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Everything posted by thompsonian

  1. I'd vote RS3 over the T30 but that's cause mine wore for shit and I know that @2talltim had mediocre wear on his too. Then again...we are running heavyweights... I'm gonna gamble on the Avon Storm 3DXM next set.
  2. Welcome to the circus!
  3. Welcome to the circus!
  4. thompsonian


    Welcome to the circus!
  5. It's pissing it down here in the SEO. I think once this front blows over the next one will stay well north of Columbus
  6. Must be nice to be single and no kids....
  7. Ooooohhhhhh.....he gon' need some cream for that one...
  8. You shut your cake hole, Yoko! It's not gon' rain
  9. Completely. I don't know the first thing about suspension. What does what, how it works, etc. You might as well speak Mandarin if you want to talk suspension setup with me.
  10. I've said it before, I'll say it again....set that bitch at full stiff and ride like hell...you don't need no stinking sag....
  11. Washed it....finally...only been a few months ..
  12. I like my chicken strips with barbecue sauce...
  13. Fastest I've ever gotten anything ordered online was from JW. Told @JustinNck1 when we (he) was changing my tires that we should do one ginormous bulk order of tires next year and see how irate the FedEx guy gets.
  14. This is true...a monster may have just been created
  15. Long as I'm sweeping I GUARANTEE you that you will not get left behind anywhere. I'm not a fast rider, and I'm not a slow rider. But I will make sure you get to the next turn. And I've only ridden with @Tonik a couple of times, but I know he won't leave without making sure you're still in the pack at the next turn.
  16. Should I set up a go fund me for bail money now or....
  17. I'll more than likely make it. But my slow ass will be riding sweep for all you hooligans...
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