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Everything posted by hiro

  1. Checked your birth date. Yeah, it's very possible and I believe you. ^_^ Sounds safer for grips than hair! "Hairspray is essentially a spray that contains industrial polymers...it still contains formaldehyde..."
  2. Oh, those. They look a lot lower and more forward than superbike bars. My bars should be a more subtle change. Looks like you took it to the next level with the R6.
  3. You right, and always one or two steps ahead. The point about the "savages" is pretty accurate. haha I try to get something positive and useful out of it tho. heh I guess I wasn't trying to save money so much as to save labor. Like, if a buyer wants the stock bars, or if I don't like the new bars, I could quickly swap the original bars back in without messing with grips. The wind blast doesn't bother me so much. I took my windscreen off and the ride is quieter when I'm bolt upright. I don't like the feel of it though. Feels wrong in turns and I get pulled back if I accelerate hard, so lower bars should be nice. Why type of bars did you get?
  4. I just discovered the concept of safety wire for grips. That's how it happens for me. Start with one small task and learn a bunch of related things that I many never need to know. heh
  5. If you were SE instead of NE it might be worth the trip. Wait. Did you not like them? That's the exact style I was looking at. Eh, my grips are going to be 6 years old soon anyway. New ones wouldn't hurt. And they do feel a little skinny.
  6. I'd go for an aftermarket set before spending $10 on a single stock grip. I might just do that. I could get Spider Peaks for about $15.
  7. I heard something about hair spray coming loose at higher temperatures. Not sure. If it melts it could act as a lubricant, I guess.
  8. Alcohol sounds good. But, no, here we don't go again. I asked for one simple thing for a reason. It's other people who want to change what I'm doing. I was trying to keep it simple and cheap. (If I could get a single lightly used grip for $4-5, I would do that.) But if I buy new grips, I might get those Spider Peaks. I was spying Progrip 719's before that. I mean, I could keep going and get shorty levers, but I need to draw the line somewhere. The line /was/ just the bars. The extra grip was just for convenience.
  9. Right. The Spider Peak grips look nice. Aftermarket grips are really that much better? I just figured it's easier to just add one matching grip than to replace both, and maybe have to swap one again later if I want to put the original bars back on. (I don't have an air compressor at home, which would probably make the job pretty clean and quick. I have canned air tho. heh)
  10. I wish I had the bike to match it. I'll just hit ebay, I guess.
  11. I'm just wondering if anyone has a decent left Kawasaki grip that they would take a couple dollars for. I'm planning to switch handlebars and want to be able to swap them back if needed without messing with the grip. (I'm planning to get Bikemaster Superbike bars, or maybe Euro bars.) Looks like this:
  12. Does something that age need all hoses replaced? How bad is that wiring? More photos!
  13. Maybe that's why I liked to keep the 300 revved up during the first year; to make it sound more like 4 cylinders rather than 2. (And to generate some power.) The second year I rode it more chill. Just appreciating it for what it was. Now that I'm pretty much adjusted to the increased power of the 650 and wonder how long it will be before I feel the need for a change. It's only been a few months though. I'd actually like to get a dirt bike.
  14. My 300 definitely looked better than my 650. When people saw both bikes together they thought the 300 was the upgrade. hehe Compared the 650, the 300 wanted to flick crazy quick. I can't believe I actually know more about certain bike(s) and bike topics than some other riders.
  15. Just get another one for her? You're already $500 closer.
  16. Now that you mention it, the Mount St Helens eruption. We got a vile of ash from it.
  17. I like those, maybe white/black. That was my question, if any of these are decent for summer casual use. There is some non-leather on it. "Double layer of Clarino on palm and thumb span."
  18. Cr*p, I think I remember the first space shuttle launch. More importantly the landing. Does the release of the original Star Wars movie count?
  19. Less than to choose between a 600 and a 1000 as a starter bike. Are my threads your earliest memory? I'm touched... ^_^
  20. Booth is in my wife's family tree. I need something special for my tree, so don't mess with me and go to a theatre.
  21. OK, I remember that now. New oldest compared to the Challenger explosion.
  22. That's the first that came to mind. Unlikely to be the actual first though.
  23. I'm not worthy of an OR sticker.
  24. Ah, right. I don't think they covered the percentage of each brand being stolen. Triumph isn't on their short list.
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