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Everything posted by MSerfozo

  1. A coworker on his bike got pulled over for doing 70 in a 45 this morning. Highway Patrol told him "get your shit together" and let him go.
  2. Wish my boss would start working from home! I wouldn't mind coming to work nearly as much without him.
  3. I`m waiting to see if they offer a discount before I pony up. I`ll subscribe just before Jerez either way. How are you watching Daytona?
  4. DORNA CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta said yesterday that, despite delays, the MotoGP season will go on. MotoGP.com is offering the "10 Best races in MotoGP" for free until racing resumes at Jerez. Might help to pass the time while self quarantined or working from home.
  5. I was going to say, "I rode to work today for the first time in over a month." but I feel like such an underachiever compared to riding to Buenos Aires for an oil change... 😮 I've been lurking and following your trip on that other forum, Dan, and enjoying it all the way!
  6. I had a '76 RD400 for a while. I have a soft spot for those old 2 smokes.
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