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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Did he though? I don't think nuclear orange wind blast look has really taken off. He certainly made bullying the visible insecurities of public figures great again, I mean it's not anywhere near as boring as a white suit.
  2. Lets see...... - no title - FWD only version - Autotragic - hasn't run in 3 years About the only thing interesting in this car is the color combination. for 1991 there were 1363 Artic White Steath ES's made and fewer than half had a red interior, meaning this is 1 of a couple hundred cars made in 1991 in this combo. Is it worth looking over the other headaches? no way, but it is still neat to know.
  3. It's not theatrics if it is used to justify refusing to work with the transition team and to cover for other damage being done to the executive office. While some burrowing is to be expected, I don't really think in my life time I have seen a bigger display of "Fuck you" to the incoming administration at the expense of the American Citizen. There is no theatrics here, to dismiss it as such is to fall for the same smoke and mirrors show trump has been producing this entire time: "look over here and don't pay any attention to the fucked up thing that is going on over there".
  4. its a toyota...it's got another 200K in it at least, lol
  5. has to be close to Canada (or in Canada) based on the Canadian market Pontiacs in the pics. I'm thinking Michigan maybe based on the plates?
  6. I always considered them more like legs. :lolguy:
  7. There are limits. for starters, in the civil process, if the issue has been adjudicated then generally speaking it can't be refilled so it's a dead suit. Also Judges can censure litigants who abuse the system and prevent them from continuing to file suit. There are also penalties for frivolous lawsuits but it has to be really egregious. It doesn't stop them from being loud and obnoxious in other ways, but the legal system isn't infinite. There are other countries that have tried punitive actions against the loser of the suit and most of the time they find it hurts those with limited resources and access to the legal system more than it prevents those with resources from abusing it. I would like to have some faith in humanity that this "messy bitch" exit from Trump sours everyone on sycophantic reality show blowhards with bad hair, incest tendencies, and literally no concept of reality from holding public office....but I legit worry 2024's GOP ticket is going to be Guy Fieri/Snookie just because America loves to double down on stupid.
  8. I know my mother paid $300 for a battery (before registration) at her dealer in NY. When I called MAG's parts department for a battery I think I was quoted $320 for a BMW branded one. I am not doubting what you can sell the battery for, but as a guy off the street calling for a part I haven't had that experience. I 100% believe it is a better battery. And if I had the time to wait for one from one online retailers who sell it for what you can sell it for I would have, I was just pressed for time.
  9. I bought it from the NAPA on 161 in March of 2020, It is an AGM "Exact fit" battery and it was about $165 (but there was a special promotion they were running which gave me 20% off so I suspect it is more expensive). I'll have to pull the trunk panel to get the part number if you want. I do want to mention that recently I took it out of the car and on the workbench it wouldn't take a charge beyond 11.9V so I had it warranty replaced. NAPA handled this without a single question. I don't know if this was a defect in the battery, or because of a defective alternator or diode which NAPA also warrantied.
  10. Its no trouble at all. I like Hatem's. Tom was a swell guy and I was sad when he passed last year, even though I had only been a customer for a short while by then. Alex his nephew and Tom's wife (whose name I can't remember at the moment) run it now and do a great job. I've never had an issue when them and they routinely take care of me, esp on little details that come up. I know they hire techs away from MAG and Kelly and I've never had an issue with their work. I see Alex at cars and coffee on saturday's too so he's an active member of the cbus car community (he has Tom's old E30 M3) and his and the shop's reputation is important to him. Another thing I do love is they give me a list of open issues on the car. They know I DIY a lot of stuff on my own cars and there is no pressure to take care of things. An E46 bmw seems right in their wheelhouse, esp an M car. I've seen other ones at their shop and repeat customers to boot. If there is one compliant I do have it's the hours and location. It's on 5th ave in grandview behind sweet carrot and I miss the turn into the parking lot 50% of the time just because it comes up so fast and I am sometimes in my own daze. The hours are M-F 9-5, no weekends which is exactly when I work, though the do have after hours drop off and pick up. Minor inconveniences for me, but I thought I would mention them anyway.
  11. I'm a big supporter of having the BMW dealer take care of a lot of things, even at a premium. The training they put their techs through is pretty good and the cars have gotten so complicated that they know how to deal with issues most wont. If MAG wasn't a dumpster fire filled with dogshit and Kelly wasn't too far away, I would still have my car serviced by the dealer. That said there are a few items I can't in good conscience go to the dealer for: - Tires, - Batteries - Some fluids (that is a whole thing with them and the 10k mile oil changes and the lifetime fill trans and diffs)
  12. its not directed at you specifically...it happens to everybody. I know it happens to me and I work at trying to have as many settings off and be exposed to as much a broad spectrum of stuff and there is still plenty I miss....however that said, usually when I hear from someone else (sometimes even in threads like this) I google search it before jumping to the conclusion that tHe MeDiA iS HidiNG thE INfo COnsPIrACy because it really isn't. If it has been reported on, you can't claim that the media is hiding it because they aren't in the news hiding business, they are in the "LOOK AT THIS RIGHT NOW" business. what I do find alarming is shit like because man...wow...that is some straight up crazy that no news source that follows the journalism code of ethics is reporting. I honestly don't know where this kind of bonkers comes from.
  13. Can't blame the russians for all of this - look how many dipshits are in this thread talking about how they don't think it's serious or they think it's some political plot. These are your friends and neighbors, not russian trolls, and this is what happens when a health crisis is presented as a political issue to people who want to see everything as a political issue.
  14. I wonder how many of you are blaming "media" when it is really whatever steering algorithms that exist in your news feeds and general search engine quires. That said, it's not really newsworthy that Biden released his tax returns, because it's expected. I mean what's the headline going to be? Biden does what every other presidential candidate has done (except 1) since the 1970's"? Seems like a real "dog bites man" headline to me. On the other hand Trump not releasing is a real "man bites dog" story because the practice has become a tradition for a lot of positive reasons and the people expect their presidential candidates to do it. Doing the un-expected is usually newsworthy.
  15. I bought a NAPA brand battery. The reason I did however wasn't for lack of trying to buy a BMW battery, it's because my previous battery died (literally started smoking) while I was on 270 on a Sunday and I needed the car to get me to work the next day. NAPA was the only local place that had a battery in stock that would fit. Couple of things I will say about the BMW brand battery: - BMW dealers rape you on the price of these, their markup is really high, plus they get you for the full hour labor of registering it. Pelican parts, FCP euro, Turner motorsports/ECS etc...all have the same bmw branded battery for about what it cost at NAPA/Autozone etc... for an off brand. For an AGM BMW brand or not it's gonna be $200+, the only place to save money is going to a conventional wet cell battery and I don't think its worth it. Tom Hatem charged me $65 to register the battery last time. - Looking through the past service records of the car (it was owned by my mother previous), It looks like I got 8 years out of the BMW brand battery thats only supposed to last 5 years. When it failed, it failed on a cold day after having not been driven for a week. I think that this longevity is due to the battery registration and efficient dynamics system. I've never had a battery last me 8 years on any other vehicle. couple of notes on the NAPA battery: - I believe I bought their AGM battery and not the wet cell one, but I have to check - it has way more CCAs and reserve capacity than the stock battery so registration the 1st time was essential. I was asking about the second time because I had to warranty that battery 6 mos later. - the NAPA battery comes with a vent system that plugs into the stock bmw vent location. Even the bmw stock AGM battery has a vent. what's neat about the napa batt over the stock bmw one is that it has the option to run the vent out of different sides so if you have a custom application like a race car and you have re-oriented your battery you can change the vent location as well (it comes with plugs to plug up the other holes). I suspect they do this to make the batt fit multiple applications.
  16. If they continue to sell kits, then road legal becomes the builders issue and honestly it should be fine. Kit cars are still a non-issue even in california, and esp if you use a donor vehicle for the chassis. If they do turnkey, there still might be an exemption for limited production manufacturers, they might fall into but it gets increasingly harder.
  17. and now the dune buggy goes from $2000 CL bad idea to $20k rich guy plaything.
  18. Yes but not because they are magically smarter, or have more education. They have more knowledge because they have a staff and that staff's job is to research things, and to know things, and to work collectively to see all sides of an issue. The job of an elected official isn't just one person, being the mayor isn't just whomever got elected mayor -its the deputy mayor, and the mayor's aides, and the admins, and all those people. If they are halfway competent at their jobs then yes - their collective knowledge is more than what you know, esp since they get access to more information than you do, and get paid to read it, which you don't. So do they "know more"? abso-fucking-lutley. To think they don't is the same thing as thinking my wife, who has never fixed more than a flat has as much knowledge at fixing a GM vehicle as you Cordell, a veteran GM tech. You see how crazy that is? Do they have as much "intelligence" as us? eh, probably not. Intelligence is problem solving, but again they do have an advantage over us in that for every problem we are working on by ourselves they have 10 people working on the same thing. They may not be more intelligent, but they do have access to more resources than we do so they do have more advantages. Does this mean you should trust your government blindly? Fuck no. the people should always hold their elected officials accountable. They do this by fact checking what their elected officials say, and doing real actual research on things they find questionable. Automatically disagreeing or being dismissive just because they are part of a different political party isn't holding anybody accountable. Being dismissive just because you don't think they know more than you in the face of actual knowledge to the contrary is just :dumb:
  19. Did you actually read the Snopes Article? It's labeled as false because the claim is that they are barred from running a charity in NY and stole from a childrens charity, both of which are not true. What is true is that they absolutely mislead (re: lied to) donors into giving them money for a charitable cause and then didn't spend the money on any charitable cause. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=298f93656b4a It's still a form of fraud and self dealing in a charity is still illegal (its not technically embezzlement because they didn't try to hide it), and none of it is good.
  20. because we all need a laugh I legit feel like pete davidson in this skit.
  21. there are actually a lot of things you can do if you want to devote your free time. Volunteering both for a charity or for a political party, working with an organization on a specific issue (including fundraising), answering your jury summons and sitting on a jury, join a civic organization...heck everything from volunteering to pick up trash on the highway to running for a local public office is a way of participating beyond voting. Something tells me that you'd rather have your free time to yourself, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just know there are other things you can do and you have options.
  22. The ones that exist only in their heads.
  23. The battery was replaced. I replaced it in march after that one lasted 6 years. The one I replaced in march refused to take a charge in october, so I replaced it again with an identical battery. I did not register it a second time. so I guess my question is - is 7 months and very few miles going to make a difference with battery registration?
  24. to quote an old aviation adage - there is nothing more useless than the sky above you, the runway behind you, or the fuel not in your tank.... in other words - you may not NEED a 10' door every day, but there will be a day where you will need it at least once and you will be thankful you have it. go 10'
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