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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. 1. Stupidity 2. People that get everthing handed to them 3. MySpace 4. People that feel they have a right to judge you 5. Bitches 6. Child molesters 7. Attention whores 8. Drama queens I'm sure there is more...just cant think anymore...its 4:30am
  2. I do have a firewall adj. I'll give that a try, thanks for the info. I also seem to have that classic problem of the raking/slight grind when shifting too fast into 2nd. Like you said, a rebuild may be in order in the near future. Where could I get that done just outta curiousity?
  3. -Old School CR- Who remembers being here? Come on... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5796600764733145822&q=airport
  4. Nice pics, cool car, Welcome aboard
  5. How well do you know this guy? Maybe he has a "thing" for YOU!!! Hahahahaha!!! :jerkit: :gay: :zoom:
  6. I'm thinking its a synchro issue. Typical grind into reverse, usually have to put it in 4th then into reverse to avoid it. NOW...as of tonight coming home from work, it didnt seem to want to downshift into 4th unless I gave it a lil rev...What to do?
  7. http://files.kavefish.com/pictures/collections/funny_cat_pictures/funny_cat_pictures_22.jpg http://files.kavefish.com/pictures/collections/funny_cat_pictures/funny_cat_pictures_52.jpg http://files.kavefish.com/pictures/collections/funny_cat_pictures/funny_cat_pictures_77.jpg http://files.kavefish.com/pictures/collections/funny_cat_pictures/funny_cat_pictures_06.jpg
  8. http://royalraginglions.com/images/zombie.jpg
  9. I'd like for that to be true. Hopefully it is drawing to a close. I've actually been seeing robins flying around. That usually said spring was on its way in the past. But there are also idiot geese that have never left for the winter, so....who knows
  10. GF is 3 hours away in PA @ school. We celebrated last weekend. Typical card, rose, chocolates, dinner, drinks. Also spent about $200 on Gary Allen tickets for next month.
  11. Shields1181

    Cooper roll call

    I made an attempt, got hung up about a mile away at the shell station, then aborted
  12. Shields1181

    Cooper roll call

    http://www.randmcnally.com 1155 W Mound St.
  13. Shields1181

    Cooper roll call

    I'm down...as long as I can get moving. Haha. Directions???
  14. Shields1181


    After looking @ the weather report it may be later than that. This shit might not let up till thursday
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