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  • Birthday 04/30/1969

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    Fairlawn Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    2003 V-Rod VRSCA

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  1. I am interested but depends on when. Right now my build is in pieces in my basement but I hope to have it ready in a few weeks. My last epic ride was about 6 years ago and I would love to do another one.
  2. Guys, I am not feeling 100% so I will not be able to make it this morning after all. I will make the next one for sure. You all be safe and have a great day. Jeff
  3. I will see you there at the BP
  4. Dan I am planning to go on this ride in the morning. Let me know if you want to meet up and ride out together. Jeff
  5. I will be there in the morning. I might not be able to get there until right around 8 though and will have to fill up and hit the restroom and I will then be ready to go. Jeff
  6. Nivin, Will the pace be similar to the last time I rode with you guys? If so then I will check with the wife and see if I can make it out to play, LOL
  7. Wow! That is my kind of event, hopefully I can make it down one year.
  8. I am home safe and just want to say that I had a blast and enjoyed meeting everyone. I rode with Tonics group and can't wait to get out again on such a fun ride. Thanks for the great event and great food after. Jeff
  9. Sweet I just saw that this has been moved to Sunday! I will be able to make this one. If anyone is traveling by Fairlawn or Akron and wants to meet up let me know. Medium/Fast Looking forward to meeting everyone tomorrow. Jeff
  10. I will be there if I am not schedulled to work that Saturday. Just started a new job and I have to rotate Saturdays with the other Manager so it all depends on how this rotation will start. I will RSVP once I find out my schedule and I hope to be able to make it.
  11. https://db.tt/5gJzKVN3 Here is mine all polished up just waiting for the snow to stop. Have only made it our for 2 rides so far due to the weather.
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