To summarize You: "all these lefty pinko californians are coming in and changing and ruining Austin and San Antonio" me: " Actually Austin has always been progressive and is actually starting to lean conservative" You: "oh well, change is inevitable" :gabe: Hate to break this to you, but San Antonio is also pretty progressive. Maybe not to the same extent as Austin, but certainly on par with El Paso and more so than Dallas and Houston. it was fairly progressive from the late 1950's until the Republicans gerrymandered the district in the 90's, and after the supreme court broke up their district in 2005, progressive candidates picked up 2 seats. It doesn't mean the makeup of the city changed - just how they counted the votes. And it's not like she left there as soon as she could. We both have family and close friends and are in Austin often enough. yeah it's changed but businesses changing and neighborhood renovation aren't the same thing as political change. so yeah...people bitching about the "California" invasion is silly. It's not based in anything but a sort of state based political driven xenophobia, and at worst it fuels a further divide in the country. Californians are not "fleeing" the state, and the ones that do move are mostly driven by the oldest form of capitalism - when something is in high demand, those that can't afford it leave the market.
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