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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. It's a wide angle lens photo, super pointy front end is looking extra pointy because the lens in pulling it forward at the edges.
  2. Facebook found a way - takes out the anonymity and you can be selective about how wide a net you cast. seen way fewer jackasses on there. facebook isn't perfect though - that auto respond "is it still available" makes me want to kick a puppy (not that I would but that's how mad it makes me).
  3. meh, the biggest problem with CL for me isn't with the ads, it's with the barely literate mouth breathers that respond to the ads. I've gotten pretty good about spotting scammers and questionable ads, and the dealer things doesn't bother me because there are work arounds. But fer fooks sake I don't want to trade my motorcycle for your hatchling pythons or collection of vintage VHS pornography. Charging $5 just means I won't be using CL anymore. I've gotten some great deals because it's free and therefore the worst un-saavy buyers can post stuff poorly and I can put in the leg work to deal with the old dude selling the cherry whatever who won't accept text messages and I have to sit through 2 hours of his boring stories on the phone.
  4. possibly, it's a prototype mule so it can have any manner of what works on it, not necessarily what the final design would be. It could even be a hub cap to hide that it is a z/28 rim, or it could have been the next gen z28 rim they had kicking around and threw on the car because the size was right.
  5. since the early 1960's. They have made 9 different rear engined prototypes since 1964 (two of them wankel rotary powered). I love this shot of the new corvette:
  6. When is that happening? I kinda want a ride on a triumph Thruxton R and a Duc supersport since I am curious about both.
  7. I can actually speak to this since I am going through it now with my Jeep. I have a jeep YJ with Factory A/C. All Jeeps of my generation had a kit AC made by an aftermarket company so the kits are still available. The factory kit to replace every single part in my Jeep with 100% with what it came from the factory is $950. To replace it individually at the auto parts store it's $1200. that's every single part to do an install. https://jeepair.com/wrangler-ac-kits/91-95-yj-wrangler-ac-kit-4-0-liter-engine.html Vintage air will sell me an Air only kit (which same as my jeep's factory system) for $305. It has mostly similar parts and will work the same, but most importantly it's all the pieces to make a system work. https://www.vintageair.com/builder-series/?subcat1=Under%20Dash&subcat2=Slimline&subcat3=Cool%20Only Personally I am on the fence about what to do since the jeep is a 1 owner car and mostly original, but if it weren't - VA all day every day. At the very least, since we are talking about Clay's 41 year old car, it will need a condenser, compressor, and lines at a minimum worst case scenario (assuming the car was a factory AC car to start with). The motorcraft compressor for that car alone is between $250 and $300.
  8. What a shock it's up to the individuals to take personal responsibiliy and fact check the politicians as well as the media. YOu keep doing this thing where you reduce all of something down to one word and then condemn that one thing. the New York Times isn't the same thing as Alex Jones, it's up to the consumer to fact check when they consume, be it media or political agenda. Or, to quote Ewan McGregor: "only a Sith deals in absolutes". Yes some parts of the media are awful (mostly what you seem to listen to) and some of it is pretty spot on. This is why they teach critical reading to middle schoolers - so they can spot the difference. Can you be specific on these items. Don't just say "the economy" tell me what faction of the "economy" his policy is directly affecting. I give Trump plenty of credit for continuing the prosperity set in motion by his predecessor. Not every president can do that, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and HW Bush all inherited recessions and couldn't turn it around. Claiming I have "blinders" on because I recognize trends that started as far back as 2012 and you don't is just factually incorrect. I don't want Trump to fail because then America fails. But I am not a succeed at all costs type of person. I am not thrilled that our continued prosperity comes at the cost of a high deficit to be paid later, but I prefer it to a recession. What I want is better policy making when he succeeds. I don't want him to give us short term gains with long term losses. I don't want him to cost the government more money than it should be spending because he can't appoint the correct people, and I don't want him costing americans their healthcare because he can't figure out a replacement for the ACA and he just want's to live his petty revenge fantasy. I am and have always been on the side of the american people. When they succeed he succeeds, when he hurts them he fails. I want him to succeed, but I don't want him to have personal "success" by hurting Americans. Rather than tell me how I am, you could have just asked. I ask you all the time to explain your position and I just get angry white dude rants about unicorn liberals that want to impose 63 gender languages on it, but nothing of real substance to the majority of Americans.
  9. Just curious...you don't consider any of the following an improvement? (LBJ) - Equal Civil Rights - Equal Voting rights - Equal Access to Housing - Equality in public education - Medicare/Medicade - Food Stamps - Americorps - Federal Work Study - the Job Corps - Water quality standards - air quality standards - Consumer Product safety commission - National Parks - NASA - The moon landing (Nixon) - Trade Relations with China - Widespread Environmental conservation and Preservation (EPA) (Carter) - The department of energy (to limit energy crisis) - expanded national park system (Reagan) - increased Tariffs (Clinton) - NAFTA - Children's health insurance program - Budget Surplus none of these things are an improvement? The fact that this comment invites an explanation of the difference between personal security and criminal enforcement policy insults both of our intelligence. I can't tell if this is a joke or you really just don't know anything about the current problems in the criminal justice system. What a shock the "community" hates an organization that has for 200 years enforced an highly socially and racially biased system that puts a significant number of innocent people in jail. Maybe if there wasn't a history of corruption hidden by the blue wall people would feel better about police.
  10. To quote The great Henry Rollins: "Cynicism is intellectual Sloth" You understand that among those politicians you listed, there isn't an equivalence, right? there is a difference between perspective, spin, and outright fabrication - and that pointing out that they "lied" is the reason to fact check their statements and research the issues and not just single handily be dismissive of all politicians just because they don't meet your specific fetish of how you view "truth". The amount in which Trump has deceived the american public is unprecedented - it's more in both frequency, inaccuracy, and just sheer volume than has been seen before in any previous administration. So I don't think anybody is treating this like "he lied" like it's business as usual levels of spin in politics. The argument you are refusing to acknowledge here is that Trump is very adept at exploiting people who have no interest in the "reality" of any situation that doesn't confirm their bias. It's not about trump's lying so much as a base that looks for bias confirmation of their personal beliefs in the face of evidence, and are unwilling to accept any proof to the contrary. This tactic isn't going to work for any Democrats looking to take on Trump. Bernie is too old. His shot was last election. His legacy however is that more and more in the field this year are talking about issues like wealth inequality, job obsolesce, and education costs. We will have to see how this shakes out in the primaries. Quick Question: do you think Trump has actually "bettered our country"? In all metrics he seems to have done worse than his predecessor and it just doesn't look to be bearing out there is improvement. But if you think there is, I'm all ears as to what it is. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38663043 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/18/donald-trump-two-years-five-key-policy-areas http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/09/trump-trumka-afl-cio-labor-day-15-ways-hurt-american-worker-populism.html https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/07/how-trump-has-set-economic-growth-on-fire.html https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/jobs-report-growth-unemployment/
  11. first off : R134a convert or GTFO. It's just seals anyway. Second - get vintage air and do it yourself. You can get A/C only builders kits for less than $500 including the compressor and condensor. Unless you have a 1979 lincoln donor car, or an existing system that's fried, it pays to just start from scratch.
  12. The Biden thing is just looking for scraps, and making whatever they can about some admittedly questionable behavior that even it's victims agree wasn't sexual. I have a hard time listening to anybody complain about it or try grabbing some form of moral high ground when they brushed aside admitted on tape sexual assault confession by our sitting president. Biden is a tough call for me: Positives: - "Salt of the Earth" background. His father was a used car salesman. He came from a poor to lower middle class background and didn't become wealthy till after he started service in Congress (by inheriting his first wife's estate after she passed in a car accident, not through corruption). - Strong history of domestic violence legislation - history of supporting banking regulation - History of balance budget reforms and working to eliminate deficit - seasoned veteran of congress. - Very much a "let the results of a program speak for the program" congressperson. If the data doesn't support it, he will cross party lines to do the right thing. Negatives: - His participation in the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearing still sticks in my craw. Recently even he admitted he made a mistake in that. - Old guard "tough on crime" proponent. He has since changed his opinion, but every once in a while his old favoritism toward law enforcement over the community comes out. - had some pretty terrible opinions on school desegregation in the 70's. I'm willing to concede he has reformed his opinion since then but this is the kind of stuff that I am getting sick of with old white dudes in politics. - He already had his shot in 1988 where he withdrew his run because it came out that he was a terrible student that crammed hard and plagiarized some of his work. There are a whole field of new interesting, and exciting people running that have much different perspectives that we don't have to settle for someone's second attempt at president. I like Joe Biden as a congressman, mostly. I'm glad his constituents liked him enough to continue voting for him for 30 years (in a state were gerrymandering isn't really a problem), I like that he does the right thing for the american people the majority of the time and I like that he is willing to evolve as the issues evolve. I just think he's better in the legislative branch than in the executive and he should stick to that.
  13. My local True value and Do it right hardware stores have real grade 8 bolts fairly cheaply. Can't get much more strong than Grade 8 without special ordering and it's really good in shear in tension (where as grade 9 is stonger only in clamping). there is also titanium if the pockets be deep: https://smithprecisionproducts.com/
  14. why would you ever park a jeep inside a garage? It's a jeep, it lives outside like a pet wolf, and when it misbehaves you fix it by hitting it with a rock. inside jeeps. pfft. next we will be talking about open toed men's dress shoes.
  15. I believe, but don't hold me to this - call the agency and ask, that some title agencies have a notary there who can notarize titles for a fee. So if your buddy comes with you - you might be able to get a replacement title and then transfer it on the spot to him in one transaction.
  16. Remember when GM did that on the Envoy XUV and then nobody bought one? Pepperidge farm remembers..... http://momentcar.com/images/gmc-envoy-xuv-2004-5.jpg http://www.tentsontrucks.com/images/Envoy-XUV.jpg
  17. He didn't have to go out of his range to get a v8. Aaron, I and a host of other people pointed out a slightly older s197 coyote was within range for him. Speaking of hobbies, how's the forging coming? Haven't seen much knife makes no lately. Seen plenty of high road trolling tho....
  18. It more about him talking for over a year about buying a v8 stang and then compromising and buying a v6, and less about the actual v6 in question. I mean, in terms of things to make fun of there is a lot being left on the table: the fact that he bought it at carmax, without the warranty, on a 72 month finance, and it's a rental car color, and nobody is saying shit about it. I'm pretty much done...until he skips an auto-x day to attend some anime, hentai, tentacle porn convention.
  19. fair enough. I can make that. when does registration open?
  20. I actually saw one of these allroads last week in the trader joe's parking lot. 2.7T and a stick. I was dumbstruck to actually see one on the road as I haven't seen a non v8 allroad in years, let alone a stick one. My wife couldn't understand why I was making a fuss over a dark beige station wagon. This one had coil overs in place of the air bags (if you think I am above crawling on the ground next to a strangers car in a parking lot I can assure you I am not) and I think that most that are still on the road will have had the airbag system swapped out. Then again this could be the last one on the road in Columbus for all I know. I feel like this is one of those cars that is a labor of love to own, like an 8-series bmw, a mazda rotary, or a v-10 M5 - you have to be prepared to work on it yourself and do some pretty intensive repair and maintenance items at home because paying someone else will just drain your bank account.
  21. Probably mike because: a) he doesn't have any children b) he's part of Kevan's lemons team, so if Mr. Deux ever gets off the ground I'm sure he'll at least be at the track. That said, I think the next auto-x at circleville is 5/5, and the next open SCCA auto-x at Trails is 6/1 (april and may are SOLO points events - can anybody just show up to those?) so....we'll find out on those days.
  22. To be fair I didn't really know what was going on, someone said "get in this picture showing your disapproval" and so I hamed it up a little. I blame the director for poor stage direction. I apologize for nothing! I told mike in person: since he bought a rental car he should treat it as such. Put in no more money than what is required to do basic maintenance and sign up for every single track day he can possibly attend. This is his "driver mod" car.
  23. In the 60's and 70's Trump surrounded himself with very smart and savvy deal makers that helped grow his wealth. Fred Trump, who aside from being just an awful racist pile of feces masquerading as a human being, was very shrewd negotiator and real estate opportunist. He managed to turn the family investment of a few bungalows in the Rockaways started by his mother into significant property holdings by buying distressed housing and evicting all the poor. All of DJT's early projects were either partnerships with or fed to him by his father. Roy Cohen, the human piss pot that took Joe McCarthy's mild communist dementia to a new level of political "red scare" in the 50's and mentored Trump, was also a very good deal maker and assisted in advising and putting together strong enough deals to secure Trumps legacy to the point where even Donald Couldn't fuck it up if he tried (and he certainly did). Even in the 80's everyone knew he was both a gigantic floater that wouldn't flush in NY society. You didn't even have to be an insider, Page Six (the gossip column of the NY Post) reported on it for decades. He was a flashy spender. He epitomized the 1980's culture of selfish excess with his very few charitable acts and flashy gold plated everything. Fortunately for him there was no shortage of new rich idiots with money willing to invest in flashy vanity projects like airlines and casinos. As someone who has to grow up in a pop culture in which he was always present, and even met his father (because he sat on the board of a school I attended), none of this behavior comes as any surprise. I have never met someone that knew him as a kid (aka some of my middle school teachers, neighbors in Queens, and parents of classmates) that ever had anything nice to say about him. The warning signs were there, they were always there, but it's easy to be lured in by his glossy and masterful self promotion.
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